The City, with the participation of the community, has embarked on the exciting process of rewriting its Master Plan, a document that guides policy to help create a vision of what the future will look like in relation to land use development and preservation.
As the City undertakes the updating of the Master Planning process, a Mobility Action Plan is also developing. With continued demand for increased transportation options and pressures on the transportation network, the Mobility Action Plan will represent the City’s first-ever comprehensive plan towards building a non-motorized network.
The processes for both the Master Plan and Mobility Action Plan are being aligned to leverage community awareness and engagement. The City will co-host the initial engagement activities occurring in September and October 2022.
Take the Survey!
As an initial step to shape the conversation, a community survey launched on September 11th and will run through October 9th. The survey seeks YOUR IDEAS relating to what is important and occurring in Traverse City and gains an understanding on how YOU would like to engage in the process moving forward.
Save the Date!
Community Open House
October 26th
Hagerty Center
3 - 7 pm