August 30, 2023

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Note from Ellen

Dear Friends,

This Sunday’s preaching text from Romans 12:9-21 seems fitting as we move from summer into fall. In this passage, Paul tries to be clear about what he expects—and what God expects—from the church. Like the plaque pictured above, he spells out the ground rules for Christian community. What are your family’s ground rules? Which ones are easy to follow? Which ones are more challenging? How might these words inform our life together in the year ahead as one part of the Body of Christ in and for God’s beloved world?

Grace and peace,


The Noisy Offering last Sunday was $392.00 for the Backpack Program at Coltrane Webb. Thank you!

*The church office will be closed on Monday, September 4 for Labor Day.*

Usher sign up link:

Lay Reader sign up link:

link for online worship:

link to Ellen's sermon podcasts:

Nursery Help Needed

We are looking for a few adults to join our Nursery volunteer team!

Volunteers arrive at 10:30 AM and welcome our young friends, engaging in play and bible stories.

We need help as early as THIS Sunday, September 3rd. If you are available, please use this link to sign-up:

Nursery Volunteers: Sunday Nursery Volunteers ( or contact René Prager at

TopGolf Youth Kick-off

All 6th-12th graders are invited to join us for our Topgolf Kick-off! RSVP by tomorrow, August 31st! 2023-2024 Youth: 9/10 Youth (

We do need a FIRM headcount by August 31st.

The event will be at the University location, starting at 3:30 PM on September 10th.

Families should plan to drop off and pick-up at Topgolf. We hope to see YOU there!

Last Call for College Addresses!

Do you have student in college this semester (living at home or away)?

Please e-mail their shipping address to René Prager at

Our Youth group will put together care packages this fall and they will ship out before finals. Help us make sure your student knows we are thinking about them.

Addresses are due by tomorrow, August 31 st.

August Books and Brews

Thursday August 31, 7:00 PM 

Southern Strain Brewing Company

165 Brumley Avenue St. 3001

Concord NC 28025

Night Shelter Dinner Service

We are excited to be back in the Night Shelter serving dinner on September 3rd! If you are a 6th-12th grade Youth and are in town for Labor Day weekend, please plan to join us! We will meet in the parking lot off Davis Hall at 6 PM and carpool to the shelter. We should be back to the church parking lot by 7:30 PM.

Please use this link to sign-up:

2023-2024 Youth: 9/3 Youth Serve at Night Shelter ( There are a few items on the wish list below the RSVP portion.

Final Drop Off Days for the Mission Sale

There are only two drop off days remaining for this year's market sale. Bring your sale items on Tuesday, September 5 or Tuesday, September 12 from 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM.

Campus Update from Building and Grounds

The video system that the building and grounds committee has worked for is completely installed and operational, thereby improving the safety of the staff and all who come to the campus. 

Choir Reminder

For those planning to sing this Sunday, September 3, please come to the Choir loft at 10:45 AM. 

Regular rehearsals start back next Wednesday, September 6, at 7:30 PM in the choir room.

Rise Against Hunger

Are you ready to break out your favorite hairnets?! It's time for one of our favorite service projects of the year and it's one that everyone in the congregation can help with! Rise Against Hunger is an organization that packs meals for the hungry all over the world and they ask congregations like ours to assemble the meals. It's super fun. There's music. There's an assembly line. There are jobs for everyone. And there's even a gong. It's a joyful few hours spent in air conditioning doing mindless work, so why not bring your whole family and your neighbor too? Last year, we packaged 10,000 meals in under two hours! 

Our event this year will be held in Davis Hall on September 17 from 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM.

Make sure to register with us by clicking here, or copying the following into your browser:

Church Library Revitalization Post-Covid

A small team of avid readers are planning to update the church library, and would welcome your input and suggestions as we reorganize and add new categories of books for all church members to check out. 

Look for a short survey next month about this, and please begin thinking about what would inspire you to increase your use of this wonderful resource! 

We will also be hoping that members will join us for certain tasks associated with this project in the months ahead. Happy Reading! 

Red Cross Cabarrus County VIP Blood Drive

Monday, September 18th, in Davis Hall from

2:30 PM - 7:00 PM

To schedule an appointment click here and enter 28025 or

visit and enter: Cabarrus VIP Blood Drive

Sign-up Links

Lay Liturgists

Sign up here to be a lay liturgist to

read scripture in worship on Sundays.


Sign up here to volunteer in the Nursery on Sundays.



Sign up here to volunteer in the          

Sanctuary on Sundays

Sanctuary Flowers

To give the congregation a gift of

sanctuary flowersplease click here

to sign-up for one or more Sundays

during the year.


Sunday, September 3, 2023

Rev. Ellen Crawford True

Psalm 26:1-8; Romans 12:9-21

Thursday, August 31

9:00 AM First Kids Preschool (Will Young Bldg)

4:30 PM CCYO (Ed Bldg)

7:00 PM Books and Brews (Southern Strain Brewing)

Friday, September 1

9:00 AM First Kids Preschool (Will Young Bldg)

Sunday, September 3

Night Shelter Meals

9:45 AM S&D Class (Fellowship House)

10:45 AM Sanctuary Choir (Choir Loft)

11:00 AM Worship (Sanctuary)

6:00 PM Youth (Davis Hall parking lot)

Monday, September 4

Night Shelter Meals

Office Closed for labor Day

Tuesday, September 5

Night Shelter Meals

9:00 AM First Kids Preschool (Will Young Bldg)

2:00 PM Staff Mtg (FH Sunroom)

4:30 PM CCYO (Ed Bldg)

6:00 PM Cub Scouts (Davis Hall)

6:15 PM Deacon Hospitality (Journey Classroom)

6:30 PM Congregational Care Mtg (FH Sunroom)

7:00 PM Al Anon (Commons)

Wednesday, September 6

Night Shelter Meals

9:00 AM First Kids Preschool (Will Young Bldg)

4:30 PM CCYO (Ed Bldg)

6:30 PM Building & Grounds Mtg (Library Conference Room)

6:45 PM Christian Ed Mtg (FH Sunroom)

7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room)

Church Report


August 31 - David Cowden Tignor, Randy Hardy, Thomas Niblock, Christine Seitz

September 1 - Leslie Burke, Ellie Sherrill

September 2 - Caroline Bixler, April Cline

September 3- Mary Bost Gray, Eric Johnson

September 4 - Mary Ida Beaver, Nickolas Reid

September 6 - Loretta Coltrane, Will Fischer, Winslow Leatherman, Anna Younce

To enjoy a sung Happy Birthday, click here!


Ellen Crawford True

Senior Pastor/Head of Staff

Casey Aldridge

Associate Pastor

René Prager

Director of Christian Education

Director of Music and Organist


Suzanne Russell
Church Administrator

Kim Mazzola
Financial Administrative Asst.

Heath Ritchie
Maintenance Superintendent

Director of First Kids

Wedding Director
Contact Info
First Presbyterian Church
(704) 788-2100

70 Union Street North
Concord NC 28025 

Mailing Address: 
PO Box 789 Concord NC 28026-0789

Church Office Hours: 
Monday - Thursday, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Closed Friday

The Commons Prayer Room:

Open to FPC: Sunday until 1:00 PM,  

Tuesday10 AM - 5 PM, Thursday 10 AM - 5 PM

Open to FPC and the public: Wednesday 10 AM - 6 PM, Saturday 10 AM - 3 PM     

Group times available with prior arrangement

Memorial Garden:

36 Spring Street SW

Concord NC 28025


Garden Hours: 

Tuesday - Sunday, 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM

Closed Monday

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