The Art Festival Newsletter
July 2019
presented by:

 Foundation for Artistic Success
by Robin Markowitz

The words used to describe successful art include uncompromising, honest, bold, ambitious, enlightening, original, and challenging. While all true, these words don't begin to convey how successful artists achieve both artistic and financial success. It has been my personal experience as a working artist and show director that those artists who make a living doing what they love have these foundations in common.

Last Chance to APPLY:  Click logo for more information!

Deland, FL
Application Closes: 8/10/19

Hover, AL
Application Closes: 8/19/19

Tempe, AZ
Application Closes: 8/15/19

Morgan Hill, CA
Application Closes: 8/15/19

Click HERE to view more Calls to Artists:

From time to time, Art-Linx's gets a really great guest writer to discuss 
topics important to our community. I definately could not pass up the 
opportunity to have Garry McMichael, a professional photographer and  painter located in Saint Louis write on how to photograph your 2-D art  with a digital camera. You can use these techniques for taking a great  booth image as well. 
I can't recommend using your smartphones/tablets for photographing 2D art for jury images or online sales. Yes, the image resolution is greatly improved, but there are other factors that degrade the images. This article will discuss the six mistakes that artists make
photographing their art (and booth image).
Digital "point-and-shoot" cameras are a miracle of technology. They are fully capable of taking quality photographs of your art. They automatically focus, set the exposure, easily zoom in and out and most of the time they give you great color photographs. Best of all, you can see an immediate preview of the photo and make necessary adjustments. But digital cameras are not perfect. 
Here are six mistakes artists make photographing their art, and what 
you can do to correct them.  
  • Distortions
  • Fill the Frame
  • Focus and Blur
  • Glare and Reflections
  • Exposure
  • Lighting

Garry McMichael is a commercial photographer and painter located in 
St. Louis, Missouri.  A couple times a year he teaches one-day  workshops on how to photograph 2D and 3D art. For more information  on upcoming workshops visit his website You can also see Garry's paintings and photography at
This Issue's Quote: "He who works with his hands is a laborer.
He who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman.
He who works with his hands and his head and his heart is an artist." Saint Francis of Assisi

Quick Links:
Arts Council of Southeast Missouri

Everyone needs to nurture their creative spirit. Take the time to visit a museum, gallery or local exhibition.

While on the road these websites can help you find new inspiration and keep your show travel interesting.

Best Art Galleries: All 50 States

Top 10 Art Museums in the US from TripSavvy

25 Best Museums and Galleries from The American Art Awards
What Can Art-Linx Do For You? 

*Increase artist
applications to your festival

*Create a positive impression of your event

*Tell artists about important developments

*Create a focused, cost effective marketing program to potential exhibitors

 Call or email us today for a no obligation consultation on your artist marketing needs! 

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