Basics of Break-In Prevention
It is an unfortunate fact that , if given unlimited time and resources , a determined burglar will likely find a way to break into your facility. For anyone responsible for loss prevention and security in general, the objective is to make the burglar's task as challenging and as time-consuming as possible ... and in the best case, to delay the burglar long enough for law enforcement to arrive and take care of the problem before entry is achieved .
Even a building that has not recently been subject to a threat can benefit from an occasional and objective review of its security parameters. What follows below is a " back to basics " review of  some fundamental components of a solution that can help thwart external efforts to break in and steal property .
  • Heavy-duty door
  • Full length hinge
  • Heavy duty lock
  • Burglar alarm
The integration of more of these components into the overall security picture will result in more secure doors . In many cases, creating highly secure points of ingress will discourage would-be thieves from approaching a facility in the first place.

Start with a Heavy-Duty Door
Perhaps the most fundamental weakness of an entry point is the door itself. Placing a strong lock ing mechanism on a weak door defeats the purpose and makes it very easy for intruders to break in. A 16-gauge door and frame is preferable to a 20-gauge door and frame because it is stronger; however, it should be reinforced for the security hardware that will be installed on it A door security hardware distributor or a third - party integrator can be an invaluable resource regarding this and other break-in prevention issues .

Consider a Full-Length Hinge
With a strong door in place , the next consideration is how it is hung . It is common to see doors hung with three or perhaps four hinges. Since every door on a commercial building must swing out in the path of egress, the hinge knuckles are on the outside , exposed and vulnerable to attack by a potential burglar.
U sing one long continuous hinge that run s the length of the door is recommended because (1) it supports a heavier gauge door better than several discrete hinges and (2) is more difficult for a intruder to manipulate or vandalize.

10,000 Pounds of Pull Force
Now the locks themselves should be considered . Regardless of which of the many available products is selected , it should be able to withstand thousands of pounds of pull force ... preferably 10,000 pounds or more . A lock that has as much bolt penetration into the door frame as possible is the goal .
That being said , it is recommend ed to lock into the floor as well as the door frame , since a potential intruder will often try to p ry the bottom of the door upward . A floor bolt that locks the very bottom of the door helps prevent (or at least delay) that particular approach.

For more Detex recommendations regarding break-in prevention, such as astragals, door handles, lighting, burglar alarms and more, visit
Did You Know?
Did you know, Detex offers several multipoint locks, including the ECL-230X-TDB-DX3, which can be installed with a flush strike, providing superior holding force. Learn more at
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