The City's Streets Division is responsible for plowing public streets and alleys. Safety routes are prioritized—these are the main roads and critical areas that need to stay open for emergency access. The MDOT trunklines and emergency routes receive first priority for clearing snow in the morning and are continually plowed throughout the day if snow continues to accumulate. City crews then move on to major and local streets, and finally alleys.
Keep Your Sidewalk Accessible for Everyone
During winter, the City reminds residents and business owners that they are responsible by ordinance for the removal of any snow and ice that accumulates on the sidewalks immediately adjacent to their property. The City also encourages residents to help neighbors and relatives who have difficulty removing snow from their sidewalks.
City Sidewalk Snow Plowing
The City provides a supplemental snow plowing program for sidewalks. Sidewalks are prioritized near routes to schools and to provide access to City buildings. The City starts with sidewalks along main roadways and safety routes, then moves into residential areas when time and staffing allow.
Downtown Sidewalk Snow Removal
If snow accumulates over 3 inches overnight, the City's contractor clears the sidewalks of snow early in the morning in the Downtown commercial area. This process is conducted only in the early morning hours when sidewalks are clear of pedestrians. Sidewalks are not cleared by the contractor throughout the day. If snow continues to accumulate throughout the day after being cleared in the morning, property owners are responsible for shoveling their storefront sidewalks as needed.
Snow Removal Reminder for Residents, Businesses, and Contractors
When clearing snow with a shovel, plow, or snowblower, please avoid pushing or placing snow into the street or alley. This creates unnecessary snow piles, increases the workload for City crews, and can result in large accumulations being pushed into other areas, potentially causing safety hazards. Instead, snow should be placed on the tree lawn, your personal property, or, for those in the Downtown area, around street trees.
Let’s work together to keep our community walkable, welcoming, and safe for everyone this winter!