The Church of the Pilgrimage


"a beacon for good in the world"


Contrary to the best laid plans…

This Sunday our guest preacher and celebrant is Rev. Terry Martinson, a retired United Church of Christ pastor who served in South Weymouth for many years and a friend of the congregation. 

He will take my place due to unexpected illness, and conduct the Baptism of Calvin Ashley, the second son of Franklin Triffletti and Emily Goodrich and grandson of Steve Triffletti. Val Baumann will offer the Stewardship Moment, and Nancy Sweeney will serve as worship leader.

There will be a Membership session with lunch following worship. 

Please continue to pray for Israel-Palestine. I have included two poems (below) that speak to our condition. 

Grace & peace,

Pastor Dianne

Dawn D as worship leader

Music Notes

This week the prelude, Come Down O Love Divine, is by David Sears (b.1945). David is Professor Emeritus of Fine Arts at Merrimack College in North Andover, MA. He is a composer and recitalist. David and his wife Permelia have long been involved in concerts promoting historic American pipe organs around New England. I recently restored part of the historic organ in their home studio. David gave me examples of his music that I am able to share with you.

Léon Boëllmann (1862-1897) composed his Suite Gothique in 1895. This Menuet is the second movement in this suite of four compositions. The Menuet provides a joyful, exuberant close to our worship service. Enjoy!

--Michael Eaton

Stewardship Prayer & Notes

Jeremiah 29:11 "For surely, I know the plans I have for you", says God, "plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope. "

Here is a prayer written by the Stewardship Team. Please pray this daily over the coming weeks:

Dear God,

As we complete our transition and await the coming of a new settled pastor to The Church of the Pilgrimage, inspire us to be to be patient and hopeful, knowing that You have great plans for our future. Renew in us the spirits of gratitude and generosity as we strive to become the church you want us to be.  Amen.

This week we will focus on these six gratitude quotes.

Stewardship Team

Tony C, Jim S and Richard D

Dear God, help us look,

look closer so that we may see

our children in their children,

their children in our own. 

Help us look so that we may see You –

in the bleary eyes of each orphan, each grieving childless mother,

each masked and camouflaged fighter for his people’s dignity. 

Dear God, Divine Exiled and Crying One,

Loosen our claim to our own uniqueness.

Soften this hold on our exclusive right – to pain, to compassion, to justice. 

May your children, all of us unique and in Your image,

come to know the quiet truths of shared pain,

shared hope,

shared land,

shared humanity,

shared risk,

shared courage,

shared peace. 

In Sh’Allah. Ken Yehi Ratzon.

May it be Your will.

And may it be ours. 

— Rabbi Tamara Cohen, “No Pain Like Our Pain”

Last week's full solar eclipse

Hudood, the word for border,

looms in her mind’s vocabulary

like a passive voice, a noun for longing.

Maybe the undulating line runs in water

or in sand, splays on the imagined cover

of a passport, map for a new home.

She has vowed to cross it, daughter on her hip,

two legs doggedly moving apace,

two legs suspended, bare.

She plans to learn the other side

like a foreign language:

first the stones as single utterances,

then the houses and hills, sentences.

The scenes will warm in the light of the sun.

Now it’s dark and the little girl

is ensconced in her arms, eyes closed,

but a lulling breeze could spell betrayal

if they aren’t careful. She reaches

between her breasts for the pendant

inscribed with amal, hope, rubs it

like a magic lamp. The din of conversation

starts to rise as light gathers at the horizon,

where the singular message of true East

has grounded her since childhood.

Lay low, look west, wait for the boat.

She understands the grammar for fleeing,

unspoken rules that decide how

the journey will end, when words

like harb, war, and joo`, hunger,

might ebb and not flow.

Her toddler wakes asking for water

while the sea responds with crashing waves.

— Zeina Azzam, “A Grammar for Fleeing”

Jazzers Lois & John & P, Jeff D and Ray R at last Sunday’s Coffee Hour

Wedding officiated at our church in September by Pastor Dianne


On Sundays October 22 and 29 the Nominating Ministry Team will be in Allerton Hall during coffee hour to meet with members interested in serving on a Ministry Team?

--Steve T

Farewell Hildegard

There will be a Farewell Gathering for Hildegard Schimpf on October 29th during coffee hour. Hildegard is moving to Texas. Let's give Hildegard the send off she deserves and thank her for all she has done for our church family.

--Tony & Susan C

An Intergenerational Event 


Nov. 17th

Eat * Listen * Learn

A Friday Evening Pot Luck + more

(Watch This Space)

Food Drive Results

The Mission and Outreach Ministry Team of the Church of the Pilgrimage held a food drive on Saturday October 14 to collect food for four Food pantries serving the greater Plymouth area.

We had a very successful day collecting food for the following pantries:

  1. Plymouth Area Coalition -For the Homeless
  2. Christ Church Food Pantry
  3. Greater Plymouth Food Warehouse
  4. American Legion Food Pantry

We had many members of our Church provide non-perishable food stuff and supplies to provide items to these food pantries to provide to those in need. Always amazed how generous our Church members are when helping those in need. Thank you to those who contributed to this Food drive. We also worked with CE team and Ben and Dan P. supporting Mission and Outreach Ministry team.

We are starting the planning for another food drive for November to provide food for Food Pantries supplying food and other items for Thanksgiving meals. We would normally have it on Saturday November 18 (but that is day of Plymouth Parade) so we may hold it on Sunday November 19. Just planning ahead we will give more details after discussing this plan with Mission and Outreach Ministry team.

--Steve C

Creation Justice

For the the weeks to come we will share activities from Creation Justice Ministries that will educate and equip Christians to protect, restore, and rightly share God's creation.

Wait to Run the Dishwasher until it is Full

Consider only doing dishes when you have a full dishwasher load or full sink. If you do dishes by hand, use a basin to conserve dish-washing water. This reduces your water use and saves you money on your water bill.

Office Hours

Shellie Souza will be on vacation this coming week.

Limited office coverage will be provided.

On The Calendar

  • October 19: Book Discussion Group, 1:30pm; Future Church book group 7pm (Zoom);Trustees, 7pm
  • October 20: Widowed Support Group, 10:30am
  • October 21: Memorial Service for Rev. Ken Heckman in Hingham, 11:30am.
  • October 22: Worship with Baptism, 10am; Exploring Membership Class, noon
  • October 23: Monday Meals, 11am; Christian Ed, 7pm
  • October 24: Search, 7pm; Council, 7pm
  • October 25: Coffee and Conversation, 1pm; Men's Bible Study, 7pm; Choir, 7:30pm