Our Mission:
Growing in Christ and sharing God's grace with
courage, love and purpose
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Weekly Newsletter

Thursday, January 5th, 2023

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Sunday, January 8, 2023

9:00 am In-Person and Virtual Worship Service with Holy Communion

Order of Service here.

Facebook Link for Virtual Worship Service

Children's Bulletins:

If you ordered poinsettias, please take it today.

If you did not order poinsettias, please help yourself.

Unfortunately, these beautiful plants will be meeting their demise on Monday, unless someone can take all of them to a new home.

For your Christmas generosity.

Pastor Erik, Christine, Bruce & Shelly


Prayer Corner

+Prayers for Karen Toshner, who is dealing with hip issues.+

 +Prayers for Vicki Brull as she undergoes chemotherapy treatment for ovarian cancer.

Click here to submit a prayer request that will be included in Sunday's Prayers of the People.

If you are in need of immediate pastoral care, please contact the church office at (920)757-7775.

If you would like to include someone in the weekly Prayer Corner (found in Sunday's News About God's People), please contact Parish Secretary, Shelly Ashline.

Pastor Erik's Message

Baptism of our Lord Sunday

Happy New Year!

This Sunday is Baptism of our Lord Sunday.

Our scripture readings are all about Baptism and we will hear Matthew’s account of when Jesus was baptized by John in the Jordan. Every year on this special Sunday I invite the congregation to affirm their baptism during the worship service. We will hear again the promises that God has made to us, and in turn, we will remember the commitments that we have made to the Lord.

Without giving away too many details, the worship service will also include a fun and faithful activity which I am confident will have a meaningful and positive impact on your faith. If any of you made a New-Years resolution to be a more intentional evangelist and invite more friends and neighbors to hear the good news at church, then this Sunday is the perfect opportunity!


You are a child of God and I love you.

 Your co-worker in Christ~ Pr. Erik 



Ministries Coordinator Position

Are you called to serve? Christus is looking for a part-time Ministries Coordinator to serve on our staff. Flexible approximately 20 hours per week. One of the focus' of this position is to help people identify their spiritual gifts and work with our volunteer ministry. If interested or if you want more information, please contact Pastor Erik.

Volunteer Information

Snow Shoveling Volunteers

January 8-14:  Jim Borowski

January 15 - 21: Matt Reis

January 22 - February 4: Robin Krause 

Christus Friends,

Whether you've been one of our dedicated volunteers over the years or are looking to get involved in a new way at Christus, the ministry we get to share can't happen without your faithful and dedicated service! Openings for Greeters/Ushers, Multimedia, Hospitality and communion are an immediate need.

Sign up sheets are now available on the kiosk in the Gathering Area.


Click here to be directed to Christus' SignUpGenius page to see available opportunities.

Curious about any of these opportunities? Click the links below to learn more.

Greeter/UsherHospitalityCommunion Server

If you are experiencing difficulty signing up or have any questions, please call the church office at 920-757-7775.

Don't Forget to Turn in your Time and Talent Survery

Please complete your "Time & Talent" Survey by Sunday, January 15th. Did you misplace your survey from the mail? No problem, click here and complete it digitally.

Wednesday, January 11

12:00 pm

Join us for the monthly potluck.


Men's Breakfast Group

Come & join the Men's Breakfast group being held every other Wednesday morning at 7:30 am beginning January 4th. Leo's Diner in Greenville has generously offered an area for us to gather.

Enjoy Breakfast & fellowship with other men from Christus. Devotional will be provided by Pastor Erik.     

Silent Auction Items Needed

We are looking for donations for our Annual Silent Auction which will begin the evening of February 4 and run through Sunday morning, February 5 until 11am. Items should be new or very gently used.

Prearranged baskets are very helpful. Proceeds go to Youth Ministries. Donations can be dropped off no later than January 29. Contact Christine Loppnow with questions.

Christioso's and Talent Show

Christioso's - Saturday, February 4

Start the night off with a three course Italian meal in your own private dining room at "Christioso's!" Seating times are at 5:00pm and 6:15pm. Relax in the "Christioso's" lounge while you listen to live music by our local guitarist, Bruce Koestner. Cost is $10 per person.  

Reserve your table today by signing up on the kiosk at church or by following this link.

Talent/No Talent Show - 7:30 pm

After dinner, at 7:30pm, do not miss the Dinner Show, or as we like to call it, the "Talent or No Talent Show." Be amazed at the talent! And, you DO NOT WANT TO MISS what the Christus Staff have planned this year! We do need to intiate Pastor Erik, hahaha!

Have a TALENT you want to share? You can still do that. Maybe you can sing, maybe you can play an instrument, maybe you can act, dance or do comedy. Maybe you have a "silly human" trick you would like to share. All ages welcome, children and adults. The more the better! Bruce is willing to accompany any singers for instrumentalists. Sign up at church on the kiosk or email Christine and let her know you want to participate.


Not interested in dinner, just come for the show!

Not interested in the show, come for dinner!

And, before you leave for the evening, peruse the FABULOUS AUCTION ITEMS that will be on display.  

All proceeds from this event will benefit Youth Missions.

Evening Bible Study

Pastor Erik is leading a Bible study on the 2nd and 4th Monday every month at 6:30 pm, beginning January 9th.

The weekly topics will be based on the interest of the group. All are welcome as your schedule allows. Bring your bible or one will be provided.

Pub Theology Begins in January

Pub Theology is back! Join others at The Stoneyard in Greenville for food, drink, and faith. This group will meet the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month at 6:30 pm. (Come at 5:30pm if you want to order food.) At the first meeting on Monday, January 16th, the group will discuss if Mondays are indeed the best night to meet. The group will also talk about what book they would like read together.

Any questions or comments, please talk to Pastor Erik or Dick Gamble.

Save the Date!

Saturday, January 21st, 2023 at 5:00 pm.

Draft Gastropub

 664 W Ridgeview Dr. Appleton

Join us for delicious food & good conversation. Ladies 18+ are welcome! Sign up on the Kiosk or email the Church Office.

A Message from Bruce

New Year’s Greetings!

Great work was done by Tim Calder this past week, as he rewrote the words of a Muddy Waters blues song for Sunday’s offering anthem! Anyone who is interested in writing song lyrics that can be used during our worship time at Christus should contact music director Bruce Koestner for further information. 

Thank you to all who have arranged to sing anthems during the month of January. There are service times for February that have not yet been filled with anthems, and I’m hoping to hear from you soon. Please sign up at http://signup.com/go/VuZoQDC or send an email to [email protected] with your availability to offer an anthem during our worship time at church. We also appreciate having song leaders in front of the congregation again, to help musically guide the rest of the congregation, so I hope you can let me know your availability to do this.

The new original song coming on Wednesday to the Christus Facebook and YouTube pages will celebrate the annual perihelion day. If you don’t know what that is, I hope you will listen here, learn and enjoy! 

Christus Contact Information

Christus Lutheran Church

N1915 Julius Drive

Greenville, WI 54942



Pastor Erik Roth

[email protected]            (218) 404-0007

Monday - Thursday at 9 am

Christine Loppnow, Director of Youth Ministry   

[email protected]

Tuesday: In at 9 am

Wednesday: In at 1 pm

Thursday: In at 10 am

Friday: In at 9 am

(depending on weekend work obligations, may not be in the office on Fridays)

Shelly Ashline, Office Administrator    

[email protected]

Monday-Thursday: In at 8 am

Bruce Koestner, Director of Music      

[email protected]

Works off-site; call 920-209-5932.

NOTE: The above noted days and times are when we generally expect to be in the office. However, our schedules can change quickly, based on what is happening in the life of the congregation. Occasionally, we need to be away from the office for meetings, hospital visits, home visits, and more. Therefore, we strongly encourage you to call ahead and/or make an appointment if you are planning to stop by for a visit, or need to have a face-to-face meeting with a member of the staff.