God of boundless compassion,
our only sure comfort in distress:
Look tenderly upon your children
overwhelmed by loss and sorrow.
Lighten our darkness with your presence
and assure us of your love.
Enable us to see beyond this place and time
to your eternal kingdom,
promised to all who love you in Christ the Lord. Amen.
~ from the PC(USA) Book of Common Worship
Dear Friends,
Amazingly, one year has passed since I became your pastor. I am deeply grateful for you and for this community and for all that we share as we attend to God’s call to us in this place. While this past year has been one filled with joy and celebration, it has been one where we have walked through losses together, too. We continue our “Telling Secrets” worship series this Sunday when we will reflect together on grief. Grief, as you well know, comes in many forms and in response to endings and changes of all kinds, including death. In the midst of quarantine, communities of faith could not grieve together in the ways we had come to expect, and that in itself was a loss. So as we look ahead to Sunday, may we give ourselves and others room and grace to grieve, even as we lean on one another and on the God who shows us boundless compassion and offers us abundant hope in Jesus Christ.
Grace and peace,
Grace and peace,
*There will be a Congregational Meeting on Sunday, June 26, at the beginning of the 11 AM worship service to elect John Benbow as a deacon.
*Some pictures of the June 12th Selah service are below.
We invite the congregation to participate in our VBS Mission projects by donating any of the following items to the back foyer of the Fellowship House by June 26th: The mission they will support follows each item list:
Large bags of dry cat or dog food, boxes of Ziploc gallon size plastic bags (Meals on Wheels)
Full size Shampoo, toothpaste, individually packaged toothbrushes, bars of soap, boxes of Ziploc gallon size plastic bags (Junior Charity League)
Packages of Lance crackers, granola bars (EMT Care Packages)
Inexpensive BINGO prizes – nail polish, small lotions, patriotic items, ball caps, word search books, coloring books/crayons (Coltrane Life Center)
Look for the labeled box in the Fellowship House foyer. If you have questions, please connect with Sallie Dotger or René Prager.
“The Staff, church leadership and members of First Presbyterian would like to express a sincere thank you to Jock Liles & Liles Construction for providing the temporary heaters and installation services to allow continuing worship in our Sanctuary this past winter. Thank you Jock !
Yes, our new boiler has been installed.
Do you have a box truck to help move artificial Christmas trees from storage to the church?
We are also still in need of the following items for VBS:, sleigh, dark colored umbrella, yellow poster board, seat cushions measuring approx. 21”x 24”, medieval costumes, brown wrapping paper & twine, mannequin, battle horn/cattle horn, duct tape, white sheets, yellow or red tablecloths, and 2 canopy tents. If you have any of these items, please let René Prager know. r.prager@firstpresconcord.org
Girl Scout Sleepover Camp-in
Girl Scout Brownie Troop 323 enjoyed a Girl Scout Sleepover Camp-In on Friday, June 10 - Saturday, June 11. Camp-In fun included a trip to The Creamery, pizza, crafts, s’mores, a movie, and popcorn as well as camping in at Davis Hall.
Thank you First Presbyterian Church for sponsoring Brownie Troop 323!
Lay Liturgists
Sign up here to be a lay liturgist to
read scripture in worship on Sundays.
Sign up here to volunteer in the Nursery on Sundays.
Sanctuary Flowers
To give the congregation a gift of
to sign-up for one or more Sundays
during the year.
Sunday, June 19, 2022
Rev. Ellen Crawford True, preaching
Thursday, June 16
3:00 PM Thursday Connection (Journey Room)
Sunday, June 19
9:45 AM S & D SS (FH)
10:00 AM Sanctuary Choir (Choir room)
11:00 AM Worship (Sanctuary or Live-stream)
5:00 PM Selah Service (Davis Hall)
Monday, June 20
9:00 AM First Kids Summer Camp (Will Young Bldg)
10:00 AM Healing Shawls (Fellowship House)
Tuesday, June 21
9:00 AM First Kids Summer Camp (Will Young Bldg)
2:00 PM Staff Meeting (FH Sunroom))
7:00 PM Al Anon (Commons)
Wednesday, June 22
9:00 AM First Kids Summer Camp (Will Young Bldg)
10:30 AM Bible Study (Fellowship House)
The sympathy and condolences of the congregation are extended to the family of Julia Ruth Iglehart as they mourn her passing on June 5, 2022, and to the family of Dave Goff as they mourn his passing on June 9, 2022.
June 16 - Rich Leeman, Jeff Monroe, Lisa Niblock, Alex Teague
June 17 - Alice Davis, Margaret Dyer, Gaillard Mervin, Sarah Morrison, Amos Roseman
June 18 - Linda Fesperman, Jim Iglehart, Tara Trahey, Pat Verner, Sarah Younce
June 20 - Anne Austin, Rachel Entwistle, Barbara Hunt, Mary Margaret Morrison, Brooke Niblock
June 22 - Romy Paul
Ellen Crawford True
Senior Pastor/
Head of Staff
Julie Hill
Temporary Associate Pastor
René Prager
Director of Christian Education
Director of Music and Organist
Church Administrator
Kim Mazzola
Financial Administrative Asst.
Heath Ritchie
Maintenance Superintendent
Director of First Kids
Wedding Director
First Presbyterian Church
(704) 788-2100
70 Union Street North
Concord NC 28025
Mailing Address:
PO Box 789 Concord NC 28026-0789
Church Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Closed Friday
The Commons Prayer Room:
Open only for scheduled groups
36 Spring Street SW
Concord NC 28025
Garden Hours:
Tuesday - Sunday, 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Closed Monday