Although this year has been phenomenal with respect to legislative action, we need to watch for the impact of the following issues as we prepare our 2023 Arc of Florida Legislative Priorities: 
  • Is the rate increase “per service” sufficient to allow providers to actually pay the mandated $15/hour?
  • A growing waiting list with more than 22,000+ individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, plus others having given up or simply not applying.
  • Our clients’ ability to spend their iBudget. Are services available so they can utilize their iBudget dollars?
  • The impact of the one-time funding of FMAP dollars going away in the future.
  • The increased cost of doing business.
The next session starts in March 2023 and we have to be prepared. The effort begins now to define our goals, as our success will depend on all of us speaking with one voice. 
The Arc of Florida Board President Mark A. Swain stated, “The Arc of Florida is grateful to Governor Ron DeSantis and the Florida Legislature for funding higher wages for direct support professionals. This will help us attract and retain qualified staff to work with people who have disabilities. We look forward to continuing the important work of improving the quality and stability of services to these citizens of our State." Florida Agency for Persons with Disabilities Showcases Record High Budget.

Pictured above are Florida Council of Executives President Kari Bates, The Arc Board President Mark Swain, and Arc CEO Alan Abramowitz, meeting with Senator Ben Albritton. 
Track 1: The Arc of Florida expands its grass roots advocacy to people with I/DD and their families. Starting with an advocacy day, we will be bringing people together to educate the Legislature and the public. We want to organize individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, their families, and those that care about everyone reaching their full potential. We must listen to families and let them define the direction in which we go. Discussions are underway to decide what the destination and theme will be, and these decisions will be led by those with disabilities and their families. The Advocacy Steering Committee used our recent meeting to brainstorm on two questions: 1) How do we get our point across to policymakers so that we speak with one voice? and 2) What training do families want and need? The next Florida Arc Advocacy Steering Committee meeting will be held on August 24 at 7 p.m. EST. If you are a family member or passionate about grass roots advocacy and want to be part of this committee, send an email to [email protected]. By coming together, we will ensure that our one voice is not only heard, but listened to as well.                                                   
Track 2:  The Arc of Florida is expanding its collaboration with colleagues who have common interests. Based on provider demand, we modified our by-laws to expand our footprint so more people can join our broad-based association of individuals and organizations with interest in the needs of Florida’s intellectually and developmentally disabled citizens. We plan to add 20 colleagues to this category in the coming year. Joining our cause will afford colleague members with policy updates, the opportunity to be part of public interest advocacy, access to training and education for various aspects of operations, invitations to participate in meetings with a broad-based association, and listing as a colleague on The Arc of Florida website.  It will also allow them to become a member of the Florida Council of Executives. This group meets bi-weekly to discuss real time issues and provide a forum to support our shared goals.
Have a great week. Thank you for your advocacy! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our CEO Alan Abramowitz at [email protected] or 850.241.3232.