October 14, 2020
The Beehive
Issue 11

From the Principal’s Desk 
Dear Blossom Hill Families, 

It’s hard to believe, but we are fast approaching the end of the first trimester and Parent/Teacher Conferences are just around the corner. Fall conference week will kick-off on Monday, November 2nd. Please be on the lookout for information from your child’s teacher next Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday for a virtual conference sign-up invitation. I continue to be impressed with the perseverance and heartfelt commitment displayed by our students and staff on a daily basis. Thank you for your continued support during your child’s educational journey.

I am happy to relay that the LGUSD free breakfast and lunch program has been extended through June 2021. It is to our collective benefit to have as many participants as possible. Increased participation allows us to expand and upgrade our menu and ingredients. Team LGUSD views this as a great opportunity to improve our Food Service program to ensure sustainable success. Finding creative solutions to increase participation remains a continued goal. A few ideas include specialized tasting menus on Fridays to sample new menu items and a coordination of deliveries to align with material distribution days and/or picture day. 
Your ideas and feedback are encouraged and would be warmly welcomed! Please join the LGUSD Menu Planning/Wellness Committee on October 28 at 2pm to discuss new ideas:
Meeting ID: 951 2893 3408
Passcode: 255712
In the meantime, please consider joining for complimentary meal distributions Monday through Friday in the drive-thru at Fisher Middle School and Roberts Road. Breakfast is available at 8:00 A.M. and lunch from 12:00-1:30 P.M.  

Have a wonderful rest of the week!

In education together, 
Lisa Reynolds
Principal, Blossom Hill School
Phone: 408.335.2100


  • 10/15 - LGUSD Board Meeting, 6:30-8:30pm (online)

  • 10/26 - 10/30 - Red Ribbon Week

  • 10/28 - LGUSD Menu Planning/Wellness Committee Meeting, 2pm (online)**

  • 10/29 - School Site Council (SSC) Meeting, 2:45-3:45pm (online)

  • 10/30 - Last day to drop off Box Tops 4 Education at school*

  • 11/1 - Daylight Savings Time Ends

  • 11/2 - 11/6 - Conference Week**

  • 11/4 - H&SC Board Meeting, 8-9:30am (online)

  • 11/4 - 11/11 - Yearbook Cover Contest Entries Due*

  • 11/11 - Veteran's Day - No School

  • 11/18 - School Picture Day*
*Scroll down for more details on these events.
**See details above "From the Principal's Desk"


Office Hours: 
7:30 am - 4 pm

Save the Date!
Picture Day is Wednesday, November 18th!
Picture Day Information
Generations School Photography will be on campus on Wednesday, November 18th for Picture Day. Individual pictures will be taken (no class photos at this time), so students have been scheduled for their pictures by last name so that families need only make one trip. Picture Day will be quick and easy. More details will be sent out later in the month.
Harvest Festival Fun!
Hello Blossom Hill Bees! Even though we won't be celebrating the Harvest Festival in person this year, that won't stop us from enjoying the season. We are challenging our students to design a new game for next year's event. Submit your idea to the Harvest Festival organizers and one game will be chosen to be played at next year's Harvest Festival! Since we will miss having our traditional Cake Walk, we decided to host a "virtual" Harvest Baking Showcase. We don't want to miss our students' confectionery creations. You can get all the information about both of these activities and more on our website:https://bhharvestfestival2020.org
Superheroes Appreciation
Faster than the speed of your broadband!
More powerful than a face mask!
Able to reach growing minds with a single click!
Look! Up on your screen!
It’s a Google classroom master.
It’s a Zoom star.
It’s the Blossom Hill teachers and staff!

Yes, it's the Blossom Hill staff – amazing professionals from out of this world who came to school with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal instructors. The Blossom Hill Staff – defenders of learning opportunities. Champions of growth mindsets. Valiant, courageous fighters against the forces of the summer slide. They are disguised as mild mannered, everyday people. But to our students, they’re Superheroes!

Fall Conference Week is November 2-6, 2020. The H&SC is excited to continue our long-standing tradition of hosting daily lunches for our “Superhero” staff during conference week. This is a great opportunity to show gratitude and support to all members of the Blossom Hill Staff. As with everything, Conference Week Lunches will be done a little differently this year. Instead of potluck style, we will deliver fully catered box lunches and treats throughout the week. Instead of decorating the Staff Lounge, Staff and teachers will receive a box with desk decorations and tokens of appreciation. 

Support the Superheroes at school daily by making cash donations for catering and other expenses.
Please contact Kristin Hutchinson if you have any questions at [email protected]. Thank you for showing our amazing teachers and staff how much we appreciate them! 
Call for Volunteers!
Do you love the scientific method? Do you enjoy experiments? Do you have website hosting expertise? The Blossom Hill Home & School Club is looking for adult volunteers to help carry out a Virtual Science Fair in February or March 2021. We need people who can:
- Create informative videos and ads to promote science fair
- Identify the best web host for science fair project slides and videos
- Evaluate projects after submission
- And much more!

If you are interested in helping out, contact Science Fair co-chairs Nicole Duke and Melissa Crow at [email protected]
Project Cornerstone
Lesson #1 - The Invisible Boy
Theme: We All Belong –
No One is Invisible Here

Social and Emotional Learning
(Relationship Skills and Social Awareness) 

This book discusses the importance of making everyone feel welcome and included. It helps students develop the ability to establish and maintain healthy and rewarding relationships with a variety of people. Moreover, it allows them to see the perspective of others even if their views, experiences, or culture is different. This story provides an opportunity for children to get to know themselves better in order to empathize with others whose behavior, needs, and self-expression are different than their own.
The goals for this lesson are:
  • Students will invite, include, and make everyone feel welcome.
  • Students will behave and speak in an empathetic manner.
  • Students will understand the importance of each individual in a group.
  • Students will practice inclusive behaviors to create a caring school climate where every voice is heard.

The following questions go along with the Cornerstone video:

Pause 1:
  • What do you notice is different between Brian, and Nathan and Sophie? (Brian is quiet, and Nathan and Sophie are really loud and big. Brian is in black and white, Nathan and Sophie are in color.) 
  • What do you think the author means when she says that Brian doesn’t take up a lot of space? (answers will vary)

Pause 2: 
  • When Madison says, “I’m so glad you guys had fun!” was she talking to everyone at the table? (thumbs up yes, thumbs down no) 
  • Was everyone invited to her party? (thumbs up yes, thumbs down no) 
  • How do you think Brian is feeling? (sad, lonely, left out)

Pause 3:
  • How do you think Brian is feeling while he is drawing? (happy, content, calm)
  • How do you know? (he is smiling, he looks happy, etc. answers will vary)

Pause 4:
  • What did Brian do to make Justin feel welcome? (he wrote him a note)
  • What did Justin do to show Brian he noticed him and wanted to be friends? (he talked to him at recess, he included him in the group project)
Box Tops for Education
Box Tops for Education is a great No Cost Giving program that supports Blossom Hill Elementary School. Our lifetime earnings is $19,283. Don't forget to scan your receipts or if you shop online using a service such as InstaCart, follow the directions below to submit your receipts. If you have clipped box tops, we will be collecting them at the materials pick ups this month. Please put your box tops in a ziploc bag or envelope with your teacher's name on the bag/envelope. There will be a place at each teacher's table for you to drop them off. Thank you!
Community Sponsor Spotlight 
The Home & School would like to thank this week's Spotlight Community Sponsor, Hall & Burnett Orthodontics. We are greatly appreciative of Hall & Burnett's continued support as well as their sponsorship of the One Community LG Campaign. If you would like to become a Community Sponsor, please contact Jennifer Shapiro at [email protected].
Blossom Hill Vision Statement 
(Abilities and skills we expect our students to acquire and take-out into the world) 
All students will have the necessary skills to become enthusiastic, life-long learners and productive, empathetic, respectful members of society. 
Blossom Hill Mission Statement 
(What we need to do as a school community to ensure this happens) 
The Blossom Hill School community takes pride in providing an enriched standards-based curriculum in a safe, nurturing environment. We strive to appreciate an awareness of students’ developmental needs to help them progress towards independence. 
Blossom Hill Elementary School
16400 Blossom Hill Road, Los Gatos, CA 95032
Lisa Reynolds, Principal | [email protected]
Phone: 408-335-2100 | Fax: 408-356-0887 | Attendance Line: 408-335-2145
Blossom Hill Home & School Club
Jennifer Shapiro, President | [email protected]  
*The Beehive newsletter is approved by Principal Lisa Reynolds and the H&SC Board and is written exclusively to provide the Blossom Hill community with pertinent, weekly school information. Articles, information, calendars, etc. may not be duplicated or re-printed in any manner without the permission of the Home & School Club or the Blossom Hill school administration.

Submissions can be made to The Beehive editor, Jennifer Shapiro,