November 2, 2022

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Turn Clocks Back this Sunday, November 6

Note from Ellen

Eternal God,

neither death nor life can separate us from your love.

Grant that we may serve you faithfully here on earth,

and in heaven rejoice with all your saints

who ceaselessly proclaim your glory;

through Jesus Christ our Lord,

who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,

one God, forever and ever. Amen.


~from the PC(USA) Book of Common Worship

Dear Friends,

This Sunday, November 6, we will observe All Saints’ Day in worship. We will give thanks for all who have come before us in faith, the cloud of witnesses that surrounds us as we seek to live faithfully ourselves. As we move to the communion table, we will lift up the names of our members who have died in the past year.

May we continue to encourage one another in faith and faithfulness as we move forward in faith together.

Grace and peace,


Usher sign up link:

Lay Reader sign up link:

link for online worship:

link to Ellen's sermon podcasts:

Bridge Texts: November 2 - November 5

        Wednesday, 1 Kings 8:54-61

Thursday, 1 Kings 10:1-13

Friday, 1 Kings 10:14-29

Saturday, 1 Kings 11:1-13

November 6 - November 9

Sunday, 2 Kings 5:1-15a

Monday, 2 Kings 2:13-18

Tuesday, 2 Kings 2:19-25

Wednesday, 2 Kings 4:1-7

Lunch Bunch November 9

Lunch Bunch

Wednesday, November 9 in Davis Hall

Bible Study 10:30 AM  Lunch 11:45 AM

Come for one or both.

Make a reservation for lunch by tomorrow.  Call the reservation line: 704-788-2100, press 7.

Community Fellowship Luncheon

FPC is hosting a community fellowship luncheon to support Second Course and You Are Invited! Join us this Sunday, November 6 at 12:30 PM in Davis Hall.     More Details on the attached flyer.

Website Updates

Dear Friends,

As we prepare to update our website, a professional videographer and photographer were with us in worship Sunday to record segments from worship and take staff photos. Keep an eye out for a fresh new website look soon!

FPC Backpack Program: November Grocery Bag

Thank you so much for all the support for the Backpack Program. We are preparing for the holidays and anxious to support our families as they face children being home for extended periods of time. 


Need By: November 14, 2022


Mashed Potatoes (Instant): 13 oz to 16 oz

Granola Bars: Box

Cereal (Box): 12 oz

Vegetable or Vegetable Beef Soup (Large Can): 18 oz

Pudding Cups: 4 per package

Green Beans (Can): 14.5 oz

Flavored Rice (Example: Rice-a-Roni): 6.9 oz

Raisins (6 pack)

Brownie Mix (Box): 16 oz to 18 oz

Herb Stuffing Mix: 12 oz

Chicken Broth (Canned): 14.5 oz

Yams (Canned): 15 oz

Saltine Crackers (Box): 16 oz – 4 sleeves per box

Pasta Sauce (Plastic Container): 24 oz

Spaghetti Pasta: 16 oz

Angel Tree

 For 40 years now, since 1982, First Presbyterian Church has worked with The Prison Fellowship  Angel Tree program to strengthen relationships between incarcerated parents and their children. Volunteers from the congregation participate by donating Christmas gifts which are then presented to a child as if they have come directly from the parent behind bars. This is a powerful way for us to share Christ's love by ministering to those suffering through the temporary absence of a parent.

 In this our 40th year, we encourage all FPC members in partnership with the Board of Deacons to participate.  In addition to gift donations, the Board of Deacons are seeking volunteers to write tags, decorate the tree, distribute tags & deliver gifts.    If available to help, please email Jenny Chikes at  Otherwise, look for the Angel Tree at the Sunday service on both November 13 and November 20 to choose your Angel Tree gift request tag. All gifts should be delivered to the Fellowship House by Tuesday, November 29.  

Faith in Action - 2023 Stewardship Season

           This is the first week of our Stewardship Season. By now, all church families should have received a letter with a pledge card asking that prayerful consideration be given to creating a gift for our church for the 2023 church calendar year. 

           Throughout November members of our church will tell their own stories of how they have observed Faith In Action at First Presbyterian Church, Concord. This Banner features a video clip of Harris Morrison (Click here), who is joined by his daughters Katharine (13) and Margaret (9). They share some of their meaningful experiences from the service projects in which they have participated during this year including the energetic and powerful Rise Against Hunger Campaign. During Sunday’s service, Sally Woolwine, an eighth grader who is active in our Youth Program, will share her story about the importance of FPC and God’s presence in her life.

           You are invited to bring your pledge card to the November 20th service where, we will demonstrate our Faith In Action as we bring our gifts forward as a symbol of our support of God’s work within our church and community. You may also mail it, drop it by the church office, or pledge on line at 


“If you or your family are interested in sharing your stories on Faith in Action in our church community, please reach out to Harris Morrison for more information." Contact:

New Group Opportunity

Please join us for “Coffee Talk”. 

We meet every Thursday, 10:00 AM at Gibson Mill Market. Come alone or bring a friend to join us as we connect, support and fellowship with each other. This is a nice way to relax and catch up with church and community happenings. Enjoy a great cup of coffee from Defined Coffee. No reservations needed - just show up. Everyone is invited. 

Gently Used and New Coats Needed for Men, Women and Children!

We are enjoying beautiful weather this week

but remember last week? The nights can be cold

for our homeless neighbors. Please bring your gently

used coats, jackets, and hoodies to the Fellowship

House. Adult coats will be distributed on November 19

at the next Love Feast on the Streets. Children’s coats

will be donated to the annual Cuddle Up coat drive

sponsored by Cabarus Partnership for Children. 

Fall Church Grounds Work Day

Join the Building and Grounds Committee on Saturday morning,, November 12, from 8 AM to 11 AM to beautify our campus for the holidays!

Care Packages

The Youth assembled 30 care packages for our high school Youth at boarding school and our FPC college students as they prepare for exams.

The Youth write notes of encouragement and build care bags filled with food, hot cocoa, and stress relieving games and activities.

Pictured here are some of our middle school Youth.

There is NO evening Youth Group on Sunday, November 6th. We hope to see everyone at the Second Course lunch fundraiser after worship.

From the Commons...

Inside the door to the Commons (by the elevator) you will find a lectern opened to a 'Morning Prayer." Julie and Ellen’s morning prayers, offered during worship, are so worthy of a re-read. 


The Journey SS class is collecting hoodies/sweatshirts (something to cover up and keep warm) for Irvin Elementary school. 

Sizes requested XS-XL and the items can be new or lightly used. This Sunday (November 6th) is the last day to drop items off in the Journey room (Education Building room 201).       

Circle 3 November 8

Please call the reservation line by Thursday, November 3, to sign up for the November 8 Circle 3 lunch:

704-788-2100, press 7 to make a reservation.  

Thanksgiving Turkeys for Operation Breadbasket

It’s turkey time again! This annual project of the S & D Sunday School class helps to provide Thanksgiving dinner for the organization's clients. Brian Moore has ordered 140 turkeys to be delivered to Operation Breadbasket in early November. Once again we wanted to invite all church members to join us in support of this project this year!

If you wish to donate, you may in one the following two ways:

1.      Make your check out to Brian Moore and mail to him at:

              2401 Bethlehem Church Rd

              Gold Hill, NC 28071

2.      Send your donation to Brian Moore’s Venmo acct @Brian-Moore-813.

First Kids Halloween 

Red Cross Cabarrus VIP Blood Drive

Monday, November 14th , in Davis Hall from

2:30 PM - 7:00 PM

To schedule an appointment click here and enter 28025 or

visit and enter: Cabarrus VIP Blood Drive

Sign-up Links

Lay Liturgists

Sign up here to be a lay liturgist to

read scripture in worship on Sundays.


Sign up here to volunteer in the Nursery on Sundays.



Sign up here to volunteer in the          

Sanctuary on Sundays

Sanctuary Flowers

To give the congregation a gift of

sanctuary flowersplease click here

to sign-up for one or more Sundays

during the year.


Sunday, November 6, 2022

Rev. Julie Hill preaching

Scripture: Hebrews 12:1-2a2 Kings 5:1-15a

Thursday, November 3

9:00 AM First Kids Preschool (Will Young Bldg)

6:00 PM Girl Scouts (Ed Bldg)

Friday, November 4

9:00 AM First Kids Preschool (Will Young Bldg)

Sunday, November 6

9:45 AM Elementary SS (Children's Chapel)

9:45 AM Middle/High School SS (Room 304 Will Young)

9:45 AM S & D Class (Fellowship House)

9:45 AM Todd Hobbie Class (Davis Hall)

9:45 AM Journey Class (Journey Classroom)

10:30 AM Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room)

11:00 AM Worship (Sanctuary or Live-stream)

12:00 PM Second Course Fundraiser Luncheon (Davis Hall)

3:00 PM Racial Equity Reads (Library Conference Room)

3:15 PM Children's Choir (Small Choir Room)

Tuesday, November 8

11:30 AM Circle 3 (Davis Hall)

2:00 PM Staff Meeting (Fellowship House Sunroom)

6:00 PM Cub Scouts (TBD)

7:00 PM Boy Scouts (Youth Room)

7:00 PM Al Anon (Commons)

7:00 PM Session (Library Conference Room)

Wednesday, November 9

9:00 AM First Kids Preschool (Will Young Bldg)

10:30 AM Bible Study (Davis Hall)

11:45 AM Lunch Bunch (Davis Hall)

7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room)

Church Report


Margaret & Howard Irvin - Backpack program

Cheryl & Doug Kelling - Backpack Program

Sarah & Jim Morrison - Backpack Program


Guy Beaver, Jr. - Families in Need

Dave Goff - Todd & Betsy Hobbie Scholarship Fund

Mitzi Malone - Music Program

Rebecca "Becky" Wampler - Memorial Garden


November 4 - Kathryn Mandujano, Lelia McMillan, Larry Ostema

November 5  - Katherine Barnett, Jeff Henderson, Sandra Sellers, Avery Wall

November 6  - Dee Hoskins, Fred Irving, Bette Thomas

November 7 - Merl Hamilton, Jessie Robbins

November 8 - Gerry Knorr

November 9 - Kevin Barbee

**To enjoy a sung happy birthday, click here!**

Ellen Crawford True
Senior Pastor/
Head of Staff

Julie Hill
Temporary Associate Pastor

René Prager
Director of Christian Education

Director of Music and Organist


Suzanne Russell
Church Administrator

Kim Mazzola
Financial Administrative Asst.

Heath Ritchie
Maintenance Superintendent

Director of First Kids

Wedding Director
Contact Info
First Presbyterian Church
(704) 788-2100

70 Union Street North
Concord NC 28025 

Mailing Address: 
PO Box 789 Concord NC 28026-0789

Church Office Hours: 
Monday - Thursday, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Closed Friday

The Commons Prayer Room:

Open to FPC: Sunday  until 1:00 PM,   

Tuesday10 AM - 5 PM, Thursday 10 AM - 5 PM

Open to FPC and the public: Wednesday 10 AM - 6 PM, Saturday 10 AM - 3 PM     

Group times available with prior arrangement

Memorial Garden:

36 Spring Street SW

Concord NC 28025


Garden Hours: 

Tuesday - Sunday, 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM

Closed Monday

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