Dear Friends,
On Sunday, July 2, we will begin a month-long sermon series entitled: “Games People Play.” Using the ideas behind card games and board games, we’ll spend some time hearing what scripture has to say about some very human concerns:
What does God have to say about loneliness?
How does scripture speak about money?
What does it mean for us to be fearfully and wonderfully made?
What is life supposed to look like?
This week we’ll wonder together what it means to apologize through the lens of Psalm 51:1-10 and Matthew 5:21-24 and the game “Sorry!” My hope is that this next month will give us a chance to look together at some serious topics while remembering to play a bit and not take ourselves so seriously.
Grace and peace,
Summer Communion: This summer we will celebrate communion on July 2, August 6, and September 3. On each of these Sundays, we will receive the elements by intinction, meaning we will come forward to receive a piece of (gluten-free) bread which we will dip in the cup. If you prefer to receive communion in your pew, you will be served a small piece of bread and an individual cup of juice at your seat.
On Sunday, July 9, we will have a Selah Worship service at 5 PM in Davis Hall, followed by dinner. All are welcome to attend but dinner reservations must be made using this link by Noon on Wednesday, July 5. You can also call the reservations line, 704-788-2100, #7. Please state the event and the number attending for dinner.
The office will be closed on Tuesday, July 4, for the holiday.
Bible Study on Wednesday, July 5, will be at 11:30 AM in the Fellowship House.
Usher sign up link:
Lay Reader sign up link:
link for online worship:
link to Ellen's sermon podcasts:
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Adult and Youth Volunteers Needed! |
We will be deconstructing our Vacation Bible School set-up on Thursday, June 29, starting at 12:15 PM. All 6th-12th grade Youth and adults are invited to help with this task.
We will start in Davis Hall. VBS set-up / tear-down: VBS Set-up & tear-down (
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There will not be Choir Rehearsal this Sunday, July 2, as we will not have a choir during Worship.Have a good Sunday off! | |
Banner Deadline for Holiday Week | Articles for next week's Banner are due to by Noon on Monday, July 3, because the office is closed for the holiday on Tuesday, July 4. | |
Noisy Offering June Collection | On Sunday we collected $285.50 in our Noisy Offering for the Backpack Program. Thank you! | |
Shalom! It was a fun opening day of Vacation Bible School! We traveled to Jerusalem and just in time to witness Jesus coming into town. Our young friends created clay bowls and woven wraps, attended Synagogue school, music and movement, recreation, and enjoyed a snack in the Jerusalem café. Our 5 Alive! group left campus mid-morning to deliver a Meals on Wheels route.
We look forward to spending the week in Jerusalem!
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Last Call for a Few Classic Games! |
If you are ready to part with: Sorry!, Chutes and Ladders, Life, regular Monopoly, Battleship, Trouble, Operation, or Connect 4, we would be happy to accept those donations!
Items can be left in the Fellowship House foyer now through June 30.
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Our rising 6th-12th graders are invited to help with one of our weekly Monday Meals on Wheels route.
Please use this link to sign-up: Meals on Wheels: Meals on Wheels (
Youth should arrive at the Fellowship House by 10:15 AM on Monday and they will be dropped off at home after the route (approx. noon/12:30).
We hope YOU can participate in this meaningful community connection.
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The upper parking lot will reopen after VBS on Thursday, June 29. As you use this space, please be sure to park in the designated diagonal spaces on the Fellowship side or the three parallel spaces next to the sanctuary only. Parking behind the designated parallel spaces blocks access, especially for larger personal vehicles and contractor and delivery vehicles. Additional parking is available in the lower lot off Church Street and the small lot off Creswell. | |
Market for Mission Update - Donation Day Tuesday, July 11 |
Tuesday, July 11, 1:00-4:00
Due to the July 4th holiday, donation drop-off day will be Tuesday, July 11. Bring items to the Will Young Bldg, 3rd floor, room 306. Carts and help are available. Members are also welcome to drop items at other times to the shelving units outside of room 306.
Thanks to so many of you, collections for the Market are going great! Be sure to mark your calendar for sale day - October 7, and volunteer to help during the sale - it takes all of us!
Items being collected - all donations should be clean and in good condition / good working order:
- Home Decor and Holiday/Seasonal items
- Kitchen & Small Appliances
- Linens, Towels & Bedding
- Art & Pottery
- Jewelry
- "Like new" Shoes & Purses
- Outerwear / Sweaters - (no other clothes)
- Small tables, night stands, desks (call to discuss if you have other large pieces of furniture)
- Tools - in good working order
- Children’s Toys - clean and with all parts
- Pet items
- Vintage & Collectible items (vintage kitchen glassware, antiques, old and unique items)
- Rugs - clean and good condition
- Puzzles, and that one of a kind item someone just might be looking for!
Questions??? Check with Sallie Dotger, Gina Goff, Carrie Myers, or Harriet Phillips!
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Cabarrus County Youth Orchestra | Earlier this year, Pastor Ellen was approached about a new partnership with a non-profit being created to bring music to more children in our community. With session’s blessing, beginning in August we will be hosting the new Cabarrus County Youth Orchestra here at FPC. Students from kindergarten through high school will be on campus Monday through Thursday in the early evenings in the children’s music rooms. For more information about this new organization or to register your child, please visit | |
Pastor Ellen was invited to offer a prayer during the dedication of the Women Build Habitat home for the King Family.
Thank you to each congregation member who contributed – financially, physically, and prayerfully – to this home.
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Lay Liturgists
Sign up here to be a lay liturgist to
read scripture in worship on Sundays.
Sign up here to volunteer in the Nursery on Sundays.
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Sign up here to volunteer in the
Sanctuary on Sundays
Sanctuary Flowers
To give the congregation a gift of
sanctuary flowers, please click here
to sign-up for one or more Sundays
during the year.
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Sunday, July 2, 2023
Rev. Ellen Crawford True
Psalm 51:1-10, Matthew 5:21-24
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Thursday, June 29
9:00 AM VBS (Campus)
Sunday,July 2
9:45 AM S & D Class (Fellowship House)
11:00 AM Worship (Sanctuary)
Tuesday, July 4
Office Closed for July 4 Holiday
7:00 PM Al Anon (Commons)
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Wednesday, July 5
11:30 AM Bible Study (Fellowship House)
Thursday, July 6
10:00 AM Staff Meeting (FH Sunroom)
6:30 PM Boy Scout Board of Advancement (3rd floor, Ed Bldg)
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Congratulations to Salem and McCann Sheridan on the birth of their daughter, Eloise Anne Sheridan on June 25, 2023 in Apex, NC. Grandparents are Kirby and David Sheridan.
Pat Hoover - Memorial Garden
Mary Niblock - Families in Need
Doris Ross - Families in Need
June 29 - Wade Holland, Kerry Johnston, Amy Murphy, Claudia Reiff
June 30 - Meredith Lee
July 1- Cary Gluf, Steve Mervin
July 2 - Bryson Hough, Parish Moffitt, Abby True
July 3 - Carrie Myers
July 5 - Seth Jones, Laura Lyon, Kay Wall
To enjoy a sung Happy Birthday, click here!
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Ellen Crawford True
Senior Pastor/Head of Staff
René Prager
Director of Christian Education
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Director of Music and Organist
Church Administrator
Kim Mazzola
Financial Administrative Asst.
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Heath Ritchie
Maintenance Superintendent
Director of First Kids
Wedding Director
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First Presbyterian Church
(704) 788-2100
70 Union Street North
Concord NC 28025
Mailing Address:
PO Box 789 Concord NC 28026-0789
Church Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Closed Friday
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The Commons Prayer Room:
Open to FPC: Sunday until 1:00 PM,
Tuesday10 AM - 5 PM, Thursday 10 AM - 5 PM
Open to FPC and the public: Wednesday 10 AM - 6 PM, Saturday 10 AM - 3 PM
Group times available with prior arrangement
Memorial Garden:
36 Spring Street SW
Concord NC 28025
Garden Hours:
Tuesday - Sunday, 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Closed Monday
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