2022 The Battle Continues
Sovereign January 2022 Newsletter 

In my last newsletter I wrote about the attack on retirement plans and not only the government's attempt to stop you from being able to invest in things like real estate and precious metals, but their attempt at requiring mass liquidation of countless investments. The battle still rages on.

The good news is the aforementioned regulations no longer appear in the current proposed bill. The bad news is they can just as easily be reinserted before the final bill is voted on.

My research has uncovered a number of other proposals containing serious changes to current regulations governing IRA's and retirement plans. I can't say with certainty, which, if any, will eventually become law. I can say with CERTAINTY the attack on retirement plans is real and is accelerating.

I'm not the only one who has noticed the new focus on retirement plans. Here are a couple of things clients have said in recent emails. I've had similar conversations by phone as well.

“I'm of the opinion that the drive is to eliminate IRA accounts with alternative investments.”

“Larry, I am in need of your input about government confiscation and the benefits of XXX Investment, LLC being Nevis-based. Thanks,”

I've been told other newsletter writers and commentators are talking about the same thing. Some recent headlines.

“Congress is Attacking the IRA of Average Americans- Yes…the title of the article is true. This is not a tricky way to get in the back door and talk about protecting the rich. Please keep reading whether you are a Republican or Democrat…this does not have to be political!”

“The IRA is under attack thanks to Biden and Democrats' spending plans. Some Democrats want to dismantle IRAs as we know them.”

You get the point. I'm not the only one trying to raise the alarm. There are many others. I hope you are asking yourself what can I do to protect my hard earned savings and not just sitting back doing nothing. You really can take steps to protect your IRA and retirement plan.

Aren't you tired of watching the value of your account fluctuate wildly with the vagaries of the market? If you are like most Americans, the majority of your retirement account and investments are 100% exposed to the dollar and the stock market. Wouldn't it make sense to protect your retirement plan while you can? Click here to read how.

Want to know more about what you can do? Don't hesitate to send me an email or schedule a call. I'd be happy to help.

Liberate Your IRA!


Larry Grossman
7143 State Road 54, Suite 147,
New Port Richey, FL 34653
Office: 727-286-6237| Office: 727-286-6238
Toll Free: 877-733-6815 |Fax: 727-286-6239
Sovereign International Pension Services | Website