Dear Friends,
As the fall moves along, so too does our path through the story of ancient Israel. We are in the thick of the divided kingdom with corrupt kings ruling over both the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. On Sunday morning, we will hear from Hosea (chapter 11, verses 1-9), a prophet from the southern kingdom. We tend to expect strong words of condemnation from prophets, and yet in our text this week, we hear poignant, tender words from God who is grieving the fractured relationship between God and God’s beloved child. I invite you to read the text before Sunday (more than once if you can) and listen for God’s word to you—and to the church—in Hosea’s voice. Where do you hear grief? Where do you hear challenge? Where do you hear hope?
Grace and peace,
Original artwork by Vincent van Gogh, public domain
Service of Installation on Sunday, November 12, 2023, at 4 PM: On Sunday afternoon, the Presbytery of Charlotte will install the Rev. Casey Aldridge as associate pastor here at FPC. Please plan to join us in the sanctuary for worship and for a reception following in Davis Hall as we celebrate this new chapter!
Welcome, Bryan! The Rev. Bryan Hovey officially began serving as parish associate at FPC on Monday, November 6. He will be with us on a part-time basis (15 hours per week) focusing on pastoral care and visitation in cooperation with Pastor Ellen and Pastor Casey. Please help welcome Pastor Bryan. We are so grateful he is with us at FPC!
Usher sign up link:
Lay Reader sign up link:
link for online worship:
link to Ellen's sermon podcasts:
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Join us on the Polar Express! All 6th-12th grade Youth are invited to join us for Movie Night in the church theater on Sunday, November 12th, 5:30 - 7:30 PM.
Youth are welcome to wear pajamas to the event – popcorn, candy, and hot cocoa will be served!
2023-2024 Youth: 11/12 Youth Group (
Youth are encouraged to attend Pastor Casey’s Installation at 4:00 PM, the reception to follow in Davis Hall, and then Youth Group at 5:30 PM.
Our Youth community outreach this month is in support of the W. M. Irvin Clothing drive. Items needed are: boys & girls jeans, jackets, sweatshirts, sweatpants, shirts (short/long), and undergarments. (Basically everything...). They serve K-5th so the sizes range from 5/6 (children's size) to adult mediums. Items can be brought in to Sunday School class or Youth group during the month of November.
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Irvin Elementary
School Clothing Drive
The deacons clothing drive for Irvin elementary school was a great success!
We delivered a trunk full of new and slightly used children’s clothes to Hayley Randle, the school’s social worker.
Hayley sends a big thank you to all who donated.
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Come join us for our next Lunch Bunch which will be held on November 15th @ 12:00 PM at ClearWater Artist and Ceramics Center at 223 Crowell Dr NW in Concord. Parking is located across the street from the center on Crowell St. After parking, you will walk down to the ground floor of the gallery double doors which are visible from Kerr Street. There are a limited number of handicapped spaces available near the double doored gallery.
We will be greeted by Sarah Gay, ClearWater's Coordniator who will introduce us to the newest addition to the campus and lead us on a tour of the Ceramics Center, which includes a gallery, studios for art lessons, and a community meeting area.
Our "picnic" lunch will be provided by Chef Colin Bramlett of Second Course. We recommend wearing tennis shoes and casual dress for the event.
Please call the church office to place a reservation, 704-788-2100 #7, for the picnic and tour ($10.00) by Monday, November 13th.
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From the Early Church to Our Day in the Todd Hobbie Sunday School Class: How Presbyterians Do Funerals, and Why
Last week, Pastor Casey led an exploration of how the early church martyrs and theologians—from Perpetua to Augustine—projected ideas of heaven above in ways that contradicted catastrophes on earth. This week, Pastor Ellen will take charge of the Todd Hobbie class to talk about the theology and tradition behind Presbyterian funeral practices, and how our funerals model and prepare us for what we hope for beyond death.
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Thanksgiving Turkeys for Operation Breadbasket |
Join us on the Polar Express! All 6th-12th grade Youth are invited to join us for Movie Night in the church theater on Sunday, November 12th, 5:30 - 7:30 PM.
Youth are welcome to wear pajamas to the event – popcorn, candy, and hot cocoa will be served!
2023-2024 Youth: 11/12 Youth Group (
Youth are encouraged to attend Pastor Casey’s Installation at 4:00 PM, the reception to follow in Davis Hall, and then Youth Group at 5:30 PM.
Our Youth community outreach this month is in support of the W. M. Irvin Clothing drive. Items needed are: boys & girls jeans, jackets, sweatshirts, sweatpants, shirts (short/long), and undergarments. (Basically everything...). They serve K-5th so the sizes range from 5/6 (children's size) to adult mediums. Items can be brought in to Sunday School class or Youth group during the month of November.
It’s turkey time again! This annual project of the S & D Sunday School class helps to provide Thanksgiving dinner for the organization's clients. Brian Moore has ordered 120 turkeys to be delivered to Operation Breadbasket in early November. Once again we wanted to invite all church members to join us in support of this project this year!
If you wish to donate, you may in one the following two ways:
1. Make your check out to Brian Moore and mail to him at:
2401 Bethlehem Church Rd
Gold Hill, NC 28071
2. Send your donation to Brian Moore’s Venmo acct @Brian-Moore-813.
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Look for the Angel Tree the next two Sundays, November 12 and November 19, to choose your Angel Tree gift request tag.
For 41 years now, since 1982, First Presbyterian Church has worked with The Prison Fellowship Angel Tree program to strengthen relationships between incarcerated parents and their children. Volunteers from the congregation participate by donating Christmas gifts which are then presented to a child as if they had come directly from the parent behind bars. This is a powerful way for us to share Christ's love by ministering to those suffering through the temporary absence of a parent. In this our 41st year, we encourage all FPC members in partnership with the Board of Deacons to participate.
In addition to gift donations, we need volunteers to help write tags and decorate the tree this Saturday from 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM. We also need volunteers to help with handing out tags and delivering gifts. If interested, please email Susan Simpson at
All gifts should be delivered to the Fellowship House by Tuesday, November 28.
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Church Library Survey Follow-Up |
Thanks to all for your responses concerning interest in revitalizing our library into a "Spiritual Resource Center".
Suggested categories of books included fiction, books for elementary and middle school ages, devotionals, books on grief and loss, memoirs, social justice issues, including caring for the environment, and copies of books that groups within our church are reading together, among other ideas.
The library team is under the direction of Christian Education, and welcomes your suggestions and help as this project continues to evolve.
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Red Cross Cabarrus VIP Blood Drive |
Monday, November 13th, in Davis Hall from
2:30 PM - 7:00 PM
To schedule an appointment click here and enter 28025 or
visit and enter: Cabarrus VIP Blood Drive
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Daisy Troop 3631 participated in a pancake flip tonight! Pancake flipping is an old Girl Scout tradition to commemorate Juliette Gordon Low’s birthday by seeing how many times you can flip a pancake - a game played when Juliette was a girl. The girls also worked on their “considerate and caring” petal by making cards for veterans for Veterans Day this month!
Brownie Troop 323 had a special guest, artist Lisa Hernandez Gerard, who helped Brownies learn about art as they worked on their art and design badge. They learned about different forms of art, artists, designing art, and painted their own abstract painting. Brownies also collected items for the Humane Society of Concord and Greater Cabarrus, Ruth’s Memorial Shelter and Princeton’s Meow, in honor of Juliette Gordon Low’s birthday and her love of animals.
The Junior Troop 3142 celebrated Juliette Gordon Low’s birthday. In the photograph included here, they are making the iconic Juliette Gordon Low hats.
Troop 334 visited Lynn Neal at Polished to learn foundations for hosting a party as they begin work on their Dinner Party badge. Lynn shared examples of centerpieces, chargers, and linens, and talked about how the selection of a theme and a menu helps to shape the selection of those items and more.
Do you know a girl, kindergarten through 12th grade, who is interested in Girl Scouts? Are you an adult interested in volunteering? Please contact René Prager,
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Presbyterian Women's Fall Event
The Women of First Presbyterian Church invite you to "Come to the Table" for their Advent Communion and Lunch on Wednesday, November 29 at 12 Noon in Davis Hall.
Lunch is $12. RSVP by Monday, November 27 to:
or call the reservations line: 704-788-2100 #7
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Annual Christmas Joy Offering Dinner
The Women of First Presbyterian Church invite you to join them on Wednesday, December 6, 2023 in Davis Hall.
Dinner is at 6:00 PM, Punch and Cheese Straws at 5:30 PM if your schedule permits.
Dinner is $15.. RSVP by Tuesday, November 28 online here, or call the reservations line at 704-788-2100 #7. *Be sure to indicate if you need childcare, a vegetarian or a vegan dinner*
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Lay Liturgists
Sign up here to be a lay liturgist to
read scripture in worship on Sundays.
Sign up here to volunteer in the Nursery on Sundays.
Pew Prep
Sign up here to volunteer to help with pew prep on Sundays.
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Sign up here to volunteer in the
Sanctuary on Sundays
Sanctuary Flowers
To give the congregation a gift of
sanctuary flowers, please click here
to sign-up for one or more Sundays
during the year.
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Sunday, November 12 , 2023
Rev. Ellen Crawford True
Mark 10:13-14; Hosea 11:1-9
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Thursday, November 9
8:30 AM Academic Learning Center (Library Conference Room)
9:00 AM First Kids Preschool (Will Young Bldg)
2:00 PM Thursday Connections (Commons)
6:00 PM National Alliance for Mental Illness (Commons)
Friday, November 10
10:00 AM CCM Meeting (Commons)
Saturday, November 11
9:30 AM Angel Tree (Library Conference Room)
Sunday, November 12
9:45 AM S & D Class (Fellowship House)
9:45 AM Todd Hobbie Class (Davis Hall)
9:45 AM Journey Class (Journey Classroom)
10:30 AM Sanctuary Choir (Choir Room)
11:00 AM Worship (Sanctuary)
4:00 PM Install Casey Aldridge (Sanctuary and Davis Hall
5:30 PM Youth Movie Night (Davis Hall)
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Monday, November 13
9:00 AM First Kids Preschool (Will Young Bldg)
11:00 AM Circle 4 (off campus)
2:30 PM Cabarrus County VIP Blood Drive (Davis Hall)
7:00 PM Boy Scouts (Will Young room 304)
7:00 PM Boy Scout District Roundtable (Davis Hall)
Tuesday, November 14
9:00 AM First Kids Preschool (Will Young Bldg)
11:30 AM Circle 3 (Davis Hall)
2:00 PM Staff Mtg (FH Sunroom)
6:30 PM Session (Davis Hall)
7:00 PM Al Anon (Commons)
Wednesday, November 15
9:00 AM First Kids Preschool (Will Young Bldg)
10:30 AM Bible Study (Fellowship House)
11:30 AM Grief Luncheon (Davis Hall)
11:45 AM Lunch Bunch (off campus)
6:30 PM Boy Scout Advancement Boards of Review (Ed Bldg)
7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room)
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Congratulations to Dr. Vanessa Thomas and Mr. Jon Reidy on the birth of their son, Jamie Harold Reidy on October 8, 2023 in Knoxville, TN. Grandparents are Drs. Valerie Sakach and Harold Thomas.
November 9 - Kevin Barbee
November 10 - Bill Covington, Tom Hartsell, Eleanor Irving, Nancy Simpson
November 11 - Freddie Bell, Lawrence Lentz
November 12 - Bob Brannan, Madison Love, Clay Maguire, Glo Salazar
November 13 - Jeb Fox, Emma Henderson, Christine Nelson, Tim Paul
November 14 - Austin Rohrer, Ashe Simpson
To enjoy a sung Happy Birthday, click here!
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First Presbyterian Church
(704) 788-2100
70 Union Street North
Concord NC 28025
Mailing Address:
PO Box 789 Concord NC 28026-0789
Church Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Closed Friday
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The Commons Prayer Room:
Open to FPC: Tuesday - Sunday
Open to FPC and the public:
Saturday 10 AM - 3 PM
Group times available with prior arrangement
Memorial Garden:
36 Spring Street SW
Concord NC 28025
Garden Hours:
Tuesday - Sunday, 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
March 15 - September 15
Tuesday- Sunday, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
September 15 - March 15
Closed Monday
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