Dear Friends,
The season of Lent is upon us. In the Ash Wednesday liturgy, we were invited:
to observe a holy Lent by self-examination and penitence,
by prayer and fasting,
by works of love,
and by meditating on God’s word.
We are not asked to get ourselves in shape for Easter, rather we are invited to pause and reflect on the free gift of grace we receive in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I hope yours and ours is a blessed Lent as we anticipate and prepare to celebrate the great good news of Easter together.
Grace and peace,
Julie Hill, our temporary associate pastor will lead a Lenten Study of on Lent in Plain Sight by Jill Duffield on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm in The Commons beginning March 9, 2022. This is a book of daily devotionals that includes weekly group reflections. Books will be available Sunday in the Fellowship House foyer and Wednesday evening in the Commons. A $10 donation for the book is welcome.
The First Kids Scholastic Book Fair will be open Sunday after worship until 1:00 PM.
Please stop by!
Please join us in welcoming our newest members of First Presbyterian Church:
Leland Anson Bishop
Mary Stanton Bryant
Chloe Anne Cline
Adeline Grace Fulton
Reven Mackenzie Harris Fulghum
Julia Spencer Hillman
Amanda Hemenway King
Charles Cannon Leatherman
Sydney Brooks Lisk
Reed Lanam Martin
Carter McKinnon Morrison
John Harris Whyte Morrison
Lawrence Knox Morrison, Jr.
Benjamin Miller Peterson
Julia Calhoun Schneider
Samuel Fuerth Schneider
Benjamin Bailey Williams, Jr.
Nathan Ashley Woolwine, II
Our confirmation class spent the last eight weeks studying what it means when we answer the Big Questions: Trusting in the gracious mercy of God, do you turn from the ways of sin and renounce evil and its power in the world? Who is your Lord and Savior? Will you be Christ’s faithful disciple, obeying his word and showing his love? Will you devote yourself to the church’s teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers? Answering those questions before the congregation, they are ready to accept greater responsibility in the life of the church and God’s mission in the world.
Thank you to each of the confirmation partners: Kevin Barbee, Paul Caldwell, Jenny Chikes, Susan Hannah, Julie Holland, Carol Hovey, Betsy Liles, Jock Liles, Janna Mitchell, Jeff Monroe, Thomas Moore, Carrie Myers, Marc Niblock, Susan Otteni, Doug Phillips, Todd Phillips, Dave Rogers, Kirby Sheridan, and Amanda Williamson for their ongoing role in the lives of our newest members.
Last Appeal from the APNC Selection Committee
Dear fellow members of First Presbyterian Church Concord,
We are excited to begin the next phase to select the Associate Pastor for our congregation. The session has engaged our committee to prepare a slate of seven nominees to serve on the Associate Pastor Nominating Committee (APNC). Once this slate is prepared, it will be submitted to the congregation for a vote.
Please give prayerful thought to APNC candidates. If you decide to nominate yourself or another church member there are important considerations associated with this commitment. Members on the APNC should:
· Be active in the life of our church.
· Be open minded, collaborative, and able to maintain confidentiality.
· Be familiar with Presbyterian beliefs and traditions.
· Commit to ongoing and regular engagement, meetings, and some weekend and overnight travel for up to one year.
On or before March 7, please provide names of candidates who meet and accept the considerations above and who agree to be nominated to:
We are confident God is preparing the way for us, and we ask you to continue to keep our church, its members and its future in your prayers.
APNC Selection Committee: Kevin Barbee, Elizabeth Anne Bishop, Clay Maguire, Harris Morrison, Susan Otteni, Amanda Williamson
Girl Scout Cookies and the Blessing Box
The Girl Scouts sponsored by First Presbyterian Church will be selling cookies on the front lawn of the sanctuary on Sunday from 1-4 PM.
You are invited to come and stock up on your favorites and purchase some for hometown heroes including members of the military, first responders, teachers, food banks, and more!
The Girl Scouts are also responsible for restocking the Blessing Box this month and invite you to drop off any Blessing Box donations at the Cookie Booth.
Officer Nomination Reminder
Don't Forget This Week to
Submit Names for Deacons & Elders!
The nominating committee needs your input! Please prayerfully consider names of people who might be called to serve as Deacons and Elders. Ask your people if they are willing and able to serve if nominated and elected. With your input, our Congregational Nominating Committee will work diligently to put forth a slate of 9 Deacon and 8 Elder nominees for election by the congregation. Names are due by Monday, March 7.
After talking with your potential nominees, please send the names, and whether to consider them for Deacon or Elder, by calling or emailing Suzanne Russell, 704-788-2100
Calling All Needle Enthusiasts!!!
Whether you prefer knitting needles or crochet hooks, sharps or betweens, or quilting, felting, or leather, this group is for you!
If you are like most needleworkers, you have a lot of material on hand for those creative times, but you’ve run out of people to give your beautiful objects to when you are finished. Or maybe you’d like to try a new technique or a new stitch. The possibilities are endless!
The Healing Shawls group is being revived, but with an expanded focus. In addition to providing prayer shawls for those in need of a blessing and a warm, comforting thought, we will be providing handmade items for the next Market for Mission. This could include scarves, hats, shawls, baby items, accessories, household items, toys, and more. Whatever needlework you enjoy doing will help support First Presbyterian’s mission in Haiti.
Beginning on Monday, March 21, 2022, we will meet the third Monday of each month in Fellowship Hall, from 10:00 a.m. to noon. If you aren’t sure what you would like to work on but would love to participate, come join us and see the different projects (and patterns!) on display.
If you have questions or would like additional information, contact Susan Brooks at
Our 6th through 12th grade Youth are invited to join us on Sunday, March 6th, from 5:30-7 PM for some outdoor fun and fellowship. Please look for a Sign-up genius invite and an e-mail for full details including location and what to bring!
Last Sunday, Carie Irving led our Youth in painting canvas panels in preparation for Youth Sunday, which will be May 8th. The theme was "Joy" and each youth designed a canvas to share how our scripture reading looks to them.
Between Asheville and Concord
On the drive home from the Asheville Youth Mission trip in February, our group stopped for some time in nature. They are pictured here in front of a portion of Catawba Falls off of Interstate 40 near Old Fort.
Be a Voice for the Children in Our Community
The North Carolina Guardian ad Littem (GAL) Program (Rowan and Cabarrus Counties) is looking for volunteers. Visit for more information.
Cabarrus County VIP Blood Drive
Monday, March 14th , in Davis Hall from 2:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
To schedule an appointment click here and enter 28025 or
visit and enter: Cabarrus VIP Blood Drive
Lay Liturgists
Sign up here to be a lay liturgist to
read scripture in worship on Sundays.
Sign up here to open or close the Commons.
Sign up here to volunteer in the Nursery on Sundays.
Sanctuary Flowers
To give the congregation a gift of
to sign-up for one or more Sundays
during the year.
Sunday, March 6, 2022
Rev. Ellen Crawford True, Preaching
Friday, March 4
First Kids Book Fair (Davis Hall)
9:00 AM First Kids Preschool
Sunday, March 6
First Kids Book Fair (Davis Hall)
9:45 AM Journey SS (Ed Bldg)
9:45 AM S & D SS (FH)
9:45 AM Todd Hobbie SS (Davis Hall)
10:30 AM Sanctuary Choir (Choir room)
11:00 AM Worship (Sanctuary or Live-stream)
12:00 PM First Kids Book Fair (Davis Hall)
1:00 PM Girl Scout Cookie Booth (Sanctuary Lawn)
3:15 PM Children's Choir (small choir room)
5:30 PM Middle and High School Groups (off campus)
Monday, March 7
First Kids Book Fair (Davis Hall)
9:00 AM First Kids Preschool
6:30 PM Circle 1 (TBD)
Tuesday, March 8
First Kids Book Fair (Davis Hall)
9:00 AM First Kids Preschool
1:30 PM Circle 3 (Ed Bldg)
2:00 PM Staff Meeting
7:00 PM Session (Davis Hall)
7:00 PM Cub Scouts (TBD)
7:00 PM Boy Scouts (Youth Room)
7:00 PM Al Anon (Commons)
Wednesday, March 10
9:00 AM First Kids Preschool
10:30 AM Bible Study (Davis Hall)
7:30 PM Choir Practice (Choir Room)
Congratulations to Bobby and Jennifer Rogers on the birth of their son, Levi Morris Rogers, born on January 25, 2022.
Wilma Caldwell - Operating Budget
Mike Coltrane - Fellowship House, General Endowment, Backpack Program
Harriett Cannon Crawford - Building Endowment, Music Fund, Families in Need
John Fulghum - Music Fund
Heath Hedgpeth - General Endowment, Memorial Garden
March 5 - Jennie Davis
March 6 - Clemi Hacker, Sam McGuire, Salem Newton, Kep Younce
March 7 - Carrell Brooks, Dan Brown, John Fulghum, Carol Leeman, Steva Mervin
March 8 - Phil Cline, Margaret Moore, Willis Nesbit, Todd Phillips
March 9 - Evelyn Barrier Light, Susan Dulmage, Keaton Newton
Ellen Crawford True
Senior Pastor/
Head of Staff
Julie Hill
Temporary Associate Pastor
René Prager
Director of Christian Education
Director of Music and Organist
Church Administrator
Kim Mazzola
Financial Administrative Asst.
Heath Ritchie
Maintenance Superintendent
Director of First Kids
Wedding Director
First Presbyterian Church
(704) 788-2100
70 Union Street North
Concord NC 28025
Mailing Address:
PO Box 789 Concord NC 28026-0789
Church Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Closed Friday
The Commons Prayer Room Hours:
Monday Closed
Open for scheduled groups:
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Open to the Public:
Wednesday: 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Saturday: 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Sunday mornings for FPC
36 Spring Street SW
Concord NC 28025
Garden Hours:
Tuesday - Sunday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Closed Monday