In 2012, the Traverse City Planning Commission established an Active Transportation Subcommittee to gather data on how residents travel around town. This group sought to further the City’s vision of becoming a walkable, bikeable community. Over the past decade, Traverse City has continued pursuing this vision by expanding its non-motorized infrastructure and building partnerships with local stakeholders invested in non-motorized transportation.
With continued demand for increased transportation options, pressures on the transportation network experienced through construction activities, along with recent advances in mobility offerings such as scooters and e-bikes, the City has partnered with Progressive AE and Toole Design Group to develop the Mobility Action Plan. While building on the City’s past successes, this plan will represent the City’s first-ever comprehensive plan towards building a non-motorized network.
How will the Mobility Action Plan process align with the Master Plan process?
As the City undertakes the updating of the Master Planning process, the Mobility Action Plan is also developing. The processes are being aligned to leverage community awareness and engagement. The City will co-host the initial engagement activities occurring in September and October 2022 (meaning, the survey that you take in September will include questions that apply to both processes—a win win!).
The Master Plan will heavily rely on engagement to develop a dynamic long-term planning document that provides a conceptual layout to guide future growth and development. Master planning is about making the connection between buildings, social settings, and their surrounding environments.
The Mobility Action Plan is reliant on community feedback and will influence future projects such as street design, traffic circulation, cycling infrastructure, and other placemaking efforts far into the future.
We encourage you to be a part of shaping our future!
Mobility Action Plan Leadership Team
The Mobility Action Plan Leadership Team will host public meetings on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 4 pm at the Governmental Center.
Meeting Schedule
The City Commission's 2022 adopted their Goals and Objectives identified access and mobility as a strategic priority with a goal to invest in multi-modal mobility strategies and existing and future infrastructure so that individuals of all ages, abilities and income have a network of complete, barrier free, safe, year round access to our community’s amenities and basic needs.