January 30, 2025

Have Questions For Our Legislators?

Submit your questions ahead of time

to Liz O'Neil today at loneil@blackstonevalley.org.

Learn More & Register Here!
Learn More & Register Here!


Do you have an award winning chowder recipe?

Bring your best to the Blackstone Valley Chamber of Commerce's Home & Community Expo!


Our yearly "Best of the Valley" Chowderfest highlights local restaurants and their distinctive recipes, delighting hungry visitors and hundreds of businesses present to savor your culinary creations. Engage with your community and establish personal connections with clients at this exceptional occasion! Compete for the "2025 People's Choice" and "2025 Judge's Choice" accolades, and impress the Blackstone Valley with your culinary prowess! Join us at the event!

Learn More & Register Here For The Chowderfest!


When you sponsor a BVCC Event you are increasing your marketing and exposure to the Blackstone Valley's businesses, local residents, and potential customers! Take your marketing to the next level with unique sponsorship opportunities with the Chamber!

Learn More About Becoming A Sponsor!
Learn More & Register Here!
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Click Here to View!

Click here to view our calendar!

As of December 2024, VBN is not currently hosting meetings. For more information please contact Liz O'Neil at loneil@blackstonevalley.org.

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Winter Newsletter!

Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources

Applications Open For Youth Council - Calling all Juniors and Seniors in High School

MDAR encourages applications for the 2025-2026 Massachusetts Agriculture Youth Council. The purpose of the council is to cultivate and foster the next generation of leaders in the agricultural industry. The council will meet throughout the year to hear from guest speakers from the agriculture industry, learn about the legislative procedures and workforce development opportunities, attend special events and tours, and enhance professional skills.

This opportunity is open to rising high school juniors and seniors enrolled in any public or private high school in Massachusetts. Members will serve a 1-year term from June to May. MDAR will select 14 students to serve on the Council, with 1 student selected from each Massachusetts county. MDAR intends to hold monthly meetings, with both in-person and virtual opportunities, on the first Thursday of the month at 5pm, please note this day might change based on council member’s availability. In-person opportunities, including attendance at events and farm/industry tours, will be available on an optional basis. Transportation to and from events will not be provided by MDAR, but MDAR will make every effort to keep costs as minimal as possible. MDAR will also make every effort to have virtual options for all events whenever possible.

You can learn more and apply by visiting www.mass.gov/info-details/massachusetts-agriculture-youth-council.

Applications are due electronically by February 1, 2025. Application here.


Questions, contact Katie Rozenas-Hanson at Katelyn.Rozenas@mass.gov.

BVCC Hours
Monday: Remote
Tuesday - Thursday: 9:00am-4:00pm
Friday: Remote
Saturday & Sunday: CLOSED

Office Phone: 508.234.9090

Jeannie Hebert, President & CEO
Phone: 508.234.9090 ext. 106  
Cell: 508.981.5782   

Liz O’Neil, Director or Programs, Events & Membership and Marketing Coordinator
Phone: 508.234.9090 ext. 102           

Kristen Kearnan, Office Administrator & Membership Manager
Phone: 508.234.9090 ext. 100
Our Mission
To preserve and enhance the economic vitality of the Blackstone Valley by addressing the needs and concerns of businesses and providing leadership, support and resources in connection with issues which impact commerce and the quality of life in the Valley.

Serving Our Community
The Blackstone Valley Chamber of Commerce is a donation site for the Peace of Bread Food Pantry. Please drop off your non-perishable food items in our lobby during office hours for the people of the Blackstone Valley.
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Visit Our Website
Blackstone Valley Chamber of Commerce
670 Linwood Avenue, Building A, Suite #5, Whitinsville, MA 01588
508.234.9090 | www.BlackstoneValley.org