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At their recent meeting, the County Commission heard a progress report on the Animal Resources and Care Department (AR&C). To listen to the full report, view the video. The report shared the progress that has occurred since the June 28, 2022, Commission discussion on AR&C. Staff highlighted progress in hiring staff, improving the facility, strengthening relationships with other animal welfare organizations, and, most importantly, reducing the animal population from 342 animals on June 28, to 136 animals as of August 15.
The shelter also reported that there would be a cautious and careful resumption of animal intakes at the shelter through the implementation of the Shelter Diversion/Managed Intake Program.
Learn more about the progress at Animal Resources and Care.
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Commissioner Ken Cornell Appointed to Four Florida Association of Counties Committees | |
Alachua County Commissioner Ken Cornell has been tapped by the Florida Association of Counties (FAC) to serve on four policy committees, including the FAC Presidents Select Committee on Broadband as well as the Federal Affairs, Water, and Health and Safety committees.
FAC’s standing committees are tasked with developing and recommending an annual statewide legislative platform for Florida's counties based on each of the issue areas under their jurisdiction. These are in addition to Cornell’s recent appointment to the FAC Board of Directors.
“Ken has demonstrated great diligence, work ethic, and strategic thinking during his tenure with FAC,” says FAC Executive Director Ginger Delegal, “I am confident he will play a crucial role in tackling the critical issues before these committees.”
“I am honored that my colleagues from around the state have placed this trust in me by electing me to the Board and appointing me to these committees,” Cornell commented. “These committees address many of the issues I am passionate about and that have a direct impact on our citizens.”
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Crisis Center Hosting Annual Mental Health and Wellness Symposium | |
The Alachua County Crisis Center is hosting a free virtual symposium to address mental wellness and health needs. The symposium is titled “Holding Space Together: Adjusting to the Mental Health Needs of 2022.” The virtual symposium takes place from September 12 to September 15, 2022, from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Participants must register online by September 9.
Topics include supporting youth with ADHD, medication and suicide risk, parenting tools, suicide prevention, and general mental wellness information.
Often, it can be difficult to know what information to trust. The symposium's presenters are trained mental health professionals, including Alachua County Crisis Center staff, invited mental health professionals, and faculty from Counselor Education programs.
The annual symposium is held in September to honor suicide prevention month. In the past, the symposium was held in person in Alachua County. However, with the COVID pandemic, the symposium switched to a virtual platform in 2020 and reached more than 350 participants across the United States and Internationally. The symposium intends to bring accurate and insightful mental health information to everyone interested.
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Alachua County Agritourism Conference | |
The Alachua County Commission is hosting an Agritourism Conference for County residents and businesses interested in learning more about agritourism. The conference is on Thursday, September 22, 2022, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the UF/IFAS Alachua County Extension Office (22712 W. Newberry Road, Newberry). Those interested in exploring ways to partner with UF/IFAS and Visit Gainesville, Alachua County, for tourism-related agricultural operations and events should participate in this conference. The conference is free to all attendees, but those wishing to participate should RSVP via email to Visit Gainesville, Alachua County at by Friday, September 8.
Presenters include President of the Florida Agritourism Association (FATA) Alan Hitchcock, Florida Agritourism Association staff, UF/IFAS Director Dr. Cynthia Sanders, and Alachua County Tourism Development Manager Jessica Hurov.
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Crisis Center Seeks Crisis Line Counselors |
The Alachua County Crisis Center seeks volunteers to become Crisis Line Counselors. The next training class begins on Saturday, September 17, 2022. After the initial session, training continues for seven weeks on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. There is no fee for training, and applicants do not need to possess any specific degrees or certifications. Training is held online and can be done remotely. After training is complete, the Crisis Center asks for a commitment of 24 four-hour shifts.
Apply online to be a Crisis Line Counselor.
Volunteers learn active listening, crisis intervention, suicide prevention, community disaster response, and more. Volunteering is an opportunity to impact the lives of fellow community members and gain life-enhancing communication skills.
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New Pumps Ready to Protect Robin Lane |
As hurricane season nears its peak, the Alachua County Public Works Department announced that two new pumps are ready to help protect the Robin Lane area from legacy flooding. Legacy flooding can be described as long-term, persistent flooding, primarily associated with developments that do not have adequate stormwater systems because they were built before the implementation of the statewide stormwater regulations in the early 1980s.
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Jonesville and Veterans Memorial Parks Sports Fields Closed | Due to heavy rainfall and additional projected rainfall this weekend, the Alachua County Parks and Open Space Department is closing all sports fields at Jonesville and Veterans Memorial Parks now (August 29, 2022) until Monday, September 5 to protect the turf from damage. | |
Affordable Housing Advisory Committee Seeks Input for Incentives and Recommendations Report |
The Alachua County Affordable Housing Advisory Committee (AHAC) is holding a meeting on September 21, 2022, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., to solicit input for their Incentives and Recommendation Report (IRR) and to receive the Alachua County Housing Summit report. The meeting is at the Alachua County Administration Building (12 S.E. 1st Street, Gainesville) in the Grace Knight Conference Room.
Residents not attending the meeting can submit input by sending an email to
Alachua County must submit an Incentives and Recommendation Report (IRR) annually as part of their State Housing Imitative partnership program (SHIP program).
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SBA Working Capital Loans Available in Florida for Secretary of Agriculture Disaster Declaration for January Freeze |
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) announced today that federal Economic Injury Disaster Loans are available in Florida for small businesses, small agricultural cooperatives, small businesses engaged in aquaculture, and most private nonprofit organizations with economic losses due to a freeze on Jan. 29-31, 2022.
The declaration includes Alachua County, and the adjacent counties of Bradford, Columbia, Gilchrist, Levy, Marion, Putnam, and Union in Florida.
“When the Secretary of Agriculture issues a disaster declaration to help farmers recover from damages and losses to crops, the Small Business Administration issues a declaration to eligible entities, affected by the same disaster,” said Kem Fleming, director of SBA’s Field Operations Center East.
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Planning Commission Looking to Fill Two Vacancies | Alachua County is seeking volunteers to fill two citizen-at-large vacancies on the Local Planning Agency (LPA)/Planning Commission. The Local Planning Agency/Planning Commission meets once a month on the third Wednesday at 6 p.m. in the County Administration Building (12 S.E. 1st Street, downtown Gainesville). | |
September Extension Programs | |
The UF/IFAS Extension Alachua County Office is pleased to announce that 2022-2023 4-H online enrollment begins September 1, 2022. The Alachua County 4-H Program is offered by Mary Lee Sale, 4-H Youth Development Agent.
4-H enrollment opens for the 2022-2023 year for youth aged 5-18 and adult volunteers. Membership age of youth participation is determined by the youth’s age as of September 1 of the current program year (September 1 – August 31).
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