[Image: The Vision Guide Dogs logo features a winding road with a guide dog standing in the center and "Vision Guide Dogs" printed in the upper-right corner. Next to the logo it reads "Navigate the World."]

2, 4, 6, 8...Who Do We Appreciate?!

[Image: Guide dog-in-training Zuke in a sit-stay position facing the camera with his mouth open and tongue hanging out with text below that reads, "Thank you, 100+ Big Give Supporters. In our first year of participation we raised over $16,000 during the Big Give, surpassing our goal!"]

What a month we've had! The Vision Guide Dogs team worked hard in September to prepare for our first Big Give as a new nonprofit organization, setting big goals for the day of giving. Boy, did our supporters show up and make sure we achieved those goals! During the course of the Big Give campaign, we were able to raise over $16,000, surpassing our goal of $15,000, and reach over 100 supporters. Your generous donations will allow VGD to train another advanced training dog which will one day help an individual who is blind or visually impaired navigate the world. Your support means so much! Together, we are making a difference!


It has been an exciting month for our pups! Guide dog-in-training Aurora was busy working on socialization and basic obedience skills while also being her cute self and helping us raise funds during the Big Give. In other exciting news, Guide dog-in-training Zuke started Advanced Training in September, which is formal training with a Guide Dog Mobility Instructor (GDMI). This is where he learns the skills needed to safely guide an individual who is blind or visually impaired. The goal is for Zuke to be matched with his blind companion by the end of this year!

[Image: Guide dog-in-training Zuke walking along a sidewalk with GDMI Mark Hartridge.]

[Image: Guide dog-in-training Aurora nose-to-nose with the Spurs Coyote during the Big Give pep rally.]

[Image: Guide dog-in-training Aurora in a sit-stay position in front of the Vision Guide Dogs booth during Doggie Days at Chicken N Pickle.]


[Image: The Backyard Studios logo.]

It takes a village to carry out the mission of Vision Guide Dogs and we are so grateful that Backyard Studios is part of that village. To the Backyard Studios team, thank you for devoting months of your time, energy, and expertise to redesigning our website. Your knowledge, attention to detail, and responsiveness to our needs made the Herculean task of a website redesign a smooth process with amazing results. To our VGD friends, please click on the link below to check out our new website!

VGD Website


[Image: A blind woman walking with a white cane to assist with avoiding obstacles.]

San Antonio White Cane Awareness Day:

San Antonio invites everyone in the community to learn more about the white cane during San Antonio’s White Cane Awareness Day. There will be special presentations and performances as well as local organizations providing resources and information. Speakers include Tracy Minish, a former NASA employee who is blind, and an accomplished high school student who also happens to be blind. For more information on the history of White Cane Awareness Day and white canes in general, you can click here or the button below to visit the website for the National Federation of the Blind. 

Date: October 12, 2023

Time: 9:15AM white cane walk begins, 10AM program start time


Yanaguana Garden at Hemisfair Park

434 S. Alamo St. (VIA drop-off: 611 Hemisfair Blvd.)

San Antonio, TX 78205

"Embrace independence, unleash the power of the white cane."

National Federation of the Blind


[Image: Speech bubble containing the words, "Volunteers Needed."]


Vision Guide Dogs is a volunteer led organization and we are able to do what we do because we have a community of committed, active, and engaged individuals willing to help. We are looking for more volunteers and have a variety of roles available depending on your interests. They include puppy raiser, puppy sitter, event support, Ambassador, Sighted Guide, and more! If you are interested in helping with the mission of Vision Guide Dogs, please go to our website to complete a volunteer application. For questions or assistance, you an email or call us:


Phone: (830) 206-0626

Volunteer Application


All around us there are shining examples of individuals whose blindness does not prevent them from achieving their dreams. To learn about some of these determined individuals, check out this video on Paralympian skiers and their sighted guides as they demonstrate the ultimate in trust and teamwork on the slopes!

Now This YouTube video: Blind Paralympian Skiers and their Sighted Guides

[Image/Video: "Now This" YouTube video of Paralympian skiers who are blind explaining their team approach when they alpine ski.]

Vision Guide Dogs, Inc.



Phone: (830) 206-0626

Our mission is to help individuals who are blind or visually impaired navigate the world.

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Vision Guide Dogs is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.

Federal Tax ID 92-0898185