An online publication of the

Church of the Holy Nativity, Aina Haina,

January 16, 2025

Mahalo to our Sunday School for this week's Banyan art!

Did you find that some of the content is missing?  
Here's what to do: open the email, scroll to the bottom and click on
"View Entire Message."

Service Participants:

Click HERE to view the names and assignments for this Sunday and all the other Sundays of this month.




The Rev. Libby Berman

The Rev. Jennifer Latham

The Rev. Robert Steele

The Vestry

Sr. Warden: Tusi Mayer

Jr. Warden: Austin Nakoa

Treasurer: Stephanie Ching

Treasurer Emerita:

Jean Steele

Members at Large:

Lila Johnson, Kim Garner, Ginnie Long, Catherine Nurmi, Barbara Coles, Justin Donahue, Jennifer Stikeleather

Ministry Intern:

Bill Heran

Office Hours: M-Th 9-12

(808) 373-2131

In our parish, we pray for:

Lisa M, Barbara A,

David M, Luci D,

Ginnie L, Sheri G,

Becky H, and Brian S.

AND all who struggle with illness and/or hardship.

Please contact the HNC office with any prayer requests or call (808) 373-2131 

We are posting a brief day by day meditation from Forward Movement. It's a great way to start your morning! Just click on the website icon above.

Holy Nativity Thrift Shop

(808) 373-3744



Closed Fridays



Click here to visit the Thrift Shop webpage

For donations, please donate during store hours, and please do not leave items outside the gate after hours. Mahalo!

The 2nd Sunday after the Epiphany

Holy Eucharist

January 19,2025 at 9:00am


To join our Zoom service(s) online, Click HERE

Or Dial-in by phone at one of these numbers:

       +1 253 215 8782 

Meeting ID: 537 938 292 (No Password)

Click HERE for Sunday Bulletin

Click HERE for FAMILY Sunday Bulletin

Note: Click on any image to enlarge



Episcopal Church, 2 rectories destroyed by deadly fast-moving wildfires raging in Southern California

[Episcopal News Service] An Episcopal church in Altadena, California, and two rectories in Pacific Palisades are among the more than 1,000 structures that have been destroyed Jan. 8 by a series of wind-fueled California wildfires, which continue to devastate communities across Los Angeles County.




A Special Family Sunday!

This past Sunday we enjoyed our Family Sunday, said aloha to our friend & fellow parishioner Barbara Coles (pictured at far left in the circle; she is moving to Texas), and also celebrated our own Rev. Libby's five-year Anniversary as Rector of

Holy Nativity Church!

Whew, quite a day!





Holy Nativity.

On December 29, Rev. Libby baptized Kainalu Austin Samaniego, seen here with his parents Kanoe Nakoa Samaniego & Andrew Samaniego.

Kainalu is the grandson of our own

Dana & Austin Nakoa.

"Sustain him, O Lord, in your Holy Spirit. Give him an inquiring and discerning heart, the courage to will and to persevere, a spirit to know and to love you, and the gift of joy and wonder in all your works."



New Offering for

Prayers of the People

Every Sunday we pray for our community, our church, and our world. As part of the Prayers of the People we remember people on our parish prayer list. Many of us have people we are praying for who we remember during this time, even if they don’t make it onto the prayer list. 

During the season of Epiphany we are inviting people to remember those they are praying for by saying their name out loud at a specific point in our Prayers of the People.

Please join us in offering the names of people you are praying for, one at a time; our celebrant for the day will be happy to call on you.


Back by popular demand!

Breaking Bread

(Pizza Church!)

Are you looking for an easy and interactive family church experience?

Join Rev. Jenn on January 26th for our continuing Breaking Bread (AKA Pizza Church!)

service at 5 pm.

The short half hour service will be followed by PIZZA for all and time for families to have fun together.

Please RSVP HERE so we know how much pizza to have on hand.


Calling all High Schoolers!

Here at Camp Mokule'ia, we offer two paid leadership positions for 9th - 12th graders.
Please see the specifications below for each: 
Leaders in Training 
This program runs over 2 weekends in the spring and is for 9th through 12th graders. LITs will boost their confidence as a leader learning how to confidently facilitate group discussions, creatively impact their peers in positive ways and easily interact in professional settings. 
Please note this program starts Feb 28 so the hiring process is done in January and early February. We have 8 positions that fill up fast! 
Leaders in Training Job Description
Leaders in Training Job Application
Counselor in Training
This program runs throughout June and July for juniors and seniors who are interested in making a positive impact on younger campers and learning more leadership skills. CITs will gain professional and life skills for college and future jobs in a fun and meaningful way. 
Summer Camp Counselor in Training Job Description
Summer Camp Counselor in Training Job Application

OR visit our website at



Bill Heran's ordination to the diaconate will be held at Church of the Holy Nativity this coming Wed, January 22 at 6pm, with our bishop, the

Rt. Rev. Robert Fitzpatrick, officiating.

All are welcome!


Annual Parish Meeting

Sunday, January 26, 2025 9am

In the Nave


The HNC office & HNSchool will be closed for

MLK Jr. Day, Monday January 20, 2025.


A new list started on January 12, 2025. 

Please contact the office with names

808 373-2131 or


You are invited to the deepening practice of Centering Prayer, a contemplative

Christian prayer.

We continue to meet each 

Tuesday afternoons at 4 PM in Monteiro Chapel

Our prayer is led by Carla Holt, a member of Contemplative Outreach of Hawaii and longtime Centering Prayer practitioner. Carla will offer a brief introduction to the method of Centering Prayer for those new to the practice. 


A man went forth with gifts.

He was a prose poem.

He was a tragic grace.

He was a warm music.

He tried to heal the vivid volcanoes.

His ashes are

 reading the world.

His Dream still wishes to anoint

the barricades of faith and of control.

His word still burns the center of the sun

above the thousands and the

 hundred thousands.

The word was Justice. It was spoken.

So it shall be spoken.

So it shall be done.


Gwendolyn Brooks (1917–2000), winner of the Pulitzer Prize, the National Book Award, and many other honors, wrote this poem in 1968 following the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

The Episcopal Church of the Holy Nativity

5286 Kalanianaole Hwy, Honolulu, HI 96821

808-373-2131 --