2023 Winter Issue


8100 Roosevelt Boulevard

Philadelphia, PA 19152



Officers and Directors 2022 - 2023

M.E. Master Artisan

Carla Werner

Philadelphia #1

M.E. Superintendent

Helen Szafran

Philadelphia #1

M.E. Inspector

Kathy Schnauffer

Philadelphia #1

M.E. Conductor

Elizabeth DiLauro

Haddon #12

M.E. Sr. Master of Ceremonies

Agnes Flanagan

Philadelphia #1

M.E. Jr. Master of Ceremonies

Geri Davies

Philadelphia #1

M.E. Warder

Raeann Simmons

Philadelphia #1

M.E. Chaplain

Rev. Otto L. M. Lolk

Northwestern #54


Robert L. Adshead

Northwestern #54

Medical Director

Kimberly Kurtz

Philadelphia #1


Tod Davies,

St. John’s #28

Thomas A. DiLauro, PMEMA

Haddon #12

Patrick Ennis,


St. John’s #28

Harry Flanagan, PMEMA

St. John’s #28

R. Eugene Geary, PMEMA

Northwestern #54

Dave Szafran,


Northweastern #54

Bryan C. Werner, PMEMA

St. John’s #28

Website: www.artsansaomp.org

E-mail: Grafa2@aol.com

8100 Roosevelt Blvd., Philadelphia, PA 19115

Editor - Bryan Werner

Grafa2@aol.com and

Elayna Werner

Happy Holidays


The Artisans


Hello Brother and Sister Artisans;

  I can not believe how quickly this year has gone by and how we have already reached the end of 2023 and soon the conclusion of my two year term as your M.E.M.A. I had the privilege to have presided over the largest expansion of Artisan assets and immediate membership growth in our history. As we begin the new year we will be settling on the sale of the old PBA building in Bridesburg and the purchase of the historic Rumpf house in Bucks County PA. This new office will enable the Artisans to provide better services for our growing membership in the suburbs and provide easier access to our office to our many members that live right across the bridges in New Jersey. I want to thank all of the members of my M.E. Family, the board of directors and the office staff for all their help over the past two years. I want to wish Helen Szafran good luck as she takes over the reins in 2024. I especially want to thank my children and my husband for their help and support throughout my term. I had a lot of fun serving in the chairs and met a lot of nice people during my six year run as a M.E. officer. The Artisans have been such a big part of my family life, from the friends I have made, the activities I attended and the good feeling I get from meeting new people who are Artisans. It means so much to me as a person to be a member of such a great group people that I am proud to call my friends.

  I hope to see you at one of our many upcoming meetings or events this upcoming year. Have a Happy Holidays and I hope to see you at the Most Excellent Session 2024.



Carla Werner - M.E.M.A.


Do you have an event planned, some news to report, or any other interesting bit of information that the membership might find interesting? Submit your articles and photographs to The Artisan!

All articles for publication in The Artisan must be submitted in Microsoft Word or in Word Perfect electronic format.

All articles may be edited. Articles should briefly explain the “Who, What, When and Where.”

Write your articles for the general membership who may not be familiar with your assembly, association or members. Readers will be most interested in major events, unusual events, ideas or other interesting information.

Material being sent for consideration for THE ARTISAN should be packaged (to protect photographs) and mailed to:

Artisans Order of Mutual Protection

8100 Roosevelt Blvd., Philadelphia, PA 19152

Attention: THE ARTISAN.

The copy deadlines are December 15 for the Winter Issue, March 15 for the Spring Issue, June 15 for the Summer Issue and September 15 for the Fall Issue.

The Artisans cannot assume any liability for the safe receipt of any materials submitted.


See the attached flyers and check out our Facebook page @ Artisans Order of Mutual Protection

Bingo Night

St. John's Annual Junior Halloween Party

The Friday Game Night

Artisans/St. John's Christmas Party

The Artisans/St. Johns Christmas Party was a big hit again this year. There was plenty to eat and drink along with enough door prizes to ensure that no one went home empty handed. A big shoutout to Harry, Agnes and all of the helpers who worked throughout the year to ensure that everyone who attended the party had a great time.

We had over 150 door prizes, enough for everyone who attended to go home with a prize of their choice.

Door prizes continued, we had three full tables of gifts!

Our Most Excellent Master Artisan Carla Werner with her husband Bryan.

Tod Davies, one of our set up workers, posing with one of our awesome door prizes, the dancing Santa Claus!

Daniel Werner with his date Nicolette with a door prize they won.

Dennis Vockeroth looks likes he's ready to tackle that steak dinner.

We have the dancing queens and Scott dancing the night away to the smooth sounds of the Greg Albert band.

Jackie Lahnemann, Jane and David Scott enjoying the party.

Harry and Agnes Flanagan enjoying the night they worked so hard on.

Bud Schmidt dancing the evening away with his friend.

AJ posing with some of the door prizes he won that night!

Susan and Steve Jorett.

Most Excellent Inspector Kathy Schnauffer and her friends enjoying themselves.

Fellow Artisans lining up at the buffet to enjoy a delicious meal that included steak, fish, chicken parm and many other great choices.

Director Patrick Ennis and his wife Barbara.

Our Medical Director Kim Kurtz with her date Michael Wallace sitting with our Solicitor Bob Adshead and his wife Jeanne.

The Greg Albert Band doing a great job entertaining our guests.

The Cunninghams, Lalkas, and Vockeroth table.

P.M.E.M.A. Patrick Green and his wife Bonnie.

Wayne and Christine Johnstone.

Artisans Annual Christmas Bus Trip

The annual Christmas bus trip was to Toby's Dinner theater in Maryland this year. Our members enjoyed a delicious meal and then a great show, Miracle on 34th Street.


Hello Juniors!   

Over the last two years it has been my pleasure to serve you as your Most Excellent Superintendent. I hope you have enjoyed all of the activities we had for you such as bingo, Valentine's Day crafts, cup cake decorating, Mothers Day gift making, game room fun time, and of course our annual, Easter egg hunt, Halloween parade and Lunch with Santa activities. Our recent Lunch with Santa had 31 Junior Artisans in attendance. This fun filled afternoon started with everyone having pizza and snacks for lunch. As soon as lunch ended there was a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Claus. Santa made sure that every child received a nice gift. The mean old Grinch even snuck in for a visit but he was quickly chased away by Santa. I have enjoyed all of our time together and will continue to give a helping hand in the future at all of our upcoming Junior activities.

I'm sure the next M.E. Superintendent, Kathy Schnauffer, has a lot of fun activities and events planned for the next two years. Please look for all of our upcoming events in the Artisan newsletter or on our Facebook page. I hope to see everyone at one of our many upcoming activities or events.

 Fraternally yours,

 Helen Szafran - M.E.S.

Junior Artisans Lunch with Santa

Our annual Lunch with Santa was a big hit with both the Junior and Senior Artisans who attended this fun event. After the children had eaten their lunch Santa and Mrs. Claus visited the Artisan Hall with gifts for all of our Junior Artisans. Even the old Grinch snuck in for a visit and some mischief.

NJ Booster/ Haddon

Annual Christmas Party

The Golden Artisans Christmas Pajama Party at the hall and their Holiday Party at the Cottage Green

The New Jersey Boosters/ Haddon #12 had their annual Christmas Party at the Pennsauken Country Club. Everyone enjoyed a delicious meal that was followed by an afternoon of dancing and door prizes. It was a fun afternoon and everyone had a great time. Thank you Tom and Betty DiLauro for planning this nice event.

The Golden Artisan's celebrated the holiday season by holding their annual Christmas luncheon at the Cottage Green. At their last regular meeting for 2023 the Goldens had a Christmas themed Pajama party at the Artisan Hall.

The Dining Club Christmas dinner at the Ashburner Inn.


Thomas A. DiLauro


It is with great pride that Haddon Assembly #12 places the name of Thomas A. DiLauro in nomination for the position of Director on the Board of Directors of the Artisans Order of Mutual Protection. Tom’s educational and business background along with his expertise and service on the board make him worthy of nomination for this important position.

           Tom was an honor student at Bishop Eustace Prep School prior to his attendance at Villanova University where he majored in Business Administration, Commerce and Finance.

           The former Pennsylvania Railroad, Penn Central Railroad and Conrail all employed Brother DiLauro for 39 years. While with the railroad Tom worked in the accounting, finance, and transportation departments. Tom is a licensed fraternal insurance agent, a fraternal insurance counselor (FIC), a New Jersey Notary Public and a former New Jersey Real Estate agent.

           Brother DiLauro has also served the community, in which he has resided, in many ways over the years. Tom was the Parks and Playgrounds Commissioner, the Chairman of the Pennsauken Sewage Authority, a little league coach and chairman of numerous charitable organizations. Tom was also a member of the Delran Economic Development Committee and served on the Delran Planning Board. Tom was also twice elected the Mayor of Delran N.J.

           Brother DiLauro became a member of the Artisans on February 6, 1980. Since joining the Artisans Tom has been the Recorder/Cashier of Haddon Assembly, President of the Dining Club, President of the New Jersey Boosters, Most Excellent Master Artisan, and a director for the past twelve years. As a director Tom has served on the board as the Chairman of the Finance Committee, Real Estate Committee, and First Vice President.

           Brother Tom DiLauro has been an asset to the Board of Directors and request your support for his candidacy for Director.



                                                                                               Haddon Assembly #12


Patrick Ennis


Dear Brother and Sister Artisans,

           St. John’s Assembly #28 is proud to endorse Brother Patrick Ennis for re-election as a Director on the Artisans Board. Pat is a Past Most Excellent Master Artisan and is currently serving as a director. He is a past Master Artisan of both Keystone and St, John’s Assemblies and is currently a trustee. Pat is also an active Mason in Lodge #2.

           Bother Pat retired from the A&P market chain where he had been employed as a bookkeeper and manager for twenty years. Pat worked for the Eastman Kodak company until their closure in 2015. He is a field supervisor for Diebold and is entrusted with the servicing and repairs of ATM machines throughout the tri-state area.

           Brother Pat has been an Artisan for more than thirty years. Pat is an active member of the G.A.A. and a past President of the Artisans Dining Club.

           Pat has been married to his wife Barbara for more than twenty-five years. Pat, Barb, their daughter Kylie, and Pats son Patrick are all members of the Artisans.

           We believe that with Pats background in business, his dedication to the Artisans and his great reputation in the community that he deserves another term on the board of directors.



                                                                                           St. John’s #28

Executive Committee


Most Excellent Superintendent

Kathy Schnauffer


Dear Brother and Sister Artisans,

It is with immense pride that Philadelphia Assembly #1 submits the name of sister Kathy Schnauffer for the position of Most Excellent Superintendent for 2024.

           Kathy is a graduate of Lincoln High School in Philadelphia PA. She is the President of her condominium association. In her position Kathy works with the management company to make sure that the grounds, maintenance, and finances of her association are maintained and operated in a professional manner.

           Kathy has over 30 years of work experience in the accounting and administrative field. Kathy is currently employed by Burlington Stores in the lease administration department at their home office in Burlington, New Jersey. Kathy manages the year end billing for the company and was credited with saving the company over $600,000 annually due to her diligence and hard work. In her position she collaborates with different landlords, upper management, and the company legal department. Currently Kathy is also serving on the Burlington Stores events committee. In that position she helps plan and organize activities throughout the year. For the past few years Kathy has been helping run Burlington’s biggest fundraiser “Light of the Night LLS”, this event will help Burlington Stores raise several hundred thousand dollars for this charity.

           As an Artisan Kathy has served as M.E. Inspector for the past two years. Kathy has helped with the annual lunch with Santa party, the Junior Halloween parade, the St. John’s Easter egg hunt and the Artisans family weekend in Ocean City New Jersey. Kathy was the Most Excellent Junior Master of Ceremonies under M.E.M.A. Terry Ludwig and a past President of the Artisan Aides.

           As a member of Philadelphia #1 Kathy was twice Master Artisan, twice, and has served in all positions within the assembly.

           We believe that Kathy’s credentials and reputation speak for themselves. Kathy’s work ethic, commitment to the Artisans and her dedicated service to the local community makes her a great candidate for Most Excellent Superintendent.




                                                         Philadelphia Assembly #1

Executive Committee



Most Excellent Inspector

Scott Simmons

St. John's Assembly #28 is proud to endorse Scott A. Simmons for M.E. Inspector.

Scott was born in Philadelphia and grew up in Philadelphia and South Jersey. While in high school he attended Gloucester County Vocational School in New Jersey, completing the building trades program at the top of his class.

Scott worked for Connective Services as an Indoor Air Quality Technician for a few years, then entered the Laborers Union of Philadelphia where he has been working for the past 22 years.

Scott has been married for almost Twenty-Five Years to his wife Raeann. Their two children, Tyler and Victoria, are also active members of the Artisans family. Four generations of Raeann's family have been in the Artisans.

         Scott has volunteered for many years with the Boy Scouts of America. He has been a leader in the Cub Scouts, an assistant scout leader and a Merit Badge Counselor. Scott also attended the Boy Scouts of America's highest level of Leadership Training (Woodbadge) with his son. He received Vigil Honor, the highest level, in the Honor Society of Scouting. As a leader, Scott assisted with his son's Eagle Scout project on Artisan's property, revitalizing the Veteran's Memorial out front. Scott remains a volunteer Eagle Scout Coach, Camp Master, and Committee Member. On many occasions, Scott volunteered at his daughter Victoria's dance studio as security, technician, prop builder, parade chef/organizer and Double D'S Dancing Dads member.


Scott joined the Artisans and became a member of St. John's Assembly #28. Scott was sponsored by his father-in-law Anthony, Tony K, Kazlouski. As a member of St. John's assembly Scott has been on the Executive Committee and is a past Master Artisan. He has also been involved with helping with the Artisans Ocean City Weekend. Scott was M.E. Warder for P.M.E.M.A. Robert J. Noble, he was elected President of the Dining Club in 2023 and is also a member of the GAA.

St. John's Executive Committee feels that Scott's dedication to the Artisans, his many years of volunteering in his local community and within our order, and his strong family values is proof that he is ready to serve our members as a Most Excellent Chair Officer.


St. John's #12

Executive Committee


Candidate Biography


William E. Swirsding

Most Excellent Assembly Delegates:

There are those of you who I have served the Order with since 1964 and those of you that I have recently come to know and work with. Over these years of employment with the Artisans as auditor in the Junior department, becoming the Controller, then appointed as the Assistant M. E. Recorder, to be followed by being elected as the Most Excellent Recorder until my retirement in 1999. All these positions and managing the day-to-day operations have given me these 60 years of experience in a membership organization in the nonprofit Fraternal sector.

During the years of employment, Laura was hired as a secretary for the Membership Department. We married and with the help of The Artisans we bought our first home, raising three children in that home. Now 50 years later here we are today! During these years I was a member of Fox Chase Assembly and Laura of Northeast Assembly until our transfer to Haddon Assembly.

Over those years as the M. E. Recorder, I led the order through transformational changes: Computerization of the home office, pay out of cash member dividends, as well as moving from a center city Philadelphia location to our present location on Roosevelt Boulevard in the Northeast.

Fraternally, I have served the Artisan Extension Committee and Dining Club, Philadelphia Fraternals as President and now as secretary, the Pennsylvania Fraternal Alliance as President, the New Jersey New York Fraternal Alliance as President on 3 separate occasion, Board of Director of the National American Fraternal Alliance. Also, Gloria Dei Church Council and Finance Committee.

My professional experience after retirement from the Artisans include District Representative for Lutheran Brotherhood, Vice President of American Business Financial Service, the City of Philadelphia. Also, American Heritage Federal Credit Union Loan Committee. I hold a Pennsylvania Insurance Department license in Life, Fixed Annuities, Accident, Health, Variable Life, and Variable Annuities. Also, investment series 6, 63 and 7 were held in escrow.

After serving on the Board as an interim Director these past few months, I would like the opportunity to continue for a full term. I would be honored to serve you and use my knowledge and abilities to support the Artisan mission and a strong desire to see our Order thrive.


As always and Fraternally,

Bill Swirsding,


Most Excellent Master Artisan

Helen Szafran


The Sisters of Philadelphia #1 are proud to nominate Sister Helen Szafran for the position of Most Excellent Master Artisan. Helen is a Past Master Artisan of Philadelphia #1. Helen has shown a record of dedicated service to the Artisans since she was first elected as the Most Excellent Inspector back in 2020. As M.E. Superintendent Helen introduced several new Senior activities including the Friday game night and the potluck dinner. As Chairperson of the Junior activities committee Helen has actively been promoting several new events for our Juniors to attend such as the Mother’s Day craft event and the ice cream sundae social in the game room. Helen collaborated with her husband while he was going through the Most Excellent Chairs and then as he served as Most Excellent Master Artisan. Due to this experience Helen understood what the responsibilities of being on the Board entailed and decided to run through the Chairs. Since Helen was elected, she has worked hard and has learned many things about Artisans and the important business decisions that need to be made daily.

Helen had worked in the insurance industry for over 25 years before her recent retirement. Helen’s job as a senior claim examiner was to analyze, monitor and investigate construction claims including legal and damage analysis. Many times in her career Helen had to managed claims for multimillion-dollar companies. Helen negotiated settlements and, at times, attended trials. Her prior job experience was working in the medical field. In this line of work, she worked as a medical assistant, an orthopedic assistant, and a legal secretary. Sister Szafran is a professional in her job and would to be an asset as our Most Excellent Master Artisan. Helen believes that the role of the chair officers are to help make sure that the structure of the organization continues working towards its goals by making good sound business and fraternal decisions.

Helen has been happily married to her husband Dave for over 45 years. They have been blessed with three children and five grandchildren. Helen believes that by having active Artisan children and grandchildren she understands what activities and events are necessary to ensure the younger members keep active in our organization. Helen’s hobbies are baking and traveling.

We feel that due to Helen’s proven record of success as a Most Excellent Chair Officer she will do a fantastic job as our Most Excellent Master Artisan.




               Philadelphia #1

Executive Committee



Carla Werner

The Sister Artisans of Philadelphia Assembly #1 would like to endorse Carla Werner for the position of Director for 2024.

During Carla’s six years as a Most Excellent Chair Officer she has visited multiple assemblies and helped coordinate and manage the Junior and Senior activities. Carla served as the Junior Master of Ceremonies for M.E.M.A. Robert Noble in 2012 and 2013.

Carla has been a member of Philadelphia #1 for over 24 years serving in all positions within the assembly including being, twice, the Master Artisan. She currently holds the position of Cashier and Deputy for our assembly. Carla has an Associate degree in Business and has been a member of the Philadelphia Police Department for over 35 years. During her time with the Police Department, Carla served in several different police districts and units. Carla helped run the Deputy Police Commissioner’s Office for over 10 years. Her current assignment is at the Philadelphia Police Academy. At the Police Academy, Carla communicates and works in the Training and Certification System maintained by the Pennsylvania State Police. Carla makes sure that all objectives and standards are maintained in reference to the curriculum established by the Municipal Police Officers’ Education and Training Commission. As a Corporal in the Advanced Training Unit at the Police Academy, Carla has taught many different police curriculums to both police recruits and upper ranking officers. Some of the classes that she has taught over the years include computer classes involving the National Crime Information Center, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), First Aid and the use of Narcan. She also attends Mandatory In-Service Training Instructor Workshops for the Eastern Region of the State of Pennsylvania. This enables Carla to educate any police officer in Pennsylvania for their yearly in-service training requirements.

We have confidence that with Carla’s history of dedicated service to the Artisans, her strong belief in fraternalism, her background in business and her overall commitment to community service is proof that Carla would make an outstanding Director for the Artisans.



Philadelphia #1

Executive Committee

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