The Arkive: Ark and Dove's Newsletter

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19th Sunday after Pentecost

October 8, 2023

In-Person Worship at 9:00 & 10:30 am

Livestream Worship, 10:30 am

Sunday School Schedule

Child Care available for 9:00 and 10:30 am services.

Sunday School for Pre-K through 5th Grade during 10:30 am Worship, every Sunday.

Register for Sunday School here.

You can connect on YouTube HERE.

Message from Pastor Tim

Dear Friends and Members of the Ark and Dove Community,

Pastor Jenn, Shane and Family are flying at the time I write this letter to California for Jenn's Ordination at Saint Mark's Presbyterian Church in Newport Beach California. This is their home church. The service is tomorrow October 7, at 5:00pm Pacific time. Here is the link to the worship service: .  

Next Sunday at 4:00pm, Pastor Jenn will be officially installed at Ark and Dove in the sanctuary. The Installation of a pastor is a trifold act, in this case between, The Presbytery of Baltimore, Ark and Dove Presbyterian Church and Pastor Jenn. Members of Presbytery will be with us , so please plan on attending. If you only have time for one service in your life next Sunday - make it this one.

As you likely remember, we experienced some vandalism of our Anti-Racism and Rainbow banners this past year. Although that was no fun, some good things came of the pain. We were contacted by Interfaith Comedy . "Interfaith Comedy is a unique approach to anti-bias work. Our mission-driven, feel-good, clean comedy show reduces prejudice through laughter. Starring comedians from different faiths, our nationally touring show is perfect for places of worship, community organizations, faith-based conferences, comedy clubs and universities."  They offered to come here for free to support us and help us to heal. This is not an opportunity to be missed. So, mark Sunday October 22 on your Calendars, 2:00 PM in the Sanctuary.  We are inviting other houses of worship so be sure to register using the QR code in the worship bulletin or below. Some of the topics will be mature, they say 15 is a good age, I say any teen. I hope you will be there.

Thank you to our Earth Care Team for securing a grant and for planting a good bunch of native trees and bushes on our property last week and thank you to all who helped! And thank you to all who made World Communion Sunday a special day.

Peace of Christ,


Remember, I will never ask you by email to buy a gift card. It's a scam.

Verse and Prayer

“you shall Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And a second is like it: you shall ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

Mathew 22:37b-40

Heavenly Parent, Holy and blessed is your true name. We pray for your reign of peace to come, We pray that your good will be done, Let heaven and earth become one. Give us this day the bread we need, Give it to those who have none. Let forgiveness flow like a river between us, From each one to each one. Lead us to holy innocence Beyond the evil of our days — Come swiftly… come. For yours is the power and the glory and the mercy: Forever your name is All in One.

A version of the Jesus Prayer by Parker Palmer

Dear Friends,

I am still reveling in the music from last week. Thank you to all of our leaders who made it such a special service. I’m so excited about our new percussion ensemble, Rooted in Rhythm. They were amazing! I have been sitting in on some of their rehearsals, and watching Diane Yates work with our youth is just magical. They will be playing again for Jenn’s Installation service on October 15th. I am equally grateful for the work that Rae’tta Bond does with our Youth Choir, allowing them to be even more involved in our services. They will be singing in worship again on October 22nd in collaboration with our Adult Choir.

This week, we open each service with Christa Kronser Rollins singing “It is Well” by Bethel Music. You’ll hear Bethel Music’s original tune with clips of the original hymn “It is Well With My Soul” throughout. It is simple and beautiful, and Christa’s voice will set the scene for a meaningful worship service.

Our hymns are traditional in style, while our special music is contemporary, but paired down to very simple piano accompaniment. The hymns are “On Wings of Morning”, “Spirit of Gentleness” and “Healer of Our Every Ill”. 

The Offertory Anthem will be sung by Paul Doughty. The song is titled “Word of God Speak” by MercyMe. The song was inspired by the band wanting to connect with God, but not knowing what to say. They had just lost a close friend and bandmate and were struggling to understand why. This song became a cry for help and guidance from God in the time that they were feeling overwhelmed and in desperate need of direction. I hope this also brings a sense of guidance to you in your days and weeks ahead.  

Wishing you a wonderful weekend,


Director of Music

[email protected]


Please Donate Electronically!

DONATE ONLINE! One-time and recurring!

TEXT your donations! 410-983-3481

Text give to get started. Text commands for more options.


Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7

September Financial Status

YTD Expected Unpledged Income $16,500

Actual Unpledged Income $13,746

Behind $2,754

YTD Expected Pledged & Electronic Giving $389,960

YTD Actual Pledged & Electronic Giving $362,681

Behind $27,279


Hebrews 12:1 Paraphrased – “Therefore since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also set aside every weight and any extra baggage, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us.”

Dear Members and Friends of Ark and Dove, "Back to the Future…Our Legacy of faith, Our Path to Tomorrow,"

May the Spirit take hold in your hearts. We now enter a season for Stewardship and reflection. This is a time to reflect on what brought us here and what keeps us in this community of faith. This is a time to consider what God is calling us to do.  Our Theme this year is "Back to the Future…Our Legacy of faith, Our Path to Tomorrow,” We hope that you are inspired by the disciples that came before you and their legacy.  In the weeks to come we will continue with our stewardship messages. There will be minutes for stewardship in worship. There will be Arkive articles and video segments.  We will be reminded of our foundational values and what God has accomplished through Ark and Dove. We will learn what our Ministries and Teams have set as a vision for tomorrow. We pray that you will feel that you are a part of this journey and that you will add your dreams for the future of our church.

Our Charter members set forth to “Do Church differently” and set a path for our church.  These early adopters lived into the mission of being open hearted and open minded.  Part of what makes Ark and Dove special is that we aim to break down the divisiveness in our society, to heal the hearts of the broken, and to challenge our community to embrace inclusion as a central tenant of living our faith.

Ark and Dove's missions and ministries are more vital than ever. We continue to be a community that embraces and shares the love and acceptance of God in all that we do. We not only offer engaging Christian education opportunities for all ages and beautifully moving worship services; we also provide occasions to connect and grow meaningful relationships and opportunities to engage in acts of mission, mercy and justice. By contributing our time, talents, and financial resources, we are actively participating in the transformation of our community and world.

May we honor what prior disciples have left us. May we carry forward those core values as we chart new pathways and define our vision in this ever-changing world. May we create a new legacy together.  

The Kairos, the “decisive time for God’s Action,” is to listen for God’s Spirit in the messages, to faithfully consider what your contribution will be and then in due time - when Dedication Sunday comes on November 19, to decide what your impact on 2024 ministry plan will be.

To be sure your financial commitments are essential to our church’s future; but leaving a legacy is not merely about financial support, it’s about enabling future generations to carry forth our vision for a healthy and faithful church. It’s about having a church that remains welcoming, one that steps boldly into correcting injustices and giving all people dignity and purpose in life.  And so, we invite you into a period of prayerful consideration.

Thank you for your unwavering commitment to this extraordinary community of believers. Together, we will build a future filled with hope, love, and the abundant grace of God.

In Christ,

The 2024 Stewardship Team 

Bulletin - 19th Sunday after Pentecost

Introducing Nina Hawkins

Hello everyone, my name is Nina Hawkins, and I would like to introduce myself as the new Church Administrator here at Ark and Dove.

I have lived here in Gambrills, Maryland for the past 13 years. I was born and raised in Cleveland, OH. Before arriving to Maryland, my family and I lived in Misawa, Japan, due to my husband Ricardo’s service with the United States Air Force. During Ricardo’s service in the military, my family and I had the privilege of being able to travel to different parts of the world, exposing my family to many different people and cultures. My husband has since retired after 20 years of service, and we have now made Maryland our permanent home of residence. My husband and I are middle school sweethearts and have four wonderful children, Maria-Deney 25, Ricardo Jr 24, Tatiana 19, and Alexander 13.

I serve in children’s ministry in my church as well as our worship team. I love music and board games (I am very competitive) and love participating in game nights! I am pleased to be a part of the staff here at Ark and Dove and I am grateful for all the help I have received from Wendy Wellington and Keith Tardiff while getting settled. I look forward to helping everyone accomplish the goals and needs of this church.

Blessings to all,

Nina Hawkins

Christian Education for Children & Youth

Join Us for LOGOS Every Tuesday Evening

LOGOS, our midweek children’s program for kindergarten through 6th grade, has begun but it’s not too late to sign up! Also, we’re still looking for a few more weekly or as needed volunteers. If you’re interested let Jen Roman or Yewande Bayly know ([email protected])

Sign up link here:

For more information contact Jen Roman [email protected] (443-758-3273)

IRIS Group: now twice a month!

By popular demand, the IRIS Group, the LGBT+ focused group for teens, will now meet twice a month on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, at 7pm in-person in the Calvin room, led by Adora Grace Nilsen-Johnson and Craig West. Expect fun, games, and discussion! Bring friends! 


Join the GLEAM team and Anne Arundel Affirming Alliance (4A) to celebrate stories of coming out in faith at Ark and Dove on October 11th. A light dinner will be served from 5pm-7pm, with the formal program beginning at 7pm. ASL interpreters will be present.

POC: Amanda Crose [email protected]

Christian Education

Ark & Dove Book Club

Join us on Friday, October 20 at 7:30 pm. This month we will be discussing Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI by David Grann.

Questions or for meeting link contact Kim Champagne [email protected]

Leaders and Helpers Needed

To ensure that we can continue to offer children and youth programming we need 2 adult/teenage leaders, from different nuclear families to help provide leadership. Please consider volunteering!

Please sign up here: Nursery Volunteers

You will be assisting Cara Moody as needed and be another set of eyes/hands in the nursery.

Music Ministry


A World Music Percussion Ensemble

Ark and Dove is pleased to announce our newest musical ensemble, "Rooted in Rhythm", led by Diane Yates. This is for youth grades 9-12, and we meet on Tuesday evenings from 6:00-7:00pm. No prior experience necessary. Come join us and find out how much fun it is to play these African and world percussion instruments!

Mission Ministry

October is Pastor Appreciation Month!

Please remember to show your appreciation to Pastor Tim and Pastor Jenn during the month of October!

Antiracism and Social Justice Team

We would like to invite you to an afternoon of laughter, to help our community heal from prejudice. Please join us on Sunday, October 22, 2023 at 2:00pm as we welcome Interfaith Comedy, a national touring group with a unique approach to anti-bias work. Their 90 minute show includes clean comedy and a Q&A with the performers. The Interfaith Comedy group is graciously providing this show for free because they had heard about the acts of prejudice against our church and others in our area. Suggested age range for the show is 15 and up. Registration is required.  

Registration form:

More information about the group at For more information about the event please contact: Deb Saylor or Paula Sparks

We're Back!

The White Affinity Group zoom meetings will resume the 1st Tuesday of the month starting November 7th at 7 PM. All are welcome to join us for discussions on race topics as we confront our own biases, hold each other accountable, and learn to use our privilege in support of those who are oppressed.

Contact Paula Sparks ([email protected]) if you would like to receive the zoom link each month and join us when you can!

CAP Food Pantry

The Christian Assistance Program (CAP) food pantry has served more individuals and households this year through September than in any previous year over the same period (20% higher than 2022). The item of the month is JELLY/JAM in October and SOUP in November. These are the most needed items, but CAP is grateful for all donations. We have bins marked for CAP food in the cabinet across from the lobby coat rack. Food can also be taken directly to the pantry, at First Evangelical Lutheran Church in Odenton, on Tuesdays 10:45am-1:30pm and Thursdays 2:45-5:30pm or contact Greg Makar ([email protected]) to make other arrangements.

FREE Hard Drive Destruction and Paper Shredding Event

Want to get rid of unneeded hard drives and sensitive papers? Here's your chance! Chesapeake Paper systems will be on site to destroy them in front of your eyes. Saturday, October 7, Noon - 4 pm at Prince of Peace Presbyterian Church Parking Lot, 1657 Crofton Parkway, Crofton, 21114. Event sponsored by the Bay Area Disciples Ministry Group of the Baltimore Presbytery, PC(USA) of which Ark and Dove and Prince of Peace are members.

POC: Shirley Fuller ([email protected])

Mental Health First Aid Course Offerings

The Community Foundation of Anne Arundel County (CFAAC) is offering the following Mental Health First Aid Training course in October:

Youth Mental Health First Aid Training Course

Date: Saturday, October 7, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Location: CFAAC Office at 900 Bestgate Road, Suite 400, Annapolis

Cost: $25/person and includes training and materials. Refreshments included.

This course is designed to teach parents, family members, caregivers, teachers, and other caring citizens how to help an adolescent (age 12- 18) who is experiencing a mental health or addictions challenge or is in crisis. Youth Mental Health First Aid is primarily designed for adults who regularly interact with young people. Topics covered include anxiety, depression, substance use, disorders in which psychosis may occur, disruptive behavior disorders (AD/HD) and eating disorders.

Register and learn more here.

For more information contact Amy Tardiff ([email protected]) or to learn more about CFAAC go to

Call For Donations

Call for Donations – Southern Border Asylum Seekers

Church member Laura Willoughby is traveling to Brownsville, Texas, across the border from Matamoros, Mexico, the busiest crossing for asylum seekers entering the U.S. She will spend two

months there, and as part of her trip will be taking donations for Team Brownsville, a non-profit providing resources to both newly-arrived asylum seekers and people awaiting an asylum appointment in Matamoros.

The organization is in need of:

  • NEW Men’s knit boxer briefs, particularly small and medium sizes
  • Lightly-used Men’s shirts and pants (comfortable items), particularly in small and medium sizes
  • T-shirts in general, in smaller sizes
  • Shoes in good condition in smaller sizes
  • Kid's toys that are small and easily transportable: think Beanie Baby size-- Kids’ books for reading in any language

Any donated underwear should be NEW. Other items may be used as long as they are free of tears, stains, etc., and they should be comfortable. Most of those arriving at Team Brownsville’s Welcome Center in Brownsville journey further into the U.S. in buses, planes, and private cars.

Items can be placed in the plastic bin marked “Border Donations” that sits underneath the coat rack. Collection will be ongoing through the end of October.

Any questions? Contact [email protected]

Outreach and Connections

Living Justly in Our Modern World

What does it mean to “live justly”? How can we, as Christians, bring God’s kingdom of love and justice to the world we live in, today? Using the book “Living Justly” (2021, Tearfund), we are going to explore that, deepen our relationships with each other, and create an action plan over 5 sessions in October, November, and December using stories, scripture, and group discussion.

We are meeting on Wednesdays at 8pm on Zoom (October 25, November 1, November 8, November 29, December 6).

Contact [email protected] to sign up or for more information.

Healing Through Grief Group

Pastor Tim, Cathy Debus, and Linnie Girdner will be co-facilitating the next Healing through Grief group on Tuesday, October 10 from 7:30pm - 8:45pm as a hybrid meeting. The Healing through Grief small group is open to anyone attending Ark and Dove, as well as family members, friends and neighbors, who have experienced the death of a loved one, whether it is recent or a long time ago. Please let us know if you would like to attend in person or on Zoom. If you change your mind later, no problem.

Any questions, contact Linnie Girdner, at [email protected] or 410-999-7892.

Let's be there for one another in our healing through grief. If you need to talk with someone prior to that date, feel free to give me a call or contact your Deacon.

Church Security

With the rise of authoritarianism in the US, attacks on queer and trans beloveds both through legislation and right-wing protesters at drag shows, anti-immigrant policies and rhetoric, as well as the censoring of books and school curricula, we are seeing an increase in the targeting of sacred spaces for violence. Across religious traditions, we are seeing online threats, pride and Black Lives Matter banners torn down, hate speech graffiti-ed on synagogues, violent actors appearing at sanctuaries and disrupting services, and more.


So, how can congregations be prepared? Why is this violence escalating, and what community safety practices can we engage in now that also help us build the world we long for?  Join us for a 2-part training series for faith communities of all traditions, in which we’ll explore the current context of authoritarianism in the US, why faith communities are being targeted, and practical tools and skills your congregation can build and practice together. The training series will be led by Christian, Jewish, and UUA SURJ-Faith leaders.


Register below!  We will be referencing SURJ-Faith’s Community Safety for All toolkit, so sign up for that now!


There will be participant support, live captioning, and ASL available.

Sessions will be recorded and made available for future use.


Hungry for more training on how We Keep Each Other Safe? Check out SURJ’s Get Ready, Stay Ready series, August-November 2023. We will focus on skill-building and practical moves that give your group, your actions, and your community more choices, especially when up against far right actors and state agencies. Click HERE for more information!

Session Two:

Road Map to Building Community Safety

Date/Time: October 18, 8-10pmET / 5-7pmPT


This session will offer a 1, 5, and 10 year road map for building community safety with your congregation, as well as dig in to 2 tools you can begin to practice together.

Register Here for Session 2!

Prayer Requests

Please keep the following people in your prayers this week:

THE LOVE AND PRAYERS OF THE CONGREGATION go out to the Zunigo and Fuller families upon the death of Johnny Fuller's Uncle, Francisco Zuniga; The Kehoe Family upon the death of Debbie Kehoe; Friend of Deb Saylor.

PRAYERS OF HEALING AND SUPPORT FOR Leric Wood, for the regulation of blood pressure; Amy Goldberg’s coworker dealing with a loss; David Hipchen, starting cancer treatment; Gail Krempel; Craig West; Jason DeVono; Kristy Walcutt facing a difficult medical decision; Sally and Ray Smith working through a health diagnosis; Robert Fuller's friend facing cancer; Juliene-West and family dealing with pregnancy complications; Tony Schoonmaker, husband of Yolonda Fauntleroy, father of Michelle and Stacy Schoonmaker , who is hospitalized; Wayne Rennex; Tori Saylor, and a youth struggling with depression; Prayers for communities recovering from earthquakes, hurricanes and fires; Donna Francis; Deryle Echols; Charlotte Davie; Charlotte and Mike Davie's family friend, Amy, with failed cancer treatment trials; Joseph Cate’s father, BJ, and for Joseph; a teen whose parents are divorcing; Allan Schoonmaker Sr., healing from an accident and facing challenges; Erica undergoing testing; asylum seekers recently crossing into the US; Wendy Wellington's mom, Janet Morgan; Ralph Mix; Shelley Franklin; Ben Davis had surgery; Our son, Cody, his wife Maddie, and his son Ollie to fly safe to Japan for his service of 3 years; For Randy Turner in the hospital (Ylonda Fauntleroy's cousin); Terry Schoener; Shane's step brother Toby; Rachel; Rebecca's father who had hip replacement surgery; Joni living with cancer; Cheryl Walcutt’s mother, Lori Johnson, facing health issues; Carol and Henry Saylor; Jeff Faiman; Doris Fields recovering from surgery; Ann Hirschy; Canada wild fires; Ann Marie Gallagher with a broken shoulder; Nick Blazi for cancer; Mary & Jerry Caolo; Refugees; Debbie Arey’s sister, Denise; Rhonda Kaplan, Katie Borland; Cara Moody's mother-in-law, Deborah Moody; Joan Berry, comfort and healing for the residents of Maui and the Big Island; a queer youth struggling with a non-affirming parent; Shelly; Donna Anderson’s friend who had surgery; Kathy Emmert’s friend’s Doris; Ellie and Stu who are undergoing cancer treatment; The Staudle family, as Mr. Staudle suffered a seizure; Amanda Crose’s dad, Roger Davis; Lori Kronser’s stepmom receiving chemo for lymphoma; A friend, Felicia Williams on the passing of her brother; a brother suffering from addiction; Joy Ajello; the daughter of a member who is in the hospital; Debbie and Bruce Arey's Daughter, Allison; Cheryl Walcutt; Christi Loveless; Russia; Victims of gun violence; Teens in the US struggling in the wake of anti-trans legislation; Debbie Keho; Carlene Printy; Laura Doughty's father and mother; Amita Dubois' uncle; Norman Willoughby, Laura Willoughby's father; Pati Sheahan, the mother of Kim Champagne; Saralee Bartgis; Gina Richardson battling cancer; Gahzal Abawi; neighbors taking care of each other through hard times; Carl Lucas; prayers for children struggling with depression and anxiety; Sandra Krezanosky, Amy Hagemann's mother; a sister suffering from addiction and for her family; Connie Batts; Steve Debus's niece, Amanda Kuhl; a young child hurt in a car accident; our partners at CEDEPCA in Guatemala; families in the world facing housing insecurity; Achsah's mother, Rachel; Pat Devers' Cousin who has entered into hospice; family friend of Julie and Pat Devers, Joe Burgoyne; Jan and Al Jank's daughter-in-law, Irina Lee; Layla Tyus and her family; Kamarii Miller; The Solano Family; All that are battling cancer; someone struggling with depression; Diane McPhail; Nikol Sahai; Elizabeth Carter; Children with cancer, their families, and their care providers; Jimmy Carter; Tim Soyars; Cyndy Ingram; Laura Talbert; Barb Benson; Bernice Taylor; Bri R, Ostrach family and Seonbuchner family - continuing rounds of medical treatment; Dick Eckersley's granddaughter; Aunt Teri in home hospice care; Ardeth Johns; for family members suffering from addiction; Don Clark; MaryAnn Buckley; Sue Miller, Laura Willoughby-Perry’s mother; Audrey Miller, daughter of Kathy Miller; Dotty Kaufmann; Mary Elizabeth Nay; Bri Lapp; Holly Folk; Deb Saylor's grand-nephew, Jordan; Chantel Seetram; families impacted by gun violence; the family of Gavin Hurley; Amanda Welford; Doug Dehaven; Marie, Nikol Sahai’s Mom; Dot Forloines; Dick Paronto; Julie Devers' friend Zenia Dacio-Messina; Hope Sutphin; Freyja Hartzell; Helen Rossum.

If you have prayer concerns or blessings that you would like to share, please contact Deacon Patriceo Green at [email protected] and he will add your concern to the prayer partners email chain.

Ark and Dove Presbyterian Church | 410-674-6400 | [email protected] | 8424 Piney Orchard Pkwy. Odenton, MD 21113

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