An online publication of the

Church of the Holy Nativity, Aina Haina

October 19, 2023

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Service Participants:

Click HERE to view the names and assignments for this Sunday and all the other Sundays of this month.




The Rev. Libby Berman

The Rev. Jennifer Latham

The Rev. Robert Steele

The Vestry

Sr. Warden: Bill Seeley

Jr. Warden: Austin Nakoa

Treasurer: Jean Steele

Clerk: Nina Livingston

Members at Large:

Rich Miller, Lila Johnson, Tusi Mayer, Kim Garner, Jack Tonaki, Ginnie Long, Carol Ching, Barbara Coles

Office Hours: M-Th 9-12

(808) 373-2131

In our parish, we pray for:

Agenhart E, Wayne O, Heather, John M, Todd T, Tom, Kate, Michael T, Lucille D, Lance, Ann C, Cynthia K, Joyce H, Sandee K, Doris, Sheri G, Raj R. & Renu R, Eric & Kathy M, Dieter H, Brown, Arthur, Don, Antone, Grace, Kitten, Jamie Y, Pam E, Catharine, and Cynthia.

AND all who struggle with illness and/or hardship.

Please contact the HNC office with any prayer requests 

We are posting a brief day by day meditation from Forward Movement. It's a great way to start your morning! Just click on the website icon above.
Holy Nativity Thrift Shop
(808) 373-3744

Wednesdays: 9am-12pm
Fridays: 9am-12pm
Saturdays: 9am-12pm

Click here to visit the Thrift Shop webpage

For donations, please donate during store hours, and please do not leave items outside the gate after hours. Mahalo!

The Twenty-first Sunday

after Pentecost

Holy Eucharist

October 22, 2023 at 9am


To join our Zoom service(s) online, Click HERE

Or Dial-in by phone at one of these numbers:

       +1 253 215 8782


Meeting ID: 537 938 292 (No Password)

Click HERE for Sunday Bulletin

Click HERE for FAMILY Sunday Bulletin


Children's White Sunday

This past Sunday 10/15, the children gave a beautiful White Sunday presentation!

There were special songs, readings, and prayer.

Pictured right Olesya Noerper gives a Lesson.

A big mahalo to organizer Tusi Mayer, and her assistant Chandi Hinrichs, or as Stephen Noerper likes to call them, "our dynamic & divine duo!"



Inviting your help with our Nov. 11 celebration!

We are completing our planning for this special, free, family-friendly evening on the mauka side of our campus. The program in the Gym 

will include music, sports, and dance exhibitions. Food trucks that will be on site that night and 

the evening will conclude with the music of

Gary Pacarro.

If you are able, please volunteer for one a number of needed positions:

Decorating, greeting guests, serving beverages, assisting with set-up or clean-up, or helping out at the Thrift Store that night.

Contact Rev Libby or Athena in the parish office and we will put you in touch with Quinn Takahashi, our event coordinator.

Mahalo for helping us make this event a success!

Join us on Sunday, Nov 12, as we celebrate "All the Saints of Holy Nativity" at the 9am service.


A Friendly Reminder

Sunday services are still available by Zoom.

If you are ill, please consider staying home OR at least consider using a mask until you feel better.

We all want to stay healthy and safe!

Thank you for your kokua!


"Rooted in Abundance"

Stewardship Season - now through Dec 3, 2023

Please be on the look-out for your stewardship mailing this week, which invites all households to make a financial pledge to support Holy Nativity in 2024.

If you are not on our mailing list but you would like to participate, you can pick up a pledge card in the church office or the nave.

"...our love is devoted to the mission of the Church when we...realize that our lives and our response to God’s generosity are Rooted in Abundance."

(from The Episcopal Network for Stewardship)



Oct. 20-21

For Tickets:


Halloween Fun!

Sunday, October 29th

The Sunday School invites the children (an adults) to come in costume and enjoy a Halloween celebration.

Please bring wrapped candy for trick o' treat,

after service!



Halloween Stay-Cay at

Camp Mokule`ia

A whole weekend that combines Halloween and camp fun!

Rev. Jenn will be the chaplain for the Halloween Stay-Cay from October 27-29 at Camp Mokule`ia.

More information can be found HERE.




Thrift Shop Fall Festival is

Saturday, November 4th

GREEN TAG items are 50% OFF in October!


The Episcopal Church of the Holy Nativity
5286 Kalanianaole Hwy, Honolulu, HI 96821