Do you have an event planned, some news to report, or any other interesting bit of information that the membership might find interesting? Submit your articles and photographs to The Artisan!
All articles for publication in The Artisan must be submitted in Microsoft Word or in Word Perfect electronic format.
All articles may be edited. Articles should briefly explain the “Who, What, When and Where.”
Write your articles for the general membership who may not be familiar with your assembly, association or members. Readers will be most interested in major events, unusual events, ideas or other interesting information.
Material being sent for consideration for THE ARTISAN should be packaged (to protect photographs) and mailed to:
Artisans Order of Mutual Protection
8100 Roosevelt Blvd., Philadelphia, PA 19152
Attention: THE ARTISAN.
The copy deadlines are December 15 for the Winter Issue, March 15 for the Spring Issue, June 15 for the Summer Issue and September 15 for the Fall Issue.
The Artisans cannot assume any liability for the safe receipt of any materials submitted.