Q. What is the chief end of man?
A. Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.
Dear Friends,
The language in this first question of the Shorter Catechism sounds a bit old-fashioned, and yet the beauty of the answer is as relevant today as it ever was. What is our highest end? What is our chief purpose? To glorify God AND to enjoy God forever. This past Sunday, I had the privilege of working with the confirmation class and with our combined youth group alongside René Prager and the faithful youth advisors. In confirmation we wondered together about sin and grace and forgiveness. For youth group, we began thinking together about Youth Sunday and talking about all that goes into planning worship. The questions the students asked and the ideas they shared were wise and insightful. They are invested in learning about God, Jesus, the church, worship and deeply curious about who we are called to be as God’s people in God’s world. They are thoughtful, curious, and honest. And walking alongside them in the life of faith is an absolute joy.
Our highest purpose is to honor and serve God above all others and to enjoy God along the way. This week I am especially grateful for companions of all ages who help me do both.
Grace and peace,
We will have our annual Congregational Meeting on Sunday, February 12 following worship for the purpose of presenting the 2023 budget and approving the 2023 Terms of Call for Pastor Ellen.
Usher sign up link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0948acab2dabf49-fpcusher
Lay Reader sign up link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0948acab2dabf49-scripture
link for online worship: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfpzVUz-ZgaCJuogIMor8Iw/live
link to Ellen's sermon podcasts: https://bit.ly/Sermons_FPCConcord
Wednesday: Matthew 5:27-36
Thursday: Matthew 5:38-42
Friday Matthew 5:43-48
Saturday: Psalm 20:1-8; Matthew 6: 1-6
Sunday: Psalm 20:1-8; Matthew 6:7-21 [25-34]
Monday: Matthew 6: 25-34
Tuesday: Matthew 7: 1-5
Wednesday: Matthew 7: 6-11