December 14,, 2022

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Note from Ellen

Dear Friends,


Christmas Eve is 10 days away, and I’m guessing that I’m not the only one sprinting toward the finish line. The catch is that I’m not all that great at sprinting. A slow jog or a brisk walk is much more my speed. I like to think I can see more when I’m not sprinting. When I was running much more regularly, I ran a race in Baltimore. I was not trying to finish within a certain time. I was simply hoping to finish, and maybe not come in last. The best part of the race was the crowds in the different neighborhoods who gathered to cheer us on. My favorite moment came when three young children paused from their giggling and dancing to give me high-fives and fist bumps as I huffed and puffed their way. That moment, that glimpse of joy helped me finish. So, I’m determined to look for glimpses between now and December 24, glimpses of wonder, joy, love, and tenderness. I hope glimpses come your way, too, and I’d love to hear what you see.


Grace and peace,



PS: Image of one of my favorite Advent glimpses so far.


Young Adult Christmas Gathering

FPC young adult friends and members who are in town for the holidays will gather at Southern Strain Brewery on Wednesday, December 21 at 6 pm. Contact Clay Maguire or Pastor Ellen with questions. Hope to see you there!

Usher sign up link:

Lay Reader sign up link:

link for online worship:

link to Ellen's sermon podcasts:

Bridge Texts: December 14 - December 17

    Wednesday, Genesis 17:1-27

Thursday, 2 Samuel 7:1-17

Friday, Isaiah 7:10-17

Saturday, Isaiah 7:18-25

December 18 - December 21

Sunday, Matthew 1:18-25

Monday, Matthew 2:1-11

Tuesday, John 1:1-5

Wednesday, John 1:6-9

Books and Brews

B&B meets this Thursday, December 15 at 7 PM at Southern Strain Brewery. We will discuss The Guncle by Steven Rowley .

All are invited to this relaxed time of conversation and fellowship. Contact Pastor Ellen with questions. Hope to see you there! 

The Birth of Jesus

Thank you to our Youth for sharing the story of our Lord and Savior through the annual First Presbyterian Christmas Pageant. Seventeen of our Youth led worship through scripture readings, prayers, and pageant roles. Our elementary school children, sixteen in total, joined us this year as barn animals, surrounding baby Jesus for the early portion of the pageant. An angelic quartet of four-year-olds served as our little angels this year. The pageant concluded with candlelight and Silent Night on the front lawn of the sanctuary. Please see our Facebook and Instagram pages for additional photos from the evening. 

Special Music Sunday

UNCC music majors joined the Sanctuary Choir in a performance of "Jazz Gloria" by Rob Landes. This unique work, of which there were no youtube performances until December 11, is scored for drum set, electric bass, piano, and chorus. The soothing, yet rhythmically driven melodies and harmonies of this work parallel the Christmas message in the text: Glory to God in the Highest and peace to His people on earth. In addition, the UNCC saxophone ensemble collaborated with worship in keeping with the jazz theme. At the end of worship, all forces combined in the singing of Handel's Hallelujah Chorus.

Grief Resources Available

Two handouts provided by Hospice, “Tips for Surviving the Holidays” and an article entitled “You and Your Grief During the Holiday Season”, are available on the table at the back of the sanctuary. 

Girl Scouts

Our Girl Scouts participated in Santa’s Workshop, a decades-old Cabarrus County Girl Scout tradition, on Saturday.

Event organizers prepare a sample of each craft available and display them for the girls. Scouts then select four different items to create for family members as Christmas gifts. Members of the Daisy, Brownie, and Junior troops participated in the event and our older girl scouts volunteered as craft leaders.

Middle and High school Girl Scouts will gather this week to cook a meal for the Night Shelter and all troops will resume meetings in January. 

Longest Night Service

Longest Night Service Details

When:  Wednesday, December 21 at 7:00 PM

Where: Fellowship House Chapel

What:   Scripture, Prayer, Silence, Music, Candle lighting,


Who:   This service is for everyone who seeks comfort amid heartache and for all who yearn for a more peaceful and just world.  

Holiday Office Hours

Please note that the church office will be closed as follows for Christmas and New Year's:

Office Closed Thursday, December 22 - Reopens, Tuesday, December 27

Office Closed Friday, December 30 - Reopens, Tuesday, January 3

No Banner December 28, 2022

Please note that we will not publish a Banner the week between Christmas and New Year's. If you have information that needs to get out please prior to the end of 2022, please make sure to send it to before Noon on December 20, 2022.. Thank you!

Year End Giving

Please remember that year-end contributions must be received in the church office by the Noon on Thursday, December 29 as that is the last calendar day for 2022 giving.

For stock transfers, please notify Suzanne Russell so that the proceeds can be applied to the correct account in a timely manner. Thank you!

Save the Date!

Friends Empowering Haiti Fundraiser

Thursday, March 9, 2023

6:00 PM

Carmel Country Club

Charlotte, NC

Sign-up Links

Lay Liturgists

Sign up here to be a lay liturgist to

read scripture in worship on Sundays.


Sign up here to volunteer in the Nursery on Sundays.



Sign up here to volunteer in the          

Sanctuary on Sundays

Sanctuary Flowers

To give the congregation a gift of

sanctuary flowersplease click here

to sign-up for one or more Sundays

during the year.


Sunday, December 18, 2022

Psalm 23; Matthew 1:18-25                     

Thursday, December 15

9:00 AM First Kids Preschool

6:00 PM Girl Scouts (Kitchen)

Friday, December 16

9:00 AM First Kids Preschool

Sunday, December 18

9:45 AM Elementary SS Class (Children's Chapel)

9:45 AM Middle/High school SS (Room 304 Will Young)

9:45 AM Journey SS (Ed Bldg)

9:45 AM S & D SS (FH)

9:45 AM Todd Hobbie SS (Davis Hall)

11:00 AM Worship with Special Music (Sanctuary or Live-stream)

3:00 PM Racial Equity Reads (Library Conference Room)

Monday, December 19

10:00 AM Healing Shawls (Fellowship House)

Tuesday, December 20

2:00 PM Staff meeting (FH Sunroom)

6:00 PM Cub Scouts (Davis Hall)

7:00 PM. Boy Scouts (Youth Room)

7:00 PM Al Anon Meeting (Commons)

Wednesday, December 21

7:00 PM Longest Night (FH Chapel)

Church Report


December 15 - Peyton Bryant, Paul Lentz

December 16 - Steve Johnson, Kenneth Pegram, Beulah Thorson

December 17 - Peter Chikes

December 18 - Charlotte Ostema, Chris Prager

December 19 - Charlotte Cox, Scarlett Davis, Sheila Hale, Sydney Johnson, Ben Peterson

December 20 - Jeff Kies, Edwin Macaluso

December 21 - Carter Olson

Ellen Crawford True
Senior Pastor/
Head of Staff

Julie Hill
Temporary Associate Pastor

René Prager
Director of Christian Education

Director of Music and Organist


Suzanne Russell
Church Administrator

Kim Mazzola
Financial Administrative Asst.

Heath Ritchie
Maintenance Superintendent

Director of First Kids

Wedding Director
Contact Info
First Presbyterian Church
(704) 788-2100

70 Union Street North
Concord NC 28025 

Mailing Address: 
PO Box 789 Concord NC 28026-0789

Church Office Hours: 
Monday - Thursday, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Closed Friday

The Commons Prayer Room:

Open to FPC: Sunday until 1:00 PM,  

Tuesday10 AM - 5 PM, Thursday 10 AM - 5 PM

Open to FPC and the public: Wednesday 10 AM - 6 PM, Saturday 10 AM - 3 PM     

Group times available with prior arrangement

Memorial Garden:

36 Spring Street SW

Concord NC 28025


Garden Hours: 

Tuesday - Sunday, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Closed Monday

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