APD Budget released by Director Palmer: The first formal step in the budget process for state government is outlined in section 216.023, Florida Statutes, which states that “[t]he head of each state agency … shall submit a final legislative budget request to the Legislature and to the Governor … based on the agency’s independent judgement of its needs.” This has already occurred, and you can review the entire
Director Palmer asked for $79M for crisis enrollment waiting list. Other than crisis enrollment, there is no item in the Agency’s budget request to increase the iBudget Waiver services to address inflation and operating costs that continue to rise. APD is also asking for more 61 positions for monitoring and increased wages to APD staff so they can be competitive. Although they already received an increase to $15/hr, the Agency wants to increase pay. This would only apply to state employees.
There is additional money for iConnect and $4.3M for state institutions addressing building mold. We have lots of work to as we move forward to identify needs to meet those that we serve. Here is a detailed review with narrative on the APD BUDGET REQUEST