An online publication of the

Church of the Holy Nativity, Aina Haina

February 29, 2024

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Service Participants:

Click HERE to view the names and assignments for this Sunday and all the other Sundays of this month.




The Rev. Libby Berman

The Rev. Jennifer Latham

The Rev. Robert Steele

The Vestry

Sr. Warden: Tusi Mayer

Jr. Warden: Austin Nakoa

Treasurer: Stephanie Ching

Treasurer Emerita:

Jean Steele

Members at Large:

Lila Johnson, Kim Garner, Jack Tonaki, Ginnie Long, Carol Ching, Barbara Coles, Justin Donahue, Jennifer Stikeleather

Office Hours: M-Th 9-12

(808) 373-2131

In our parish, we pray for:

Agenhart E, Wayne O, Heather, John M, Todd T, Tom, Kate, Michael T, Lucille D, Lance, Ann C, Joyce H, Sandee K, Doris, Kitten, Ann Y, Ed & Delia M, Olav, Dave K, Raj R, Renu R, Katy, Eric, Leandra, Ethel M, Kurt & Paulina, Linda A, Sue S, Larry K, Valerie, Robert J, and David K.

AND all who struggle with illness and/or hardship.

Please contact the HNC office with any prayer requests 

We are posting a brief day by day meditation from Forward Movement. It's a great way to start your morning! Just click on the website icon above.

Holy Nativity Thrift Shop

(808) 373-3744

Wednesdays: 9am-12pm

Fridays: 9am-12pm

Saturdays: 9am-12pm

Click here to visit the Thrift Shop webpage

For donations, please donate during store hours, and please do not leave items outside the gate after hours. Mahalo!

The Third Sunday



w/ Dr. Stephen Noerper preaching

Holy Eucharist

March 3, 2024 at 9am


To join our Zoom service(s) online, Click HERE

Or Dial-in by phone at one of these numbers:

       +1 253 215 8782 

Meeting ID: 537 938 292 (No Password)

Click HERE for Sunday Bulletin

Click HERE for FAMILY Sunday Bulletin


Holy Week Schedule


Palm Sunday

March 24th 9am


Maundy Thursday

March 28th 6pm

(Re-enactment & Stripping of the Altar in

the Community Center/Gym)

Good Friday

March 29th 6pm

(Service at Kilohana United Methodist Church, Niu Valley)


Easter Sunday

March 31st 9am


A Message for Lent 2024

From The Right Reverend Robert L. Fitzpatrick

Na ke aloha ‘o Ke Akua ma loko ‘o Iesu Kristo, e aloha iā ʻoukou a pau!

 As I live into Lent 2024, a time for self-reflection and amendment of life,

I have been praying a poem each day:

“Love III”

by the Anglican poet & priest George Herbert

(1593 – 1633)

LOVE bade me welcome; yet my soul drew back,

            Guilty of dust and sin.

But quick-eyed Love, observing me grow slack

    From my first entrance in,

Drew nearer to me, sweetly questioning

            If I lack’d anything.

‘A guest,’ I answer’d, ‘worthy to be here:’

            Love said, ‘You shall be he.’

‘I, the unkind, ungrateful? Ah, my dear,

            I cannot look on Thee.’

Love took my hand and smiling did reply,

          ‘Who made the eyes but I?’

‘Truth, Lord; but I have marr’d them: let my shame

            Go where it doth deserve.’

‘And know you not,’ says Love, ‘Who bore the blame?’

            ‘My dear, then I will serve.’

‘You must sit down,’ says Love, ‘and taste my meat.’

            So I did sit and eat.


Vestry Retreat 2024

Our newly elected and returning Vestry members gathered at beautiful Camp Mokule'ia this past weekend. The group drafted an initial set of goals for Holy Nativity for the next 3-5 years, which they will further refine at upcoming vestry meetings. Rev. Jenn led the team in exercises that will help us become a more inclusive and welcoming congregation.

Looking forward to a great year!

Some of the Vestry pictured L to R: Carol Ching, Lila Johnson, Ginnie Long, Rev. Libby, Rev. Jenn, Jack Tonaki and Tusi Mayer (our new Senior Warden)


Who's in the Pew?

Barbara Coles

(Vestry & Parishioner)

By Jean Steele

Barbara Coles has just started her second year on the Vestry. She is following the family tradition: her father was variously Senior Warden, Junior Warden and Vestry member. She was born at Kapiolani Hospital and baptized and confirmed at Holy Nativity. She attended the Sunday School as have the following two generations of her family. Barbara remembers attending picnics and camping excursions for HNC kids.

In high school, Barb was one of two students per State to win a Parade Magazine scholarship to study in Spain. On her seventeenth birthday, Barbara enlisted in the Army, telling the recruiter she wanted to have a medical job and go camping. She became a Combat Medic, when her parents approved her enlistment. She loved the work which took her all over the world and involved a wide variety of assignments. Returning to Hawaii, Barb attended the KCC nursing program. She immediately took a night-shift position at Straub and she has been there ever since.

Her son is Gunner and her daughter is Leilani, a “surprise child,” seventeen years younger than Gunner and ten years younger than Barb’s oldest grandchild. Her stepchildren are DJ and Jennifer and her grandchildren number four. Like numbers? Barb has forty-two foster siblings. Her parents fostered all their lives.

More numbers? Barb’s family has 3 dogs, 2 cats, 6 turtles, 2 tortoises, 2 rabbits, 4 chickens, 8 ducks, a

pond of fish, and 6 parakeets (plus 4 eggs). And she loves to garden. She raises vegetables, cans jams and jellies, pickles veggies, and labels her products Coles’ Country Creations.

The woman is indefatigable.


It's Lily Time!

We want to make sure our Nave is blessed with lilies for Easter.

Sign up to get yours!

Order after services, outside the Nave OR call

808-373-2131 or come by the office.


New Tern Nest!

In the trees above the the 24/7 parking spaces, adjacent the gym, a couple watches over their new egg.

Good Luck to the proud parents!



Palm Sunday 3/24 will start a new

Parish Prayer List

Please contact the HNC office with names or 808 373-2131


Lent Madness!

This online activity began in 2010 and is a unique Lenten devotion which is not unlike a sports tournament with elimination brackets.


Right after Ash Wednesday, 32 saints are proposed to vie for the Golden Halo. Biographical information is provided first, and we are invited to continually select one saint from a pair in single elimination brackets over several rounds.

is the link to the Lent Madness XV.


The Episcopal Church of the Holy Nativity
5286 Kalanianaole Hwy, Honolulu, HI 96821