
Fall / Winter Newsletter

Vol. 6, November 2022 - February 2023

Welcome to the latest edition of the Baby Steps Buzz, your source of information, highlights and activities of the Baby Steps program. Baby Steps is a family education program that provides a safe, nurturing, and supportive environment for all families with a child/children aged birth to five and expecting parents in the Newport County area.

This edition features a new collaboration and a recap of our fun monthly sessions held in November, December, January, and February.  

Partnering with Middletown Public Schools

We are excited to announce our new collaboration with Middletown Public Schools! Baby Steps is now holding an additional monthly group at the Middletown Public Library.

Please click on the image at left to download a copy of our sessions schedule.

Fall and Winter Sessions

November - learning, games, and turkeys

In November we welcomed back Cyndi Dewhurst, Speech Language Pathologist from Easter Seals RI Early Intervention to give a presentation on Communication. 

Cyndi’s presentation ‘How Does Your Child Learn and Understand?’ focused on play-based learning, using games for all ages of children, since children learn through play! Cyndi brought some games as examples for the families, and families shared their favorite games they enjoy playing. Our theme was ‘Giving Thanks,’ and children and parents together created a turkey craft.

December - holiday tips and painting fun

December Baby Steps welcomed back Dr. Katherine Partridge of the Pedi-Partial program at Bradley Hospital. Dr. Partridge’s presentation on ‘Tips for a Happy Holiday Season’ provided meaningful and practical tips for busy families during the holiday season. Dr. Partridge took the time to meet with each family to listen, provide support and advice about parenting, and answer any questions they had. Our craft activity had children and families painting an ornament to hang on their tree together. Pictured at right is Connor painting his ornament.

January - celebrating both Moms and Dads

For our Saturday session in January, we held "Muffins with Mom" at our classroom in Head Start. All family members were welcome to come but we wanted to focus on our moms since we would later be joining Head Start's “Dad, Dinner, Dinosaurs and a Story” night. The children made a snowman craft and we read books and sang songs that revolved around the theme of winter and snow. Families enjoyed the same craft, theme and topic at our Conexión Latina session.

Baby Steps was lucky enough to be able to join Head Start’s “Dad, Dinner, Dinosaurs and a Story” night. We had a fun evening at Head Start, eating dinosaur nuggets, reading dinosaur books, listening to Dads share stories and hunting for dinosaurs in the sand. It was great seeing an event where so many Dads and father figures were present to support their children. Families were invited to take home books about dinosaurs from the books table (pictured above at left).

Baby Steps held our first session at the Middletown Library on January 26th from 10:30-11:30 a.m. Going forward we will be having a session at the library one Thursday morning a month. We encourage Middletown families as well as all families who live in Newport County to come and join us. 

February - speech development, friendship, and songs, hearts, & feathers at the library

For our Thursday session in February, we featured Courtney Horley as our Speaker. Courtney is a Speech Language Pathologist and owner of Courtney Horley Speech Therapy in Middletown. Families enjoyed our friendship tree craft project. Parents painted their children’s hands and had them "leave" a handprint on our friendship tree.


At our Middletown Library session, our families made valentines as a craft. Wendy Kirchner, the Librarian (pictured at right), engaged children on the rug by singing songs and reading books. We focused on colors, and the children all had fun dancing in the circle and collecting feathers of all different colors.

Thank you for your continued support of the Baby Steps Program!

Your generous help and participation makes it possible for Baby Steps to provide a strong community resource to increase early childhood literacy and support family development.


Baby Steps is a program of East Bay Community Action Program

Contact Us

Lexi Lewis: (p) 401-474-2032 (e)

Kimberly Remington: (p) 401-533-1160 (e)

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