the auditors eye

Summer 2024

Applying Continuous Improvement to Ourselves,

Not Only to Those Being Audited

Anyone who knows our team, knows we all love the auditing profession. I believe this feeling come from two aspects - most auditors are naturally curious people, and we have a desire to make things work better. Continuous improvement is a core belief.

This mindset does not only apply to work with those we audit; it is also directed toward ourselves. Every year we get a minimum of 40 professional education credits to expand our knowledge and improve our skills. This helps us prepare for upcoming audit projects. We network with other jurisdictions (both during conferences and regular work time) to get their insights on audit topics and lessons learned. This helps us leverage experience from other audit shops to create better audits for Washington County.

We recently adopted our strategic plan that will help us with continuous improvement! We set key performance indicators to help us measure our performance and the quality of our work, because how can you get better without good data?!?!  We document our policies and procedures and review them on a regular basis for needed updates. We look for ways to make our processes more efficient, such as implementing new audit software.

We hold ourselves to a high standard, because we are, and should be, a good example to the public and County departments of what a healthy, strong functioning organization should be.

Are we perfect? No. Are we always looking to get better? Yes! We are striving for excellence and not perfection. Is it easy? No! It is a lot of work, but it’s exactly the mindset we do, and should, have.

It is important that we support our continuous improvement philosophy not just with words, but also by our actions. We are constantly looking for better ways for our office and the County programs to serve the public, and it is an honor to work in this capacity.

Sincerely from your elected continuous improvement geek,

Kristine Adams-Wannberg

Washington County Auditor

Washington County Auditor Kristine with Jenny Wong, elected City Auditor of the City of Berkeley, at the Association of Local Government Auditors conference in Seattle

Strategic Planning Complete!

The Auditor’s Office finished its strategic plan in June. This plan provides our mission, vision, and values. It also defines our organizational goals, what actions we will take to achieve them, and performance measures and targets that the office can use to identify its progress. Check out our website for more information!

Sharing Experiences with Students

In May, our County Auditor was part of a panel presentation to Beta Alpha Psi (Accounting Honor Society) students at Oregon State University. The presentation was sponsored by the Institute of Internal Auditors and focused on careers in auditing and the panel members’ experiences. There were about 40 students present, and the students had great questions for the panel members! 

Keeping up with Continuing Education Hours

In May, the Auditor’s Office attended the Association of Local Government Auditor’s annual conference in Seattle. This was a great opportunity to connect with other local government audit professionals, get continuing education hours, and learn about new topics in the auditing field.

One of the main topics in the conference was artificial intelligence (AI). AI is the capability of a computer program, using math and logic to simulate human cognitive functions. Some of the sessions focused on using AI as a tool for auditing, ways our auditees may start using it and how we approach auditing it, and the ethics of using AI. We also toured the Georgetown Wet Weather Treatment Station with other auditors and learned how King County is adapting its infrastructure due to climate change.

Recognizing our own Sherry Kurk!

A big congratulations to Senior Management Auditor Sherry Kurk! She earned a professional certificate from Portland State University in their Building Cyber Resilience Program! This program helps participants learn about common cyber risks; how to identify, assess, and communicate cyber risks; and how to conduct the first step in mitigating threats through a risk assessment. Well done, Sherry!

New Audit Software – Working to Develop New Efficiencies

During the past year, our office has been adapting and testing new software to help the office streamline some of its processes. This has involved a significant amount of staff work. In May, the office finished its testing! We adopted AuditBoard as our new software. We appreciate all the help from the County’s Information Technology Services organization in this work. Our next steps will be to train up staff and adapt our procedures to reflect the new software.

Status of Audit Schedule Projects

Audit Name

Start Date

Estimated Completion

ARPA Workforce Development

April 2023

3rd Quarter 2024

MSTIP Risk Assessment

April 2023

3rd Quarter 2024

Grants Management

July 2024

Identity and Access Management


Cash Handling


Emergency Rental Assistance


We’re on Social Media!

Last quarter we created a Facebook account and an Instagram account to keep you up to date on activities at the Washington County Auditor’s Office. The two accounts have similar information, please connect with us at one or both accounts to stay up-to-date!

Did You Know...

Auditors should be audited as well! Our office follows Government Auditing Standards which requires we be audited every three years. In 2025, the office will undergo its first audit. This is a great opportunity to learn and make improvements to our office based on what the review team finds! (It’s also a good reminder to us on how it feels to be on the other side of the table and be audited… )

Invite the Auditor!

If you’d like me and/or staff to attend or speak at a meeting with your community group, make a request by emailing us at:

Keep in Touch

You can download and view electronic copies of our reports here.


Or, you can obtain copies of our reports by contacting us at:


Washington County Auditor’s Office

221 S. First Ave, MS 31

Hillsboro, OR 97123-3901

(503) 846-8798 |

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