What it's all about:

Picture an old weathered barn—well-worn by time and outside forces, yet polished and made venerable by those very same things. Such a barn is eye-catching, even beautiful, soulful, and causes us to look and think deeply about its life and the stories contained in its environs. Should it not also be so with us as we age?

I know I’m more weathered with each year that passes, and I am slowing down, yet I feel more comfortable as if I am finally fitting more fully and happily in my own skin than I have ever before. As we age and lose our youthful beauty and strength, we have the opportunity to know and grow ourselves toward our true identities—who God means for us to be, our dharma, our soul’s path. This journey can be filled with the beauty of aging and imperfection. Won’t you join us as we explore some ways to feel more positive and be more proactive about aging?