For several years, many of the events held in the district were designed only for leaders in our churches. These meetings were important, but very few opportunities were available for the rest of the members of the Church of God congregations in the region to fellowship together.
Last year we held an event called CDP CONNECT in August where all members of CDP churches were invited to come together to Celebrate, Disciple, and Partner. Pastor Richard Smith of The Movement Church in Columbia, MD, spoke on the theme of “Moving Forward Together” as we transitioned out of the pandemic. We had tremendous success and heard from most of the attendees that this was needed. CDP CONNECT is happening again in 2023, but this time as a part of the General Assembly on September 23rd. Everyone will gather for worship and fellowship, and we will share a meal together.
While church leaders participate in the business meeting a panel discussion and conversations around tables will happen for everyone else to talk about some of the issues facing the church today. One key topic is the number of Millennials and Gen Z leaving the church nationally and within our own congregations. What can we do to reconnect with them and reach out to our world? Since many of our pastors will be attending the business meeting we encourage other members our churches to come and be a part of the discussion so they can bring feedback to their local community.