December 20, 2023

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Have a Blessed and Merry Christmas and a

Very Happy New Year

 from your Staff at FPC!

Note from Ellen

Dear Friends,

On Sunday at the close of worship I tried to capture the moment when everyone stopped to listen to the guest musicians as they played the postlude. It was an extraordinary moment—a holy joyful-noise moment even—when we paused and savored the beauty together. My hope is that you will have more of these breath-catching, holy moments as we finish Advent and enter the official Christmas season. Prayers for all who are traveling and for all who are hosting, for all who are struggling and for all who are celebrating. The great good news is that the Christ child comes to all of us, for all of us.

Grace and peace,


The Nursery will be available for the 11:00 AM worship service and the 5:00 PM worship service this Sunday, December 24.

We Will have Bible Study on December 27.

Usher sign up link:

Lay Reader sign up link:

link for online worship:

link to Ellen's sermon podcasts:

Advent wreath readers are needed for Christmas Eve at 10:00 PM!

Sign up here:

(, and help us worship God as we prepare to welcome the Christ child.

A copy of each week's script is on a clipboard in the Narthex if you would like to see it.

Christmas Pageant

Thank you to the youth and children of our church family for leading last Sunday evening’s worship. It was a beautiful Christmas Pageant celebrating the birth of Jesus.

19 youth and 25 children participated this year. Thank you to all who donated non-perishable food items and to Heath for delivering the 105 pounds of food to Cooperative Christian Ministries last week. 

December Session Highlights

The Session met on December 12th. We discussed Chapter 4 of Start with Hello by Shannan Martin. We discussed hospitality and how our church shows hospitality, in an effort to provide “a shelter for belonging through every season.”


We also heard an update for the Memorial Garden Association, which has completed another successful year with strong leadership and remains financially solid.


All of our committees (Personnel, Christian Ed, Worship and Music, Finance, and Buildings and Grounds) remain quite active both maintaining our successful work and improving as needed.

Thursday Connections...

The next Connections book study will begin

January 25, 2024 at 2 PM in the Commons, with Rev. Casey Aldridge leading the discussion of Priya Parker’s book 'The Art of Gathering…How We Meet and Why it Matters.’ 

Mark you calendars now for this winter read and as one reviewer remarks…"Read it for its wisdom, its charm, its insight, and its ability to make every encounter with others more meaningful and enjoyable."

Repurpose Your Christmas Trees

As you take down your decorations weeks from now, please be aware that we are accepting artificial Christmas trees of all sizes.

The lights do not need to work, but we would like trees to be green (some artificial trees come in a range of colors)

We will store these at the church for props for future Vacation Bible schools and other programs.

Please contact René Prager at [email protected] or 704-788-2100 ext 4 to schedule a drop off. We do not need the trees this holiday season, so there is no rush. We would prefer to repurpose gently used trees that you are planning to discard versus purchasing new ones."


By request, an additional Youth Group date was added to the calendar this past Sunday. Seven of our Youth attended with projectors and game components in hand and engaged in an evening of Fortnite. Youth Group will not meet on Christmas Eve or New Year’s Eve. We look forward to gathering again on January 7th.

January 7th schedule:

4:30 PM - 5:30 PM – Confirmation class

5:30 PM - 6:00 PM – Combined dinner

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM – Middle and High school youth group

Year End Giving

Please remember that year-end contributions must be received in the church office by  Noon on Thursday, December 28 as that is the last calendar day for 2023 giving.

For stock transfers, please notify Suzanne Russell so that the proceeds can be applied to the correct account in a timely manner. Thank you!


After a break in November and December, our Confirmation Class will resume in January. Confirmands, families, and partners, please be sure to add these dates to your 2024 calendar:

January 7, 4:30 PM in Davis Hall

January 14 – no class

January 21, 4:30 PM in Davis Hall

January 28, 4:30 PM in Davis Hall – with partners

February 4, 4:30 PM in Davis Hall

February 6, 6:30 PM in FELLOWSHIP HOUSE with Session members

February 11, 10:30 AM in Sanctuary – with partners ahead of 11 AM worship, reception to follow 

Christmas with Lunch Bunch

First Presbyterian Lunch Bunch received a Christmas treat at their December meeting.

Following a tasty lunch at the church the members enjoyed treats and music at the home of church members,

Bob and Mary Margaret Underwood. The lovely home was built in 1924 for Mary Margaret's Great Grandfather, Charles A. Cannon. The home has been updated by the Underwoods but retains much of its original charm and is beautifully decorated for the Holiday Season.

Sign-up Links

Lay Liturgists

Sign up here to be a lay liturgist to

read scripture in worship on Sundays.


Sign up here to volunteer in the Nursery on Sundays.

Pew Prep

Sign up here to volunteer to help with pew prep on Sundays.


Sign up here to volunteer in the          

Sanctuary on Sundays


Sign up here to volunteer in the

Sanctuary on Sundays

Sanctuary Flowers

To give the congregation a gift of

sanctuary flowersplease click here

to sign-up for one or more Sundays

during the year.


Sunday, December 24 , 2023

Rev. Casey Aldridge

Psalm 113; Luke 1:5-13 [14-25] 57-80

Thursday, December 21

6:00 PM National Alliance for Mental Illness (Commons)

Sunday, December 24

10:00 AM Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room)

11:00 AM Worship (Sanctuary)

5:00 PM Christmas Eve Worship (Sanctuary)

9:00 PM Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room)

10:00 PM Christmas Eve Worship (Sanctuary)

Monday, December 25

Christmas Day (office closed)

Tuesday, December 26

Office Closed for holiday

7:00 PM Al Anon (Commons)

Wednesday, December 27

10:30 AM Bible Study (Fellowship House)

Thursday, December 28

6:00 PM National Alliance for Mental Illness (Commons)

6:30 PM Boy Scout Advancement Board of Review (Ed Bldg)

Sunday, December 31

9:45 AM Todd Hobbie Class (Davis Hall)

11:00 AM Worship

Monday, January 1

New Year's Day (office closed)

Tuesday, January 2

6:15 PM Congregational Care Meeting (FH Sunroom)

7:00 PM Al Anon (Commons)

7:30 PM Deacon Hospitality (Journey Classroom)

Wednesday, January 3

9:00 AM First Kids Preschool (Will Young Bldg)

7:30 PM Choir practice (Choir Room)

Church Report


Congratulations to Carlisle and Terrance Moser on the birth of their daughter, Ethne Patricia Moser, born on November 14, 2023, in Columbia, SC. Grandparents are Kirby and David Sheridan.


December 21 - Carter Olson

December 22 - John Bare, Peyton Bryant, Linda Grist, Paul Lentz, Helen Morrison, Holly Robbins, Susan Spader

December 23 - Jason Cagle, Hayden Dunlap, Bebe Gray

December 25 - Sally Cochran, Walker Hedgecock, Harriett Phillips

December 26 - Mary Beth Griffin, Marc Niblock

December 27 - Britt Leatherman

December 29 - Patty Patten

December 30 - Noel Griffin

December 31 - Linda Barnett, Chris Lippard, Sara Newberry

January 1 - Clark Hawfield, Margaret Hillman, Kasey Rohrer Winkles, Fred Schafer, Roy Stamey, Kaitlin Wright

January 2 - Christopher Bradley

To enjoy a sung Happy Birthday, click here!


Ellen Crawford True

Senior Pastor/Head of Staff

Casey Aldridge

Associate Pastor

[email protected]

René Prager

Director of Christian Education

[email protected]

Bryan Hovey

Parish Associate

[email protected]

Director of Music and Organist


Suzanne Russell
Church Administrator

Kim Mazzola
Financial Administrative Asst.

Heath Ritchie
Maintenance Superintendent

Director of First Kids

Wedding Director
Contact Info
First Presbyterian Church
(704) 788-2100

70 Union Street North
Concord NC 28025 

Mailing Address: 
PO Box 789 Concord NC 28026-0789

Church Office Hours: 
Monday - Thursday, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Closed Friday

The Commons Prayer Room:

Open to FPC: Tuesday - Sunday

Open to FPC and the public: 

Saturday 10 AM - 3 PM     

Group times available with prior arrangement

Memorial Garden:

[email protected]

36 Spring Street SW

Concord NC 28025


Garden Hours: 

Tuesday - Sunday, 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM

March 15 - September 15

Tuesday- Sunday, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

September 15 - March 15

Closed Monday

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