Next Week's Edition of The Banner will be sent on Thursday, March 3, 2022
Dear Friends,
Over the past two months, I have had the honor of working alongside our Director of Christian Education, René Prager, leading this year’s confirmation class. It has been joyful and rewarding to walk with these students as they have wondered, studied, questioned, and prayed about what it means to be active members within this community of faith. I look forward to celebrating with them this Sunday as they affirm their faith, answering the questions their parents answered for them just a few years ago. As a congregation you made promises to them and their families, as well, so I hope you will plan to celebrate with us, too!
Grace and peace,
Called to Serve: Please send names of people in whom you see gifts for leadership as potential deacons, elders, and/or Associate Pastor Nominating Committee members. You may email suggestions to Suzanne Russell ( who will forward them on for consideration by the correct committee. The deadline for suggestions is March 7.
Faith Statement Writing Workshops
Our Confirmands participated in a couple of faith statement writing workshops last week.
We are grateful for the many confirmation partners who were able to participate in person and on Zoom.
The Girl Scouts will be in front of the sanctuary this Sunday, February 27th, from 1-4 PM selling Girl Scout cookies.
Registration 2022-2023
We are currently accepting applications for the 2022-2023 school year.
Church members are given first priority when applications are received by February 28th when the early registration period ends.
Please contact Maureen O'Bryan at if you need a form for yourself or a friend or if you have any questions.
Scholastic Book Fair
For the first time since 2019 we are excited to be offering a Book Fair. The fair will be open for church members to visit before and after services on Sunday, March 6th.
Your purchases help our preschool earn points that can be cashed in for books and other educational materials.
Come visit us in Davis Hall and pick up gift books for a special little person in your life.
We thank you for your support!
Cooperative Christian Ministry Current Needs
CCM continues to be blessed by so many community partners who conduct food drives, put together special hygiene kits, and support us in many other ways. Early this month the Boy Scouts again held their annual Scouting for Food drive, and we have received in excess of 11,000 lbs. of wonderful non-perishables! Thanks to all of you whose congregations sponsor Boy Scout Troops!
Currently, the items we are in biggest need of are:
· Cereal
· Canned Fruit
· Canned pinto and kidney beans
· Diapers (all sizes)
As always, we especially seek low sodium items, no-added-sugar items, and whole-grain items.
Currently, we have plenty of:
· Pasta
· Macaroni & Cheese
· Rice
· Tuna
· Chicken & Rice Soup
· Pasta Sauce
· Diced Tomatoes
· Canned Green Beans and Corn
· Ramen Noodles
Thank you for the continued support from our church partners. Our Crisis Center at 246 Country Club Drive NE in Concord serves as the warehouse for most of the food. We will gladly accept all donations at that site from 9:30 am to 1 pm Monday through Friday. Bethel Baptist Helping Hands Food Pantry, located at 1209 1/4 Opal Street in Kannapolis, will gladly accept donations from 9 am to 1 pm on Monday and Thursday. The food pantry located at Westford UMC on Highway 49 and the Kannapolis Food Pantry at West Point Baptist Church can accept donations on Saturday morning from 8:30 am to 11:30 am. The Feeding Our Souls Food Pantry at Bethel Church in Midland, and North Kannapolis Baptist Church Food Pantry will accept donations by calling the church in advance.
Asheville Youth Mission Trip
Last weekend five of our youth attended the Asheville Youth Mission weekend. Saturday morning’s program was at 12 Baskets Café – Asheville Poverty Initiative. (12 Baskets Cafe — Asheville Poverty Initiative) We helped to move furniture and clean the café before sitting down with one of the group’s Poverty Scholars, Joe. Joe shared portions of his story including his journey from a Master’s degree to unemployment to depression and substance abuse, and eventually homelessness. Co-directors of the Asheville Poverty Initiative, Emily and Melva, talked to us about their mission: aiming to build community and promote economic justice, dismantling stereotypes, reducing fear, and empowering hope through telling stories across socio-economic differences. All are welcome at 12 Baskets Café – “those experiencing physical hunger, those who hunger to belong, as well as those who hunger to help.”
Our afternoon included a walk around Asheville to hear the story of a young family struggling to move from homelessness to some level of stability. We walked the path they would have walked with their two small children and it provided a great visual for the challenges people face, even when resources are available. Our evening program included visual arts as a way to process all that we had experienced during the day.
We closed our weekend with an impactful small group worship on Sunday morning.
Todd Hobbie Sunday School Class
Todd Hobbie has resumed his Sunday School Class on Marcus Borg's book, Speaking Christian. Please join us. We have coffee!
Girl Scouts Travel the World
On Thursday, the Girl Scouts traveled the world as they celebrated Thinking Day. The Juniors and Cadettes spent the last month learning about different countries with Girl Scout programs. They created display boards, designed crafts, SWAPs, and brought in samples of ethnic foods to represent their country. The Daisy and Brownie Girl Scouts enjoyed "traveling" to Brazil, France, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, and South Korea. Each Girl Scout went home with a passport from their travels, a collection of patches and badges earned, and food samples to enjoy at home.
Trumpet Concert Friday Night!
Plan to join us in our sanctuary this Friday evening, FEbruary 25, at 7:00 PM for a trumpet concert with UNCC Trumpet Professor Eric Millard.
See you then!
Associate Pastor Nominating Committee (APNC) Selection Committee
Dear fellow members of First Presbyterian Church Concord,
We are excited to begin the next phase to select the Associate Pastor for our congregation. The session has engaged our committee to prepare a slate of seven nominees to serve on the Associate Pastor Nominating Committee (APNC). Once this slate is prepared, it will be submitted to the congregation for a vote.
Please give prayerful thought to APNC candidates. If you decide to nominate yourself or another church member there are important considerations associated with this commitment. Members on the APNC should:
· Be active in the life of our church.
· Be open minded, collaborative, and able to maintain confidentiality.
· Be familiar with Presbyterian beliefs and traditions.
· Commit to ongoing and regular engagement, meetings, and some weekend and overnight travel for up to one year.
On or before March 7, please provide names of candidates who meet and accept the considerations above and who agree to be nominated to:
We are confident God is preparing the way for us, and we ask you to continue to keep our church, its members and its future in your prayers.
APNC Selection Committee: Kevin Barbee, Elizabeth Anne Bishop, Clay Maguire, Harris Morrison, Susan Otteni, Amanda Williamson
Please mark your calendars for March 20th at 5:00 PM. Actionnel Fleurisma from Bayonnais, Haiti will be visiting First Presbyterian Church. This will be time to hear from Actionnel on what is happening in Haiti and with the schools and children we support. There will be time for fellowship and questions as well. More details to come!
Spring Semester Care Packages!
Please e-mail René Prager ( with your college student’s mailing address. Our Youth Group will be putting packages together soon.
Lay Liturgists
Sign up here to be a lay liturgist to
read scripture in worship on Sundays.
Sign up here to open or close the Commons.
Sign up here to volunteer in the Nursery on Sundays.
Sanctuary Flowers
To give the congregation a gift of
to sign-up for one or more Sundays
during the year.
Sunday, February 27, 2022
Rev. Ellen Crawford True, Preaching
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Thursday, February 24
9:00 AM. First Kids Preschool
1:00 PM Planning Mtg (FH library)
4:00 PM MGA Board (FH library)
6:30 PM Boy Scout Advancement Boards of Review (Ed Bldg)
Friday, February 25
9:00 AM First Kids Preschool
7:00 PM Trumpet Concert (Sanctuary)
Saturday, February 26
2:00 PM Hedgpeth Memorial Service followed by visitation (Sanctuary and Davis Hall)
Sunday, February 27
9:45 AM Journey SS (Ed Bldg)
9:45 AM S & D SS (FH)
9:45 AM Todd Hobbie SS (Davis Hall)
10:30 AM Sanctuary Choir (Choir room)
11:00 AM Worship w/Confirmation (Sanctuary or Live-stream)
3:15 PM Children's Choir (small choir room)
4:30 PM Middle School Group (Davis Hall)
5:30 PM Youth Dinner (Davis Hall)
6:00 PM High School Group (Davis Hall)
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Monday, February 28
9:00 AM First Kids Preschool
7:00 PM Congregational Nominating Committee (FH Library)
Tuesday, March 1
First Kids Book Fair (Davis Hall)
9:00 AM First Kids Preschool
2:00 PM Staff Meeting
7:00 PM Board of Deacons (Library Conference Room)
7:00 PM Cub Scouts (TBD)
7:00 PM Boy Scouts (Youth Room)
7:00 PM Al Anon (Commons)
Wednesday, March 2
First Kids Book Fair (Davis Hall)
9:00 AM First Kids Preschool
10:30 AM Bible Study (Davis Hall)
7:00 PM Ash Wednesday Service (Sanctuary or Live-stream)
7:30 PM Choir Practice (Choir Room)
Thursday, March 3
First Kids Book Fair (Davis Hall)
9:00 AM First Kids Preschool
9:15 AM Cabarrus Christian Women's Connection Meeting (Davis Hall)
6:30 PM Girl Scouts (2nd Fl Ed Bldg)
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February 24 - Brianne Campbell, Austin Entwistle
February 25 - Kirby Sheridan, Bill Wightman
February 26 - Anne Morrison
February 27 - Tom Brown, Scottie Dickens, Lee Dunlap, Buzz Mongold, Alex Porter, Frank Sellers, Hanna Smith
February 28 - Emmaline Moore, Carolyn Perry, Resat Say
March 1 - Jeremy HItt
March 2 - Ali Bethune, Ian Cook, Ruthie Hillman, Scott Pless, Susan Smith
March 3 - James Garmon, Howard Irvin,Sean McMullan, Grace Morrison, Matthew Steel
Ellen Crawford True
Senior Pastor/
Head of Staff
Julie Hill
Temporary Associate Pastor
René Prager
Director of Christian Education
Director of Music and Organist
Church Administrator
Kim Mazzola
Financial Administrative Asst.
Heath Ritchie
Maintenance Superintendent
Director of First Kids
Wedding Director
First Presbyterian Church
(704) 788-2100
70 Union Street North
Concord NC 28025
Mailing Address:
PO Box 789 Concord NC 28026-0789
Church Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Closed Friday
The Commons Prayer Room Hours:
Monday Closed
Open for scheduled groups:
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Open to the Public:
Wednesday: 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Saturday: 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Sunday mornings for FPC
Memorial Garden:
36 Spring Street SW
Concord NC 28025
Garden Hours:
Tuesday - Sunday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Closed Monday