The Church of the Pilgrimage


"a beacon for good in the world"


We wish you a blessed Twelve Days of Christmas… and a peace-filled 2024!

This First Sunday after Christmas Day, we continue Christ’s celebration with a meditation called The Poetry of Christmas. Our lections are Isaiah 61:10-62:3 recalling the return of captives from Babylon to their homeland, and the Gospel of Luke 2:22-40 about the presentation of Jesus to the Lord, in the presence of elders, Simeon and Anna.  Our worship leader is Rick Dower.

We will also recite a few Christmas poems, and sing several Christmas carols. If you wish to let me know which carol you want us to sing, do let me hear from you by Saturday at 5 pm. I will inform our musicians-- David Tyler, choir director, and Kristen McKinney, guest pianist so they can assist us.

After worship, coffee will be served by Trustee Elves.

Christmas and New Year Blessings,

Pastor Dianne

from spiralling ecstatically this

proud nowhere of earth’s most prodigious night

blossoms a newborn babe:around him,eyes

— gifted with ever keener appetite

than mere unmiracle can quite appease —

humbly in their imagined bodies kneel

(over time space doom dream while floats the whole

perhapsless mystery of paradise)

mind without soul may blast some universe

to might have been,and stop ten thousand stars

but not one heartbeat of this child;nor shall

even prevail a million questionings

against the silence of his mother’s smile

— whose only secret all creation sings

+ E. E. Cummings

Farewell to Two More Staff

In addition to Shellie Souza’s departure as Office Manager on January 18th, two of our part-time contracted staff will be leaving us on December 31st.

Rev. Philomena Hare served as Visitation Minister since July, 2022. She ministered with Pastor Dianne and our Lay Visitors with pastoral experience, integrity and flexibility.  As responsibilities at her own UCC church “get busier,” she will be greatly missed by staff and those members whom she visited throughout the region. 

Geri Holden acted as Church School Teacher, since September, 2021. She taught from September-June each year, under challenging professional and personal circumstances. The Christian Education Team, after much discernment, decided to go in a new intergenerational direction. Geri will be remembered for her Christmas and Easter pageants, and will be missed by her students and team. 

Gratitude for the recent past, and Godspeed for the future to Rev. Philomena and Geri!

--Pastor Dianne

A Goodbye Letter

Greetings to you, the wonderful, faithful people of the Church of the Pilgrimage; I pray that you are doing well and are feeling hopeful beyond measure.

I’d like to let you know that effective December 31, 2023, I will no longer serve as your Visitation Minister. I am grateful to you, Pastor Dianne, the visitation team and the staff for the opportunity to serve in this ministry with you. 

Although I will not be with you when you welcome your new pastor, I am joyful for what the Spirit is doing and will do for your community through you. This is an exciting opportunity for COTP as you begin this new season of service to your community and neighbors. May you embrace the challenges and opportunities with confidence and hope . 

I love you, Thank you for welcoming me into your hearts.

May God Bless You now and always,

Rev Philomena 

Christmas at The Church

Sanctuary, Christmas Eve morning

Rob, Jackson and Kade B lighting Fourth Advent Candle

New Christmas Tree Star made by Linda K

Old Star

Preparing for the Christmas Pageant

Last-minute touches

Michael E in front of Amy S's Christmas bulletin board with love and hope

Upper Room Devotional Order

It is time to place an order for the 2024 Upper Room Devotionals. Because we as a church order multiple copies, the cost to you is only $8.00 for 6 booklets, each with 2 months of daily devotions. The order is from March 2024 to February 2025.

These are wonderful, thought-provoking devotions written by lay people from all over the world who share their faith. Each day includes a Bible scripture and verse, a short devotion, prayer, and thought for the day. Reading these is a great way to start or end your day. Our church also has a group that meets once a month by Zoom to discuss the devotions, listen to music, and share prayer concerns. You can choose to join the group or just read the devotions on your own.

Would you be interested in receiving the Upper Room Devotionals in 2024? If you would like to be included in our order, please contact Nancy or Jim Sweeney at 774-404-7961 or We would like to

hear from you as soon as possible but by mid January at the latest. 

Nancy S

Creation Justice

For the the weeks to come we will share activities from Creation Justice Ministries that will educate and equip Christians to protect, restore, and rightly share God's creation.

Make Your New Year's Resolutions Green 

Take some time to reflect with your family on ways to be more green in 2024! Can you invest in solar energy panels?

Parking for Newcomers

Beginning December 1st, public parking is free until April

A reminder that on Sundays most of us park on School St., Main St. Extension (3 handicap), Summer St. (4 hours), and in the Market St. and Middle St. lots. One can get parking permits from Park Plymouth at 4 North Street; ph. 508.747.5929; If you have questions, please speak with Shellie S.

Office Hours for the Holidays

Wednesday, January 3 and Thursday, January 4


On The Calendar

  • December 29: Widowed Support Group, 10:30am
  • December 31: Worship, 10am with caroling
  • January 1: Happy New Year
  • January 2: Nominating, 3pm; Membership, 4pm
  • January 3: Coffee & Conversation, 1pm; Music, 6:45pm; Choir, 7:30pm; Christian Ed, 7:30pm