An online publication of the

Church of the Holy Nativity, Aina Haina,

November 14, 2024

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Service Participants:

Click HERE to view the names and assignments for this Sunday and all the other Sundays of this month.




The Rev. Libby Berman

The Rev. Jennifer Latham

The Rev. Robert Steele

The Vestry

Sr. Warden: Tusi Mayer

Jr. Warden: Austin Nakoa

Treasurer: Stephanie Ching

Treasurer Emerita:

Jean Steele

Members at Large:

Lila Johnson, Kim Garner, Jack Tonaki, Ginnie Long, Carol Ching, Barbara Coles, Justin Donahue, Jennifer Stikeleather

Ministry Intern:

Bill Heran

Office Hours: M-Th 9-12

(808) 373-2131

In our parish, we pray for:

Mona, Lisa May M, Wayne, Heather, Todd, Tom, Kate, Michael, Ann, Joyce, Sandee, Doris, Olav, Linda A, Sue, Esther N, Agenhart E, Joern H, Akiko H, Antone T, Betty L, Tom D, Loretta F, Luci D, Dave K, Sheri G, Becky H, Brian S, Karen P, George E, Pam E, Raj, Renu, Eric, Katy, Mary, Arlene, Michael B, and Elaine F.

AND all who struggle with illness and/or hardship.

Please contact the HNC office with any prayer requests or call (808) 373-2131 

We are posting a brief day by day meditation from Forward Movement. It's a great way to start your morning! Just click on the website icon above.

Holy Nativity Thrift Shop

(808) 373-3744



Closed Fridays for the month of November



November RED tags 50% OFF!

Click here to visit the Thrift Shop webpage

For donations, please donate during store hours, and please do not leave items outside the gate after hours. Mahalo!

The 26th Sunday after Pentecost

Queen Lili'uokalani

Holy Eucharist

November 17, 2024 at 9am


To join our Zoom service(s) online, Click HERE

Or Dial-in by phone at one of these numbers:

       +1 253 215 8782 

Meeting ID: 537 938 292 (No Password)

Click HERE for Sunday Bulletin

Click HERE for FAMILY Sunday Bulletin

Note: Click on any image to enlarge



Blessing of Pledges on Nov. 17

Please enjoy our Stewardship video for this week. Ed Stikeleather shares with us why he pledges to Holy Nativity.

On Sunday, Nov 17, we will have a blessing of pledges for the 2025 year and a coffee hour celebration hosted by those who have served on our Stewardship Committee.

Please send your pledge card in this week, complete it online, or bring it on Sunday. Mahalo!

Click here to see Catherineʻs Story.

Thrift Shop Fall Festival was a Huge Success!

The crowds came early and lined the block and there was much joy and laughter in the house!

Thank you to the wonderful Thrift Shop volunteers, the members of the Iolani Key Club, and Scout Troop 777, who made it all happen. We also are grateful to Chandi Hinrichs, Tusi Mayer, and others from the congregation who sponsored the bakesale.

Stay tuned for information about the proceeds.

Our volunteers distribute 100% of these funds to organizations within our community!


Breaking Bread

(Pizza Church!)

Are you looking for an easy and interactive family church experience?

Join Rev. Jenn on November 24th for our first Breaking Bread (AKA Pizza Church!)

service at 5 pm.

The short half hour service will be followed by PIZZA for all and time for families to have fun together.

Please RSVP HERE so we know how much pizza to have on hand.


Food receptacle bins can be found at the back of the Nave.


The 3rd Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service

Tues, Nov 26 at 6pm at Calvary-by-the-Sea.

Holy Nativity will be providing the refreshments after the service. Please contact Athena in our parish office ( if you are able to assist with this effort (bringing food or help with fudning).


Advent Reading & Conversation:

"The Heart of Christianity"

Dr. Bill Heran, our ministry intern, will be offering a four week seminar during Advent. The workshops will be based on a book, The Heart of Christianity by Marcus Borg. 

We will meet on Sundays in December at 10:45am, after coffee hour, in Monteiro Chapel. The series will begin on Sunday, Dec 1. Books (optional) are available for purchase in the church office. 


This Sunday we will commemorate Queen Lili'uokalani.

We invite you to wear your best aloha wear!


A Post-election Prayer for all of our People

Many among us are relieved that our challenging national election is over. It has been a difficult time. People have experienced a combination of feelings over these last few months: anxiety, fear, hope, sadness, and relief among them. We now have the opportunity to turn our hearts and minds to the future, remembering that, as Christians, we follow Jesus' example of love and reconciliation in community first and foremost. I commend to you the "prayers for our national life" in The Book of Common Prayer (beginning on page 820). It is a section we do not often turn to, but which I have found very helpful this past week.

I also invite you to talk with Rev. Jenn and me about what prayers, visits, and/or opportunities to talk together in community would most helpful to you in coming days. We feel called and we are ready to be present with you.

With prayers for peace, -Rev. Libby+

"Almighty God, who has given us this good land for our heritage: We humbly ask that we may always prove ourselves a people mindful of your favor and glad to do your will. Bless our land with honorable industry, sound learning, and pure manners. Save us from violence, discord, and confusion; from pride and arrogance, and from every evil way. Defend our liberties, and fashion into one united people the multitudes brought together out of many nations...all of which we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."

The Episcopal Church of the Holy Nativity

5286 Kalanianaole Hwy, Honolulu, HI 96821

808-373-2131 --