November 20, 2019
GIFT Sunday this Week
Join us this Sunday, November 24th, for a time of hands-on intergenerational learning. All ages are welcome to experience GIFT Sundays - Generations in Faith Together - a Sunday program by the Christian Education Committee. Beginning with a light breakfast at 9:45 a.m., we will have fellowship, learn, and grow together with our Advent Workshop, with crafts and prayer stations to help your family prepare for the birth of Christ. This will be the only Sunday School offering that morning, with all classes meeting together in Davis Hall, and nursery will be provided for infants and toddlers. Come learn and grow in faith together!
Happy Thanksgiving!
There will not be a Banner publication next week due to the holiday. Have a blessed, safe, and joyous Thanksgiving from the staff at FPC!
Concord Christmas Parade
The annual Concord Christmas Parade is scheduled for Saturday, November 23rd, from 2:30 - 5:30 p.m. We encourage everyone to come out for this fun event. Our church provides assorted cookies, hot chocolate and water free of charge as an outreach to the community. Bring blankets or chairs. There is plenty of open space to sit on the church grounds and enjoy fellowship while watching the parade.
We would welcome cookie donations. Store-bought or homemade are both great. If you would be able to bring two dozen cookies, please email Donna Cline at by Thursday, so that we know about how many cookies to expect. You can drop off cookies, marked "The Christmas Parade," in the Fellowship House during church office hours or on Sunday morning. Also, we would welcome help to set-up, help to man the tables during the parade, and help with clean-up.
Poinsettia Orders
To order poinsettias in memory or in honor of a loved one, please click here. There are are also paper order forms available in the narthex and the lobby of the Fellowship House. All orders must be received by the church no later than December 5th.
All Church Read- Neighborhood Church
Join us as we continue to study the book "Neighborhood Church" by Krin Van Tatenhove and Rob Mueller. Together we will ask the question, "How can we embody the values of love, grace, and justice?" As faith communities, how can our collective embodiment of these values shine even brighter? The answers to these questions must always unfold right here, right now, exactly where God has planted us." 
Books can be bought online or they can be purchased through the church office for $12.
All Adult Sunday School classes as well as the High School Sunday School class are invited to gather in Davis Hall starting on at 9:45 a.m. Even if you don't read the book, we hope you will join us!
Here is our reading schedule for the remainder of the book:
Nov. 24- GIFT Sunday
Dec. 1- Sunday School classes will not meet
Dec. 8- Chapter 4
Dec. 15- Chapter 5
Session Highlights from the November 12, 2019 Meeting
• Approval of the slate of nominees for the Pastor Nominating Committee as presented by Jim Monroe & the selection committee: Dave Goff, Margaret Hillman, Cheryl Kelling, Betsy Liles, Rindy Moore, Mack Morgan, Todd Phillips, Kathy Pilkington, Nathan Woolwine.
• Approval for the Finance Committee to draft a plan for outsourcing some of the church accounting functions.
• Building and Grounds Committee is working to reestablish a Maintenance Committee to develop and oversee a strategic maintenance plan in concert with the Strategic Plan.
• Christian Education Committee is working to update our technology throughout the church.
• Report from the Stewardship Committee that we have received 153 pledges totaling $586,000 and are very hopeful that pledges will continue to come in in order to accurately develop the 2020 budget.
• Worship & Music and the Alternative Services Committees continue to plan alternative services like Blessing of the Animals, Evensong, special musical services, and the upcoming December 10th Longest Night service.
• A recital for NC School of the Arts students will be held in the sanctuary on December 20.
• The Deacons are planning the November 23rd Christmas Parade fellowship on the lawn with cookies and cocoa, and the December 1st Tree Lighting on the lawn with caroling and crafts. 
• Deacons are also planning a staff appreciation for Logan Daycare staff, a church retreat for the fall of 2020, and have allocated $21,799 of 2019 discretionary benevolence funds for a variety of needs.

The Session meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. Minutes are open and available by request after they are approved at the following month’s Session meeting.

To connect with church officers, all Deacons and Elders and their committee assignments are listed on the church website under the “ABOUT” tab, “Staff and Leadership.”
Wednesday Night Fellowship
Please note that we will NOT have our regular Wednesday Night Fellowship supper and program on November 27th. We wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!
Upcoming Wednesday Night programs are:
The JOY OFFERING Dinner will be on December 4th in Davis Hall. Join us at 5:30 p.m. for sparkling grape juice and cheese straws. Dinner will be served at 6:00 p.m. Cost is $10 per person. Dinner reservations will be accepted until noon on Tuesday, November 26th after which time your name will be placed on a waiting list. Childcare available for infants - preschool by reservation (please bring a bag supper for each child).
The Children's Choir Christmas Showcase on December 11th in Davis Hall at 6:00 p.m. Cost is $6 per adult and $3 for children 10 and under. Please make your dinner reservations by noon Monday, December 9th.
Irvin Elementary School Needs
For several years we at First Presbyterian Church have partnered with Irvin Elementary as part of the Adopt A School Program supporting students and teachers in a variety of ways. The school maintains a clothing closet with items that are used when children arrive at school wearing inappropriate attire for the season, or when their clothing becomes unwearable during school hours. There is a pressing need now for new boys and girls socks in sizes youth small to adult medium, and for boys and girls underwear sizes youth small (4-6) to adult small. In addition, there is a need for belts, youth sizes small, medium and large, and for deodorant.
In the spirit of the Thanksgiving season, we all have much for which to be thankful, and we should remember the many children of lesser means in our community that are in need of adequate clothing during school. Please consider purchasing any of the items mentioned above and bringing them to the Fellowship House where a well marked receptacle will be placed inside the back door. We are collecting donated items between now and Sunday, December 1. All collected items will be delivered to the school after Thanksgiving and be available to needy students during late fall and winter.
Angel Tree Alert
The Angel Tree has been up in the narthex for the past two Sundays but we are still in need of people to choose an angel from the tree to purchase and wrap a present to give to a child in the name of an incarcerated parent. We have approximately 20 Angels still hanging on the tree so we have decided to extend the opportunity to participate in this project for one more week and therefore the Angel Tree will be in the narthex this Sunday, November 24. In order to get these wrapped presents to the deacons at the December 3 meeting for family delivery, we request that you return the gifts to the back of the Fellowship House or bring them to church no later than Sunday December 1. Thank you for your support of this worthwhile project and help to put a smile on the face of a child this Christmas. Board of Deacons
Sign-up Links
Christmas Joy Offering Dinner
Wednesday, December 4th
6:00 p.m., Davis Hall
Reservations due by November 26th

Children's Choir Christmas Showcase
Wednesday, December 11th
6:00 p.m., Davis Hall
Reservations due by December 5th

Sanctuary Flowers
To give the congregation a gift of
sanctuary flowers please click here
to sign-up for one or more Sundays
during the year .
Lay Liturgists
Sign up here to be a lay liturgist to
read scripture in worship on Sundays.

Circle 3 Lunch
Tuesday, December 3
11:45 a.m., Davis Hall

Youth Newsletter
Sign up here to receive the Youth Newsletter for detailed information
about all events related to youth who are in 6th-12th grade.
Do you have a love of cooking and feeding hungry youth? Please consider signing up with a friend to supply a meal for our Youth Fellowship program on Sunday nights. The youth's stomachs thank you! Rachel will send out meal specifications, including allergy needs, etc.
Sign up 
Sunday, November 24
Rev. Dr. Scott Kenefake
            Luke 23:33-43             
Thursday, November 21
9:00 a.m. First Kids Preschool
9:15 a.m. Preschool Advisory Board
6:30 p.m. Boy Scout Adv. Boards of Review
Friday, November 22
9:00 a.m. First Kids Preschool
9:30 a.m. Adult Literacy Tutoring
Saturday, November 23
Concord Christmas Parade Lawn party
Sunday, November 24
9:45 a.m. Sunday School- Gift Sunday
10:30 a.m. Sanctuary Choir
11:00 a.m. Worship
3:00 p.m. Children's Choir
4:00 p.m. Youth Choir
5:00 p.m. Youth Fellowship
Monday, November 25
9:00 a.m. First Kids Preschool
11:30 a.m. AA
Tuesday, November 26
9:00 a.m. First Kids Preschool
10:00 a.m. Adult Literacy Tutoring
6:00 p.m. Cub Scouts
7:00 p.m. Boy Scouts Troop 3
7:30 p.m. Sanctuary Choir
Wednesday, November 27
Office closes at Noon
T hursday, November 28
Happy Thanksgiving
Sunday, December 1
No Sunday School
10:30 a.m. Sanctuary Choir
11:00 a.m. Worship
1:30 Eagle Scout Program
3:00 p.m. Christmas Tree Lighting
Monday,December 2
9:00 a.m. First Kids Preschool
11:30 a.m. AA
6:30 p.m. Circle 1
7:00 p.m. Boy Scout District Steering Com.
Tuesday, December 3
9:00 a.m. First Kids Preschool
10:00 a.m. Adult Literacy Tutoring
11:45 a.m. Circle 3
1:00 p.m. Staff Christmas Luncheon
6:00 p.m. Cub Scouts
7:00 p.m. Boy Scouts Troop 3
700 p.m. Board of Deacons
Wednesday, December 4
7:30 a.m. Men's Bible Study
9:00 a.m. First Kids Preschool
2:00 p.m. Staff Meeting
6:00 p.m. Joy Offering Dinner
7:30 p.m. Sanctuary Choir
Church Report
The sympathy and condolences of the congregation are extended to the family of Keely Gorski, whose grandmother, Sarah Palser died on Tuesday, November 12th..
Congratulations to Marc Niblock Jr. and Haley Wolfe whose marriage was celebrated on November 2 in Locust, NC.
November 21 - Joanne Say, Elly Steel
November 22 -Casey Terwelp, Jim Wall
November 23 - Casey Aldridge, Brian Gluf, Erwin Spainhour, Erin Trahey
November 24 - Andy Jones
November 25 - Lela Bishop, Timothy Neal
Scott Kenefake
Interim Senior Pastor 

Associate Pastor 
for Care and Mission

Associate Pastor
for Christian Formation
Director of Music and Organist


Suzanne Russell
Church Administrator

Financial Secretary
Heath Ritchie
Maintenance Superintendent

Director of First Kids

Church Hostess

Wedding Director
Contact Info
First Presbyterian Church

70 Union Street North
Concord NC 28025 

Mailing Address: 
PO Box 789 Concord NC 28026-0789

Church Office Hours: 
Monday - Thursday, 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Closed Friday
The Commons Prayer Room:
Monday: Closed
Tuesday/Thursday/Friday - Open for Scheduled Groups
Wednesday: 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Saturday: 10:00 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Sunday mornings for FPC

Memorial Garden:
(980) 621-0719
36 Spring Street SW
Concord NC 28025
Garden Hours: 
Tuesday - Saturday, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Sunday, 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Closed Monday