At the July 18, 2022 meeting, City Commission authorized staff to issue a request for proposals (RFP) for volleyball court expansion at West End Beach, in the amount not-to-exceed $60,000, with a contract to be brought back to the City Commission for possible authorization.
A two-court expansion was first proposed in 2007 as part of the Your Bay, Your Say initiative and most recently in 2022. The proposed additional courts (2) will serve the 700+ local volleyball players who use the current six courts on a weekly basis and provide expanded opportunities for recreation during busy weekends.
A Volleyball League analysis was conducted by City staff to determine the viability of a volleyball court expansion. It is anticipated that revenue from the City’s recreational beach volleyball leagues will repay the costs of both the expansion and the sand replacement in roughly five years.
In May 2022, improvements at the volleyball courts included new sand. The previous sand on the courts was from the original construction in 1980. The original sand was not suitable for volleyball courts due to sand becoming extremely hot, coarse, and rocky. This season, recreationists will enjoy finer sand that will also be easier for staff to mechanically groom.
In 2022, the City Commission adopted their Goals and Objectives and identified connecting people with nature as a strategic priority with a goal to provide safe and accessible public spaces where people may recreate, socialize, or enjoy being alone in nature.