A number of park improvements are near completion! In 2022, the City Commission adopted their Goals and Objectives and identified connecting people with nature as a strategic priority with a goal to provide safe and accessible public spaces where people may recreate, socialize, or enjoy being alone in nature.
Indian Woods Park
The City has completed improvements to Indian Woods Park. The project included replacing play equipment with a small new structure that would meet current safety and ADA accessibility standards, new stairs, tree plantings, and bike racks.
The City received a Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund (MNRTF) grant for $50,000 with a General Fund Match of $50,000 and also has $62,000 of Brown Bridge Trust Park Improvement Fund (BBTPIF) dollars to bring the total project funding to $162,000.
F&M Park & Arbutus Court Park
Basketball courts at Arbutus Court Park and F&M Park received a facelift! A new reinforced concrete slab basketball court was enlarged with a new hoop structure in Arbutus Court Park. A new basketball court and hoop structures were also completed in F&M Park.
The park improvement projects were identified in the Capital Improvement Plan and funded by Brown Bridge Trust Parks Improvement Fund.
Volleyball Courts at West End Beach
In 2022, the City served up new sand at the West End volleyball courts. Previous sand on the courts was from the original construction in 1980 and was not suitable for volleyball courts due to it becoming extremely hot, coarse, and rocky. The new sand is finer and also easier for to mechanically groom. The two-court expansion from six to eight volleyball courts is substantially complete. Funding for the project came from the Parks and Recreation Division Fund and the Capital Projects Fund.