August 31, 2022

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Note from Ellen

I was glad when they said to me,

    “Let us go to the house of the Lord!”

Psalm 122: 1

Dear Friends,

This summer we have had a wonderful time of intergenerational and informal worship and fellowship at our Selah services on Sunday evenings. As we look ahead, we want to reflect together on how this experiment has served as an aid to faith for us as individuals and as a community. Please complete this brief survey ( and let us know your thoughts. We’re hoping to hear from those who attended as well as those who did not.

And since, it is always good to gather for worship, we’re planning several worship opportunities in addition to Sunday mornings this fall including Blessing of the Animals on October 16 and a Thanksgiving Service of Evening Prayer on November 20.

A special thank you to Jeff and Jacquie for the always beautiful music, to Margaret Campbell for coordinating the three Sunday evening meals, and everyone who read scripture and helped lead us in worship in this new way.

Grace and peace,


link for online worship:

Books & Brews: An informal book study will meet for the first time on September 22 at Southern Strain Brewery at 7 PM. Our first book will be The Dutch House by Ann Patchett.

Next up: Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel. The time for this meeting still needs to be determined. Contact Pastor Ellen Crawford True with questions.

This Sunday, September 4, Youth Night Shelter Cooking

All of our 6th-12th grade Youth are invited to help prepare a meal for the clients of the Salvation Army Center of Hope (Night Shelter).

We will gather in Davis Hall from 4:30-6 PM. Any families who want to help deliver the meal are welcome to assist with that between 6 and 6:30 PM.

Please use this link: 2022-2023 Youth: 9/4 - Cooking for the Night Shelter ( to RSVP (yes or no) AND to sign-up to bring items that we will use in our meal preparation.

We may need help from a few parents. If you are willing to supervise cooking or greet people at the door, please sign up in the corresponding spaces.

This is a favorite activity for many of our Youth, so we hope that YOU can join us!

2022-2023 Back Pack Program Coltrane Webb Elementary School

Congregational Mission


Our BackPack Program is kicking off the new school year! For the month of September our congregation and Central Methodist will each support 10 families. We expect the number of families we serve to increase starting in October.


Each month families will receive a Food Lion Gift Card for $100. (No alcohol or tobacco) In addition the families will receive a bag of food. The food in the bags will vary each month.


You can make monetary donations toward the purchase of the gift cards via the FPC website or by check. (Please note BackPack Program on your check.)


Please drop donations in the Fellowship House.

Items needed by September 12, 2022:

10 canisters of oatmeal (quick cook)

10 plastic jars of peanut butter (16 oz)

10 plastic jars of jelly (20 oz)

10 large box of raisins (15 oz)

10 cans of black beans (15 0z)

1 pkg of rice (1 lb.)

20 cans of ravioli (15 0z)

10 boxes of cookies (standard size, any flavor)

40 cans of Vienna Sausages (4.6 oz)

10 can of fruit cocktail (15 oz)

40 boxes of macaroni and cheese (7.25 oz size)

20 cans of green beans (14.5 oz)

10 packs of cheese crackers (6 crackers to one pack)

10 boxes of saltines (4 sleeves to a box)

10 cans of diced tomatoes (14.5 oz)

10 pkgs soft taco shells (10-12 per pkg)

**Most of these items are available in Food Lion Brand.** 

Babies, Toddlers, and Preschoolers, Oh My!

Help our congregation GROW by being part of our Nursery team!

Whether you are able to help out once a month, once a quarter, or once a year, we would love your help nurturing our smallest congregation members during the worship hour on Sunday mornings. We are seeking a few more adult and teen volunteers to help, especially until we are able to hire an additional nursery attendant.

If you are interested, please let René Prager know at

You can also use this link to sign-up to help: Nursery Volunteers: Sunday Nursery Volunteers (

We need an additional adult beginning September 11th.

Make the World a Better Place

Join us for adventures in the outdoors, leadership building and entrepreneurship, STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math), and life skills while actively serving the community and building new friendships! First Presbyterian Church sponsors four Girl Scout troops, ranging from kindergarten through 12th grade. If you are interested in learning more, please contact René Prager at

Support the First Kids Scholarship Program

It’s that time of year!

Be sure to ask your cashier or go online to link your Harris Teeter card to First Kids, account 6125.

Your purchases help earn money for the First Kids Scholarship program.

Cards must be re-linked at the beginning of each school year. Thank you!

Thursday Connection

     September 1 – October 6 at 2 PM

 Journey Classroom in the Education Building


Thursday Connection resumes THIS week. 2:00 PM, in the Journey Classroom in the Education Building. Topic:The Difficult Words of Jesus by Amy-Jill Levine. Levine is a Jewish New Testament scholar who offers thought provoking commentary on some of the words of Jesus that many of us struggle to understand. This is a video-based series and each week stands on its own. No reading required.Week One will explore Mark 10:17-31 and is entitledSell What You Own. 

Save the Date!

PW Fall Spiritual Event

Saturday, October 1, 2022 at Noon

Guest Speaker

Rev. Lorenzo Small, Sr.

Pastor, First United Presbyterian Church

Charlotte, NC

"Reaching Beyond Our Own Table"

Rev. Lorenzo R. Small, Sr. was born on June 5, 1974 in Norfolk, VA. to Ms. Evon Small and Mr. Lorenzo Smith. He attended the public schools of Dunn, NC and attended North Carolina A&T State University in Greensboro, NC where he studied finance and graduated in May 1998 with highest honors.

After graduation he worked for a few companies before being called to the ministry. He was licensed in February 2005, and ordained in April 2006.

Rev. Small and his wife retuned to NC later in 2006, where he continued his studies and eventually became the pastor at Pleasant Ridge Presbyterian Church in Lancaster, SC, and earned a Master of Divinity degree from Union Presbyterian Seminary. In 2017 he accepted the call to Pastor at First United Presbyterian Church in Charlotte.

Rev. Small has been happily married to Alexis Rembert Small for 24 years and they have three sons

Save the Date - New Confirmation Class

We are planning and preparing for our next Confirmation class. All 8th grade students, as well as any high school students who have not completed Confirmation, are invited and encouraged to participate in the new Confirmation class, which will begin in January 2023.

We will have an important meeting for students and parents immediately following worship on Sunday, October 2nd. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend!

Celebration of Life, Mitzi Malone 

A Celebration of Life in Music and Scripture for Mitzi Malone

Saturday, September 17 at 11:00 AM

First Presbyterian Sanctuary

Mitzi Malone was the church organist at First Presbyterian for 30 years. At the time of her death this summer, the family gathered for a Service of Witness to the Resurrection.

Now we gather to give thanks to God for her life and her service to this congregation with music provided by the choir and our organist, Jacquie.

All are welcome. The family requests that masks be worn.

Lunch Bunch

Lunch Bunch: September 14 at 11:45 AM in Davis Hall

This Fall, come and enjoy a time of fellowship and good food on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. A donation of $9 for lunch is welcome.

Sign up here, on the sheet in the back of the Sanctuary, or call the office, 704-788-2100 by the 2nd Monday of each month. This months sign up is due by September 12 at noon.

Crop Walk October 9

Sign up and mark your calendars, the annual CROP Walk is Sunday, October 9th in Kannapolis with registration beginning at 1 PM and the walk starting at 2 PM. This fun event supports the mission of fighting hunger and poverty both globally and locally through contributions to Church World Service and Cooperative Christian Ministry. Please use the link below to join our FPC Concord team as a participant or a donor! You may choose to join us for the walk at Kimball Memorial Lutheran Church in Kannapolis or to walk around your neighborhood if that works better for you.


Online donations are preferred using the link above, but you may also bring cash or check donations on the day of the walk. Checks should be made out to "CWS/CROP." Please reach out to Tripp Carpenter with any questions.

Sign-up Links
Lay Liturgists
Sign up here to be a lay liturgist to
read scripture in worship on Sundays.

Sign up here to volunteer in the Nursery on Sundays.
Sanctuary Flowers
To give the congregation a gift of
sanctuary flowersplease click here
to sign-up for one or more Sundays
during the year.


Sunday, September 4, 2022

Rev. Julie Hill, preaching

Scripture: Isaiah 25:6-9, Revelation 21:1-6  

Thursday, September 1

9:00 AM First Kids Open House (Will Young Bldg)

9:15 AM Cabarrus Christian Women's Mtg (Davis Hall)

2:00 PM Thursday Connection (Journey Classroom)

6:00 PM Girl Scouts (Ed Bldg)

Sunday, September 4

Night Shelter Meals

9:45 AM S & D SS (FH)

10:30 AM Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room)

11:00 AM Worship (Sanctuary or Live-stream)

4: PM Youth Group (Davis Hall)

Monday, September 5

Office Closed for Labor Day

Night Shelter Meals

6:30 PM Circle 1 (TBD)

Tuesday, September 6

Night Shelter Meals

9:00 First Kids Preschool (Will Young)

2:00 PM Staff Meeting (FH sunroom)

7:00 PM Board of Deacons (Library Conference Room)

7:00 PM Al Anon (Commons)

Wednesday, September 7

Night Shelter Meals

9:00 First Kids Preschool (Will Young)

10:30 AM Bible Study (Fellowship House)

6:30 PM Building & Grounds (Library Conference Room)

7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room)

Church Report


Guy Beaver, Jr. - Families in Need Fund

Dave Goff - Endowment Fund, Music Program, Todd & Betsy Scholarship Fund

Julia Ruth Iglehart - Endowment Fund

Mitzi Malone - Music Program


September 1 - Leslie Burke, Ellie Sherrill

September 2 - Caroline Bixler, April Cline

September 3 - Mary Bost Gray, Eric Johnson

September 4 - Mary Ida Beaver, Nickolas Reid

September 6 - Loretta Coltrane, Will Fischer, Winslow Leatherman, Anna Younce

September 7 - Josh Monroe

**To enjoy a sung happy birthday, click here!**

Ellen Crawford True
Senior Pastor/
Head of Staff

Julie Hill
Temporary Associate Pastor

René Prager
Director of Christian Education

Director of Music and Organist


Suzanne Russell
Church Administrator

Kim Mazzola
Financial Administrative Asst.

Heath Ritchie
Maintenance Superintendent

Director of First Kids

Wedding Director
Contact Info
First Presbyterian Church
(704) 788-2100

70 Union Street North
Concord NC 28025 

Mailing Address: 
PO Box 789 Concord NC 28026-0789

Church Office Hours: 
Monday - Thursday, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Closed Friday
The Commons Prayer Room:
Open only for scheduled groups

Memorial Garden:

36 Spring Street SW
Concord NC 28025
Garden Hours: 
Tuesday - Sunday, 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Closed Monday
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