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Service Participants:
Click HERE to view the names and assignments for this Sunday and all the other Sundays of this month.
The Rev. Libby Berman
The Rev. Jennifer Latham
The Rev. Robert Steele
The Rev. Bill Heran
The Vestry
Sr. Warden: Tusi Mayer
Jr. Warden: Austin Nakoa
Treasurer: Stephanie Ching
Members at Large:
Kim Garner, Ginnie Long, Catherine Nurmi, Justin Donahue, Jennifer Stikeleather, Dan Muenzer, Adrienne Fung
Office Hours: M-Th 9-12
(808) 373-2131
In our parish, we pray for:
Lisa M, Barbara A,
David M, Luci D,
Ginnie L, Sheri G,
Becky H, Brian S, Heather, Wayne, Todd, Tom, Ann, Sandee, Doris, Linda, Esther, Antone, Betty, Bobby, Gregg, and David.
AND all who struggle with illness and/or hardship.
Please contact the HNC office with any prayer requests
hncparish@gmail.com or call (808) 373-2131
| We are posting a brief day by day meditation from Forward Movement. It's a great way to start your morning! Just click on the website icon above. |
Holy Nativity Thrift Shop
(808) 373-3744
Closed Fridays
Click here to visit the Thrift Shop webpage
For donations, please donate during store hours, and please do not leave items outside the gate after hours. Mahalo!
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The 4th Sunday after the Epiphany
The Presentation of our Lord
Jesus Christ in the Temple
Holy Eucharist
February 2,2025 at 9:00am
To join our Zoom service(s) online, Click HERE
Or Dial-in by phone at one of these numbers:
+1 253 215 8782
Meeting ID: 537 938 292 (No Password)
Click HERE for Sunday Bulletin
Click HERE for FAMILY Sunday Bulletin
Note: Click on any image to enlarge
Annual Parish Meeting was held on January 26, 2025
Pictured above are Lila Johnson, who leaves our vestry after serving two three-years terms on the vestry, and below Jean Steele, who has completed seven years as our parish Treasurer and one year as our
Treasurer Emerita.
Mahalo nui loa to you both!
Results of elections:
Austin Nakoa was re-elected as Jr. Warden for another year.
Adrienne Fung was elected to a one-year
Vestry position.
Ginnie Long, Catherine Nurmi, and Dan Muenzer all were elected to three-year Vestry positions.
Annual Diocesan Convention Delegates
are Chandi Hinrichs, Christine Donnelly, Sandra Braham, and Beverly Toomey.
David Callies will serve as our alternate delegate.
Hard copies of the Meeting's Report for 2024
are available in the HNC office.
Ordination of
The Rev. Wiliam Joseph Heran
On Wednesday, January 22, we gathered for the beautiful ordination of our 2024 ministry intern, Bill Heran, to the transitional diaconate. Our Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Robert Fitzpatrick, officiated; several clergy and lay colleagues from across our diocese joined us in person and online. Food & fellowship followed the service.
A deacon's ministry is to stand between the church and the world, calling us to take the "solace and strength" we receive in the Eucharist into the world, that we might "worthily serve the world in [Christ's] name." (The Book of Common Prayer, p. 372)
In the liturgy, the deacon proclaims the Gospel, invites God's people to Confession, sets and clears the table at the Eucharist, and very importantly, offers the dismissal, as we go out "to do the work [God] has given us to do." (BCP, p. 366). The deacon's active ministry is to model our intended service in the world, by leading or assisting with outreach and justice ministries.
Congratulations, Bill, as you take up this significant ministry among us!
A message from Bishop Fitzpatrick
I have been asked about the homily of the Bishop of Washington, the Right Reverend Mariann Edgar Budde, delivered on Tuesday, January 22, 2025, during A Service of Prayer for the Nation at Washington National Cathedral.
Bishop Budde’s words were faithful to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and a clarion call to live into the hope of the beloved community. She had a unique opportunity to fulfill her ordination promise to “be merciful to all, show compassion to the poor and strangers, and defend those who have no helper” (see the Book of Common Prayer, page 518, “The Ordination of a Bishop”).
I hope all Episcopalians in the Diocese of Hawaiʻi will read the full text of her homily (and not just listen to a sound bite):
A Service of Prayer for the Nation Homily Text by Bishop Mariann, Jan 22, 2025.
Please share it broadly with friends and family members. I hope it will be reproduced on the websites of congregations. I hope it will be discussed and engaged.
Her words shared the teaching of the Episcopal Church and of the message of the Gospel.
Please know that you are in my prayers. Please pray for me.
Your servant in Christ Jesus,
The Right Reverend Robert L. Fitzpatrick
Bishop Diocesan
On the Way!
The pocket size Day by Day are delayed in the mail, but should arrive soon.
Large print size are available, now, in the office and outside the nave.
A Poetry Series with Dan Muenzer
Starting Sunday, February 2nd—at 10:45am, after coffee hour, and continuing for four consecutive Sundays.
“Epiphanies: Encountering Christ
through Poetry.”
Meetings will take place in Monteiro Chapel, come as you are; no book needed.
You are invited to the deepening practice of Centering Prayer, a contemplative
Christian prayer.
We continue to meet each
Tuesday afternoons at 4 PM in Monteiro Chapel.
Our prayer is led by Carla Holt, a member of Contemplative Outreach of Hawaii and longtime Centering Prayer practitioner. Carla will offer a brief introduction to the method of Centering Prayer for those new to the practice.
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