The City, with the participation of the community, will embark on the exciting process of rewriting its Master Plan. The City’s current Master Plan was adopted in 2009, and updated/amended in 2017.
A Master Plan is a community-driven policy document used by elected and appointed community leaders to guide land use decisions, including those related to transportation, development, recreation, economy, natural resources, and arts. Communities are required to update their Master Plan every five years, per the Michigan Planning Enabling Act (MPEA).
The Master Plan lays out “where we should go” informed by a combination of existing data, stakeholder input, community input (that’s you, our community!), and best practices related to how communities of sizes and locations like Traverse City can best position themselves for the type of future that is desired by our community.
The plan is not binding, but guides the Zoning Ordinance, which is local land use law. The plan
sets the vision; the Zoning Ordinance is one of the tools to make it happen.