Join us for Worship, Discussion and Supper!
Join us on Sunday evening, January 12th, at 5:30 pm, in Davis Hall, for Worship, Discussion, and Supper!
Jason Graffis, Director of Contemporary Worship & Arts at Covenant Presbyterian Church in Charlotte, will be our guest to lead worship and a short discussion about developing a possible “contemporary” or “blended” worship service at First Presbyterian Church Concord (a “blended” service has both contemporary and traditional elements in it). Before embarking on such an effort, it is important to understand what it takes to do this kind of worship well (personnel needed, volunteers needed, equipment, financial resources, marketing, target audiences, etc.). So, our time on Sunday evening (about an hour) will be split evenly between a “walk-through” of a typical contemporary/blended worship service (with group participation!) and a “nuts and bolts” discussion about “how to do it.” Q&A and dinner will follow.
Jason’s professional information can be found at:
click here
This event is hosted by the “Alternative Worship” Committee.
A Congregational Meeting has been called by the Session for this Sunday, January 12th, prior to the worship service for the purpose of receiving the 2020 Budget as information and holding the Annual Meeting of the Corporation.
Teach Us to Pray: Re-Imaging Our Idea of Prayer
Curious about prayer? Looking for a place to learn more about prayer, ask questions, explore and practice? Join us for a six week series on Thursdays (Jan 16-Feb 20) from 12 pm to 1 pm in the Commons Prayer Room in a conversation about prayer led by Rev. Rachel Vogado. (This conversation will be taking place during the lunch hour, so feel free to bring a bagged lunch if you would like.)
Using a set of images by artist Scott Erickson, we will explore some of the frustrations surrounding our personal prayer practices, and then discover ways to reframe how we can enter into a deeper conversation with the Divine.
Unable to join, but hate to miss? Join us via Zoom, and share in a digital conversation with us. By tuning in you can see the images we are using and tune into our conversation. We will also have a digital host, in case you would like to ask a question or share a comment. Join the meeting by clicking the following link, which will direct you to set up a free Zoom account. Rev. Rachel Vogado is happy to help answer any questions about Zoom or how to connect with us; you can find her email address below.
Never heard of the Commons? The Commons is a large & sacred space to help you get some one-on-one time with God. Think of it as a prayer room for people who live in the real world. You can find us at 75 Church Street NE, Concord NC 28025. You can park in the parking lot at First Presbyterian Church. Learn more about the Commons
Finally, we would love to know if you plan to join us so we can know how many to prepare for, whether in person or via zoom. Send an email to
Rachel and let her know if you plan to attend! We hope you will join us!
2020 Habitat for Humanity Build
First Presbyterian Church, Concord, is confirmed for Saturday, January 18, 2020 from 9:00 am-1:00 pm at 261 Evans Street NW, Concord, NC 28027. Habitat uses an online volunteer registration and waiver. By completing the online registration, paper waivers are not required and this will expedite things that morning!
If you would like to volunteer for this build
click here. You will receive a confirmation email once registration is completed: Everyone who volunteers should sign up prior to showing up on the work site. **If you experience trouble with registration, we suggest using an alternative browser.
As this is an active construction site, volunteers must wear closed-toe shoes (hard-sole boots if you have them). You will get dirty so please dress accordingly (jeans are ideal). We encourage you to bring sunscreen, work gloves, a hat, and bug spray. Additionally, due to insurance regulations, no one under the age of 16 is permitted at the site. Volunteers 16-18 must be registered and accompanied by a parent/guardian.
Please visit our volunteer page, review the Volunteer Waiver, and click on this link to watch the Safety Training Video.
Habitat Cabarrus will provide all the tools and materials necessary to complete the task. In addition we will provide plenty of drinking water onsite. If you decide to bring your "lucky hammer" please label it clearly so you will have it to use on YOUR next project. Volunteers are responsible for snacks/lunches.
Bad Weather/Schedule Change: Sometimes there are last-minute changes to the task (due to build schedule shifts) or even cancellation of the volunteer day due to inclement weather. Should this occur we will email you at this email address the morning of the event.
Please note that safety is always our first priority. Weather-related issues and other unforeseen factors beyond our control occasionally require us to change a scheduled volunteering date. We only cancel/reschedule when we are absolutely compelled to do so. We appreciate your understanding and flexibility should this occur on your build day.
The Journey class is about finding the joy in our journeys…our day to day life stuff, our faith journeys and challenging journeys. We start with the Word, look for applicability in our lives, and leave encouraged.
Come have lunch on January 21 at 11:45 a.m. in Davis Hall and hear from Tom Wood who will present his research and collection of coinage of the Acts of the Apostles, the travel cities of Paul. Remember to make your lunch reservations by noon on Monday, January 20th.
The Deacons are looking for volunteers from the congregation to help with ushering duties this year.
We especially want to encourage families (or groups of 2-4 people) to participate. This is a great opportunity for the youth to be more involved in the church service and mission. Our own children have really enjoyed participating in this project with us. Please consider volunteering your time. We are happy to go over the logistics of ushering with you. We know it can seem daunting but if our kids can do it so can you!
Thank you for your consideration.
GIFT Sunday is January 26
Join us for a time of hands-on intergenerational learning. All ages are welcome to experience GIFT Sundays - Generations in Faith Together, with a light breakfast at 9:45 a.m. This will be the only Sunday School offering that morning, with all classes meeting together in Davis Hall, and nursery will be provided for infants and toddlers. Come learn and grown in faith together!
Registration is now open for RISE!
ace: an
a workshop experience
Thursday & Friday, January 9 & 10, 2020
9 am – 5 pm, both days
Union Presbyterian Seminary, Charlotte
The RISE! dynamic two-day workshop challenges people of faith to engage deeply and courageously to recognize and combat the effects of race and racism inherent in our systems and institutions. This special session, open to the community, is available through the generous support of the
Center for Social Justice and Reconciliation
of Union Presbyterian Seminary. The Center is committed to the manifestation of justice and the facilitation of human reconciliation in our larger community.
For information or to register, go to:
Lay Liturgists
Sign up
here to be a lay liturgist to
read scripture in worship on Sundays.
Sanctuary Flowers
To give the congregation a gift of
to sign-up for one or more Sundays
during the year.
Shepherd for Sunday School
Sign up
here to be a Shepherd in our Elementary and Middle School Sunday School.
A Shepherd helps our teachers by being another adult in the room, to make sure that we have a safe classroom, and to fulfill the requirements of our Child and Youth Protection Policy. If you have questions about what it means to be a Shepherd, please reach out to one of the members of the Christian Education Committee or Rachel Vogado.
Youth Newsletter
Sign up here to receive the Youth Newsletter for detailed information
about all events related to youth who are in 6th-12 grade.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Rev. Dr. Scott Kenefake
Isaiah 42:1-9, Matthew 3:13-17
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Thursday, January 9
9:00 a.m. First Kids Preschool
8:30 a.m. ALC Board
Friday, January 10
9:00 a.m. First Kids Preschool
9:30 a.m. Adult Literacy Tutoring
Saturday, January 11
12:00 p.m. Boy Scout Banquet
Sunday, January 12
9:45 a.m. Sunday School
10:30 a.m. Sanctuary Choir
11:00 a.m. Worship
3:00 p.m. Children's Choir
4:00 p.m. Youth Choir
4:30 p.m. Circle 5
5:00 p.m. Youth Fellowship
5:30 p.m. Blended Worship Service with dinner
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Monday, January 13
9:00 a.m. First Kids Preschool
11:00 a.m. Circle 4
11:30 a.m. AA
7:00 p.m. Boy Scout District Round-table
Tuesday, January 14
9:00 a.m. First Kids Preschool
7:00 p.m. Boy Scouts Troop 3
7:00 p.m. Session
Wednesday, January 15
7:30 a.m. Men's Bible Study
9:00 a.m. First Kids Preschool
2:00 p.m. Staff Meeting
7:30 p.m. Sanctuary Choir
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Doris Wallace Price
- Backpack Ministry
The sympathy and condolences of the congregation are extended to the families of Irvin Newberry whose mother, Rona Inez Newberry, died on December 21, 2019, to Peggy Carlough and Anne Niblock, whose mother, Lois Widenhouse, died on January 4, 2020, to the families of Barbara McCoy who died on January 5, 2020, Lillian Youngblood, who died on January 6, 2020, and to Sally Cochran, whose mother, Sara Henry Ward, died on January 7, 2020.
Congratulations to Paul and Susan Floyd on the birth of their daughter,
Madison Delia Floyd
born December 20 in Greenville, SC. Grandparents are Locke and Cathy Floyd.
January 9
- Sandy Aldridge, Cynthia Bethune, Hamilton Jones
January 10
- McLeod Phillips
January 11
- Susan Hannah, Abigail Hedgecock, Chip Hoover Jr. , Molly Morrison
January 12
- Hoyt Carlough, Grant Martin
January 13
- Eileen Beall, Stephanie Olson, Susan Otteni, David Sheridan
January 14
- Joy Cook, Kay Niblock-James
January 15
- Caroline Hedgecock, Greg Leeman, Brandon Say
Scott Kenefake
Interim SeniorPastor
Associate Pastor
for Care and Mission
Associate Pastor
for Christian Formation
Director of Music and Organist
Church Administrator
Financial Secretary
Heath Ritchie
Maintenance Superintendent
Director of First Kids
Church Hostess
Wedding Director
First Presbyterian Church
70 Union Street North
Concord NC 28025
Mailing Address:
PO Box 789 Concord NC 28026-0789
Church Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday, 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Closed Friday
The Commons Prayer Room Hours:
Monday: Closed
Tuesday: Open for Scheduled Groups
Wednesday: 10:00 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Thursday - Saturday: 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Sunday mornings for FPC
Memorial Garden:
(704) 786-8009
36 Spring Street SW
Concord NC 28025
Garden Hours:
Tuesday - Saturday, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Sunday, 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Closed Monday