Bill Heran's ordination to the diaconate will be held at Church of the Holy Nativity this coming Wed, January 22 at 6pm, with our bishop, the
Rt. Rev. Robert Fitzpatrick, officiating.
All are welcome!
Annual Parish Meeting
Sunday, January 26, 2025 9am
In the Nave
The HNC office & HNSchool will be closed for
MLK Jr. Day, Monday January 20, 2025.
A new list started on January 12, 2025.
Please contact the office with names
808 373-2131 or hncparish@gmail.com
You are invited to the deepening practice of Centering Prayer, a contemplative
Christian prayer.
We continue to meet each
Tuesday afternoons at 4 PM in Monteiro Chapel.
Our prayer is led by Carla Holt, a member of Contemplative Outreach of Hawaii and longtime Centering Prayer practitioner. Carla will offer a brief introduction to the method of Centering Prayer for those new to the practice.