This Sunday marks a new program year as well as a new adventure with scripture as we begin following the Narrative Lectionary. As you may know a lectionary is a way of moving through scripture in an orderly fashion. The Narrative Lectionary is a four-year cycle of readings that begins each fall with Genesis: “On the Sundays from September through May each year the texts follow the sweep of the biblical story, from Creation through the early Christian church.” (For more on the NL, follow this link:
For the first seven Sundays this fall, we are offering a worship series entitled, “Re-Member.” As the writers at Worship Well write:
Reading the Bible is a kind of remembering, of being remembered. The readings selected for the Narrative Lectionary this fall invite all sorts of remembering. On God’s part. On the part of God’s chosen people and those they imagined would some day encounter their stories. The Bible’s memory – its acts of remembering and injunctions against forgetting – pull us into an ancient vortex of celebration and shame, of joy and sorrow, guilt and grace, of liberation and slavery. These old, old stories invite us to recall and regard and reassemble them and ourselves in new ways.
As we move through the story of God and God’s people, we will cover a lot of ground in a hurry. Each week, you will find daily Bridge Texts listed in the bulletin and in the Banner that connect one Sunday to the next. In that spirit, ahead of this Sunday, I invite you to look back over Genesis 1 and 2, to remember the ways the Bible speaks of God’s work of creation.
I am so excited to share this journey with you. I hope you’ll make plans to join us Sunday and to invite neighbors and friends to join us, too!
Grace and peace,
This summer we have had a wonderful time of intergenerational and informal worship and fellowship at our Selah services on Sunday evenings. As we look ahead, we want to reflect together on how this experiment has served as an aid to faith for us as individuals and as a community. Please complete this brief survey ( and let us know your thoughts. We’re hoping to hear from those who attended as well as those who did not.
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We are excited about RALLY DAY! What is Rally Day? It is the kick-off for our new year of programming!
Be sure to join us this Sunday, September 11th at 10 AM on the lawn of the Fellowship House. (Davis Hall in case of rain)
Come hungry and enjoy breakfast. There will be time for you to peruse the informational tables to learn about many of the ways you can be involved at First Presbyterian Church.
Elementary, middle, and high school students can meet some of their Sunday School teachers, and adults can learn about the three different adult Sunday School classes.
You will find information on many ways to serve within our congregation and in the larger community, as well as opportunity for fellowship and bible study.
Here's to an exciting and healthy year ahead!
Go out in joy, be led back in peace. (Isaiah 55:12)
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2022-2023 BackPack Program Coltrane Webb Elementary School |
2022-2023 BackPack Program
Coltrane Webb Elementary School
Congregational Mission
Items needed by September 12, 2022:
10 canisters of oatmeal (quick cook)
10 plastic jars of peanut butter (16 oz)
10 plastic jars of jelly (20 oz)
6 large box of raisins (15 oz)
8 pkgs of rice (1 lb.)
16 cans of ravioli (15 0z)
7 boxes of cookies (standard size, any flavor)
40 cans of Vienna Sausages (4.6 oz)
6 cans of fruit cocktail (15 oz)
16 cans of green beans (14.5 oz)
8 packs of cheese crackers (6 crackers to one pack)
10 boxes of saltines (4 sleeves to a box)
5 cans of diced tomatoes (14.5 oz)
10 pkgs soft taco shells (10-12 per pkg)
**Most of these items are available in Food Lion Brand.**
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Pew Prep Returns on September 11 |
We are excited to resume Pew Prep this Sunday! After the first reading, children will be invited forward to sit in the first pew, in front of the pulpit. After the Children’s Message, our Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade students will exit the sanctuary together with their Pew Prep leaders. Older children will return to sit with their families.
Pew Prep will focus on preparing our early elementary school children for worship. Weekly lessons will cover topics including: the Lord’s Prayer, order of worship, and the meaning of different parts of worship. Our Pew Prep students will return to the sanctuary during the Doxology and sit with their respective families for the remainder of worship.
Pew Prep will be held in the Children’s Chapel on the 2nd floor of the Education Building. If you are interested in serving as the Pew Prep leader or a 2nd adult, please use this link to sign-up: Pew Prep: Pew Prep - Volunteers (
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Come learn the lost art of duckpin bowling! All 6th-12th grade Youth are invited and encouraged to attend.
Bring a friend! We are asking all to RSVP with attendance plans and to bring an appetizer, dessert, or other dish to share.
2022-2023 Youth: Sept 11 Youth Kick-off (
Youth should meet at the bowling alley at 5:30 PM. Pick-up is at 7 PM.
We look forward to a great year in Youth Group!
Please mark your calendars for September 18th Youth Group:
4:30-5:30 is 6th-8th grade youth
5:30-6 combined dinner AND Parent meeting
6-7 – high school youth
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Save the Date - New Confirmation Class |
We are planning and preparing for our next Confirmation class. All 8th grade students, as well as any high school students who have not completed Confirmation, are invited and encouraged to participate in the new Confirmation class, which will begin in January 2023.
We will have an important meeting for students and parents immediately following worship on Sunday, October 2nd. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend!
Please RSVP here: 2022-2023 Youth: Confirmation Meeting (
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Salvation Army Night Shelter Week |
Sunday was the start of our second of three annual weeks to provide dinner for the Salvation Army Center of Hope. Our Youth cooked chili - regular and vegetarian, along with cornbread, brownies, and prepared a colorful salad. Other groups and individuals within the congregation and FPC community are taking turns providing meals the remainder of this week. Thank you to the Presbyterian Women for organizing this opportunity!
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Making the World a Better Place | |
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The Girl Scouts kicked off a new year of scouting on September 1st. New members were welcomed at all age levels. The Daisies worked on All About Me pages in their notebooks. They shared their name and one of those fun facts with each other. Brownies learned about playing fair and working together to have the most fun to earn the Fair Play badge. They also practiced our Girl Scout sign, promise and law and learned how fair play and these are connected. Juniors planned activities for the year ahead. Middle and high school scouts prepared a taco dinner for the Night Shelter to freeze and serve later next week. They also picked a focus word from the Girl Scout Law to incorporate into their daily living.
We continue to welcome new scouts! If you know a girl, kindergarten through 12th grade who may be interested, please contact René Prager at
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Thank You to the Women of the Church |
It was special to gather with so many women of the church on Wednesday evening, August 31, at the PW Kickoff Dinner. Thank you to all who helped make this event happen and thank you to Pastor Ellen for giving us an overview of our Bible study for the year.
I also want to give many thanks to all the women who contributed supplies for students and teachers at Wolf Meadow Elementary School. Staff at Wolf Meadow were so excited to receive so many supplies on Friday. Thanks to Harriett Phillips for helping me pack and deliver the donations.
Kirby Sheridan
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The Presbyterian Women Kickoff Dinner was last Wednesday in Davis Hall hosted by our moderator Kirby Sheridan. The ladies enjoyed a lovely meal while Rev Ellen Crawford True shared an overview of the 2022-2023 Bible Study “Celebrating Sabbath.”
Kathy Pilkington introduced the Ridenhour Scholarship Recipient, Van Herring.
The women also collected items for Wolf Meadow Elementary School. These items will be delivered to the school later this week.
The PW group continues to support Congo Helping Hands through the Todd and Betsy Hobbie Scholarship Fund and they support the Coltrane Webb Backpack Program through the Backpack Fund.
We are thankful for the support and commitment of our Presbyterian Women Organization. We invite you to join us. For more information, visit the church website.
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from the Commons Committee... | We’ve been hard at work preparing the Commons for a grand reopening on September 25th following the worship service. There are many new stations, new content and a new layout to explore. A colorful children’s corner is sure to bring some smiles. Join us after the 11 am service to see first hand how this space, with the Lord present, can encourage your spirit, fill your heart and give you hope. | |
Lunch Bunch
Next Wednesday, September 14
11:45 AM in Davis Hall
Come, enjoy table fellowship with longtime friends and meet new friends
the 2nd Wednesday of each month.
A donation of $9 for lunch is appreciated.
Sign up here, before Monday, September 12 at Noon.
You may also sign up on the sheet in the back of the Sanctuary or
by calling the church office, 704-788-2100.
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A Celebration of Life in Music and Scripture for Mitzi Malone |
A Celebration of Life in Music and Scripture for Mitzi Malone
Saturday, September 17 at 10:00 a.m.
First Presbyterian Sanctuary
Mitzi Malone was the church organist at First Presbyterian for 30 years. At the time of her death this summer, the family gathered for a Service of Witness to the Resurrection.
Now we gather to give thanks to God for her life and her service to this congregation with music provided by the choir and our organist, Jacquie.
All are welcome. The family requests that masks be worn.
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Thursdays at 2:00 p.m., Journey Classroom in the Education Building. We are exploring The Difficult Words of Jesus by Amy-Jill Levine. Books are available in the Fellowship House for those who want one. This is a video-based series so no reading is required. This week’s passage: Luke 14:25-33. | |
For mothers with children in the home. Meet at Southern Strain on September 22 at 7:00 PM. for conversation. Questions: Contact Amanda Williamson.
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Sunday, September 11 at 3:00 PM in the Library Conference Room. We are reading Dear White Peacemakers by Osheta Moore. Please read the forward through the first chapter before Sunday’s gathering if possible. Questions: Scott Verner. | |
Sign up and mark your calendars, the annual CROP Walk is Sunday, October 9th in Kannapolis with registration beginning at 1 PM and the walk starting at 2 PM. This fun event supports the mission of fighting hunger and poverty both globally and locally through contributions to Church World Service and Cooperative Christian Ministry. Please use the link below to join our FPC Concord team as a participant or a donor! You may choose to join us for the walk at Kimball Memorial Lutheran Church in Kannapolis or to walk around your neighborhood if that works better for you.
Online donations are preferred using the link above, but you may also bring cash or check donations on the day of the walk. Checks should be made out to "CWS/CROP." Please reach out to Tripp Carpenter with any questions.
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Lay Liturgists
Sign up here to be a lay liturgist to
read scripture in worship on Sundays.
Sign up here to volunteer in the Nursery on Sundays.
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Sanctuary Flowers
To give the congregation a gift of
to sign-up for one or more Sundays
during the year.
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Sunday, September 11, 2022
Rev. Ellen Crawford True, preaching
Scripture: Matthew 8:24-27; Genesis 6:5-22, 8:6-12, 9:8-17
Rally Day!
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Thursday, September 8
Night Shelter Meals
9:00 AM First Kids Preschool(Will Young Bldg)
2:00 PM Thursday Connection (Journey Classroom)
5:00 PM SS Elem Teachers (FH Suroom)
Friday, September 9
Night Shelter Meals
9:00 First Kids Preschool (Will Young)
Sunday, September 11
10:00 AM Rally Day Breakfast (Front Lawn)
10:30 AM Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room)
11:00 AM Worship (Sanctuary or Live-stream)
3:00 PM Racial Reads (Library Conference Room)
3:15 PM Children's Choir (sm choir room)
4:30 PM Circle 5 (Library Conference Room)
5:30 PM MIddle/High School Youth (bowling alley)
Monday, September 12
9:00 First Kids Preschool (Will Young Bldg)
11:00 AM Circle 4 (Off campus)
2:30 PM Cabarrus County VIP Blood Drive (Davis Hall)
7:00 PM Boy Scout District Roundtable (Davis Hall)
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Tuesday, September 13
9:00 First Kids Preschool (Will Young)
11:30 AM Circle 3 (Davis Hall)
2:00 PM Staff Meeting (FH sunroom)
7:00 PM Session (Library Conference Room)
7:00 PM Al Anon (Commons)
6:00 PM Cub Scouts (Davis Hall)
7:00 PM Scouts (Davis Hall)
Wednesday, September 14
9:00 First Kids Preschool (Will Young)
10:30 AM Bible Study (Fellowship House)
11:45 AM Lunch Bunch (Davis Hall))
7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room)
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September 8 - Lori Clay
September 9 - Trent Blackman, Pat Hollingsworth, Kelly Jones, Aaron Rotan,
September 10 - Chris Hahn, Judy Hollis, Abby Klutz, Joe Price, Peter Snellings, Bob Underwood
September 11 - Kay Christy, Jim Todd
September 12 - Steve Bradley, Cate Davis, Harmon Gibson, Pat Hoover, Marc Niblock, Carolyn Ruth
September 13 - Brian Bixler, David Bryant, Meredith Hoover
September 14 - Dale Carpenter, Elissa Farmer, Laura Martin
**To enjoy a sung happy birthday, click here!**
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Ellen Crawford True
Senior Pastor/
Head of Staff
Julie Hill
Temporary Associate Pastor
René Prager
Director of Christian Education
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Director of Music and Organist
Church Administrator
Kim Mazzola
Financial Administrative Asst.
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Heath Ritchie
Maintenance Superintendent
Director of First Kids
Wedding Director
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First Presbyterian Church
(704) 788-2100
70 Union Street North
Concord NC 28025
Mailing Address:
PO Box 789 Concord NC 28026-0789
Church Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Closed Friday
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The Commons Prayer Room:
Open only for scheduled groups
36 Spring Street SW
Concord NC 28025
Garden Hours:
Tuesday - Sunday, 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Closed Monday
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