Remember this weekend we turn our clocks forward an hour!
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Dear Friends,
It has now been three years since the world began to wonder and worry about this strange virus that was being mentioned in the news. At the time, I remember thinking it seemed so far away. I had no idea how it would upend life everywhere in a matter of days. We are still finding our way forward, relishing the chance to gather in person for weddings, graduations, baptisms, and funerals. While we always valued gathering with one another, I treasure it more deeply now than I ever could have before March of 2020. I also know there are those for whom gathering still does not feel safe, so we are still called upon to be creative in connecting with one another, because there are still pieces and people we are missing.
Building on our Lenten theme, “Parables and Other Puzzles,” I hope you’ll plan to join us for Pizza and Puzzles on Sunday, March 26 (sign up here or call the reservations line, 704-788-2100, press 7, by March 21). Following worship that day, we will gather to enjoy a relaxed meal and spend some time working on puzzles and playing easy games, (we may even stream some March Madness games!). I am excited about the chance for us to have fun together with friends of all ages as we keep putting the pieces back together.
Grace and peace,
Usher sign up link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0948acab2dabf49-fpcusher
Lay Reader sign up link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0948acab2dabf49-scripture
link for online worship: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfpzVUz-ZgaCJuogIMor8Iw/live
link to Ellen's sermon podcasts: https://bit.ly/Sermons_FPCConcord
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Will You Devote Yourself to the Church's Teaching? |
On Sunday, our confirmands studied 2 Timothy 1:1-14 and the Apostles’ Creed. In small groups, they also explored one additional creed and shared the most important portions with our group. We read Hebrews 12:1-2 and talked about those who have been influential in our faith lives, celebrating many of them as we created a “cloud of witnesses”. Confirmation class resumes on March 19th.
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Our Youth learned about the Jewish holiday, Purim, by reading the book of Esther and baking Hamantaschen cookies. | |
Youth Schedule for this Sunday, March 12 |
Sunday’s Schedule
9:45-10:45 Sunday School, Room 304, Will Young Building – Jesus Feeding the 5000
11 AM Worship in the sanctuary
12:30-1:30 – lunch at Moe’s – Families are welcome to join us
RSVP here: 2022-2023 Youth: 3/12 Youth (signupgenius.com)
No confirmation class, no regular youth group
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Join us in our Sanctuary this Friday,
March 10, 2023 at 6 PM for a
Cello Duo Recital.
All are welcome to enjoy this Free Concert!
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Todd Hobbie Class Info for Sunday, March 12 |
Am I totally depraved?
One of the most misunderstood doctrines of Reformed churches is the doctrine of “total depravity.” It has often been associated with dour-looking Presbyterians, and then there’s the suspicion that the doctrine is, at its core, misanthropic. Dr. Dave True will examine multiple meanings of total depravity, criticisms of the doctrine, alternatives, and how the doctrine might be reformulated today.
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Approximately 40 of the women in our congregation and some friends enjoyed a delicious luncheon and a powerful presentation about "Fervent Faith" delivered by the Rev. Dr. Alice Ridgill this past Sunday in Davis Hall.
Dr. Ridgill is the Associate Presbyter of the Charlotte Presbytery as well as a Captain and a Chaplain in the United States Air Force Reserve. She has a Masters of Divinity, a Doctorate in Ministry, an MBA, and a certificate in Executive Leadership. Dr. Ridgill is also the author of an inspirational book titled Maximizing the Meantime: Feasting on God in Times of Famine. Her presentation was absolutely mesmerizing and memorable, with many women mentioning the marvelous insights she shared with us about faith, especially during hard times. We are grateful for her time with us, for the wonderful meal prepared by Margaret Campbell, and for the special time of fellowship with each other! If any women are not yet active in the Presbyterian Women, please come join us for one or more of the many activities offered by the Presbyterian Women here at First Presbyterian!! All are welcome.
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Rubber Bands, Mat Board, and Hammer & Peg Sets
We can repurpose items that you may have at home! We are looking for the following supplies for Vacation Bible School:
- Rubber bands of all sizes
- Mat board – any colors, in pieces at least as large as your hand
- Hammer and peg sets (children’s game)
- Children’s fishing game
- Canopy Tent
You may drop off items in the foyer of the Fellowship House labeled VBS donations or contact René Prager (r.prager@firstpresconcord.org) with questions.
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One Great Hour of Sharing |
One Great Hour of Sharing:
Presbyterian Hunger Program
Alleviating Hunger and Eliminating Its Causes
Presbyterian congregations are reaching their communities with the love of Christ – offering meals for hungry people through food pantries, soup kitchens, community gardens, backpack programs, and more. This is vital work.
Complementing the work of local congregations, the mission of the Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP) is to alleviate hunger and eliminate its causes. Working in partnership in the United States and around the world, we seek to find out why people are hungry and encourage action that will help address the underlying causes.
One such partnership is in Yemen where war has left more than 8.4 million people at risk of starvation. The response of our partner, Generations Without Qat, has included the distribution of fishing kits, goats to provide milk, support for income generating activities, and skills or capacity building trainings.
With all its partners, Presbyterian Hunger Program approaches hunger holistically, using a variety of approaches, including direct food relief combined with root cause work, sustainable development, advocacy, intentional and sustainable living, and education.
The One Great Hour of Sharing offering will be received on Easter.
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Please join the Racial Equity Reads group at 3 p.m. this Sunday, March 12, in The Commons to discuss “The Color of Compromise” by Jemar Tisby.
This book, available on Amazon.com, examines the American Church’s complicity in racism and suggests ways to foster a more equitable and inclusive environment among God’s people. We will look specifically at chapters 2 and 3 this week.
Our group is informal, and you can join any time. For more information email sverner@yahoo.com.
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College Care Packages Coming Soon! |
If you have a child in college, please e-mail René Prager, r.prager@firstpresconcord.org, their mailing address so that we can prepare a care package for them.
We had a couple of packages returned in the fall, so please send in those addresses even if they are the same as the fall.
Please also let us know if your college student is graduating this spring.
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Prayers for Ukraine Service |
Join Us
Sunday, March 26th
6 PM in the Commons
for a Community Prayer Service for Ukraine
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Red Cross Cabarrus County VIP Blood Drive |
Monday, March 13th, in Davis Hall from
2:30 PM - 7:00 PM
To schedule an appointment click here and enter 28025 or
visit redcrossblood.org and enter: Cabarrus VIP Blood Drive
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Easter Hams for Operation Breadbasket | The S & D Sunday School class invites the congregation to join in providing Easter hams to families-in-need served by Operation Breadbasket. S & D class members will purchase and deliver 140 hams to Operation Breadbasket in time for their Easter distribution. If you would like to donate, please make your check out to Brian Moore and either drop it off at the church office, or mail to him: 2401 Bethlehem Church Rd, Gold Hill, NC 28071. Thank you! | |
Lay Liturgists
Sign up here to be a lay liturgist to
read scripture in worship on Sundays.
Sign up here to volunteer in the Nursery on Sundays.
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Sign up here to volunteer in the
Sanctuary on Sundays
Sanctuary Flowers
To give the congregation a gift of
sanctuary flowers, please click here
to sign-up for one or more Sundays
during the year.
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Sunday, March 12, 2023
Rev. Ellen Crawford True preaching
Isaiah 25:1, 6-9 Matthew 202:1-14
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Thursday, March 9
8:45 AM Donuts with Daddy (Davis Hall)
9:00 AM First Kids Preschool (Will Young Bldg)
10:00 AM Thursday Morning Coffee (Gibson Mill)
5:00 PM Habitat Collegiate Meal (Fellowship House)
Friday, March 10
9:00 AM First Kids Preschool (Will Young Bldg)
6:00 PM Cello Recital (Sanctuary)
Sunday, March 12
9:45 AM Middle/High School SS (Room 304 Will Young)
9:45 AM Todd Hobbie Class (Davis Hall)
9:45 AM Journey Class (Ed Bldg)
9:45 AM S & D Class (Fellowship House)
10:00 AM Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room)
11:00 AM Worship (Sanctuary)
12:15 PM Girl Scout Cookie Reception (Front Lawn)
12:15 PM Youth Lunch at Moe's (off campus)
3:00 PM Racial Equity Reads (Commons)
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Monday, March 13
9:00 AM First Kids Preschool (Will Young Bldg)
11:00 AM Circle 4 (off campus)
2:30 PM Cabarrus County VIP Blood Drive (Davis Hall)
7:00 PM Boy Scout District RoundTable (Davis Hall)
Tuesday, March 14
9:00 AM First Kids Preschool (Will Young Bldg)
9:30 Preschool Committee Meeting (Library Conference Room)
11:30 AM Circle 3 (Davis Hall)
2:00 PM Staff Meeting (FH Sunroom)
6:00 PM Cub Scouts (Davis Hall)
6:30 PM Session (Library Conference Room)
7:00 PM Boy Scouts (Youth Room)
7:00 PM Al Anon Meeting (Commons)
Wednesday, March 15
9:00 AM First Kids Preschool (Will Young Bldg)
10:30 AM Bible Study (Fellowship House)
7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room)
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March 9 - Evelyn Barrier Light, Susan Dulmage, Keaton Newton
March 10 - Jim Holloway, Nancy Jo King, Amy Olson
March 11 - Charles Brandon
March 13 - Lalla Overby
March 14 - Steve Burke, Barry Cannon, Kristi Dugan,Reed Martin, John Morrison, Susan Simpson, Debbie Smith
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Ellen Crawford True
Senior Pastor/
Head of Staff
Julie Hill
Temporary Associate Pastor
René Prager
Director of Christian Education
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Director of Music and Organist
Church Administrator
Kim Mazzola
Financial Administrative Asst.
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Heath Ritchie
Maintenance Superintendent
Director of First Kids
Wedding Director
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First Presbyterian Church
(704) 788-2100
70 Union Street North
Concord NC 28025
Mailing Address:
PO Box 789 Concord NC 28026-0789
Church Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Closed Friday
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The Commons Prayer Room:
Open to FPC: Sunday until 1:00 PM,
Tuesday10 AM - 5 PM, Thursday 10 AM - 5 PM
Open to FPC and the public: Wednesday 10 AM - 6 PM, Saturday 10 AM - 3 PM
Group times available with prior arrangement
Memorial Garden:
36 Spring Street SW
Concord NC 28025
Garden Hours:
Tuesday - Sunday, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Closed Monday
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