November 18, 2020
The Beehive
Issue 16

From the Home & School Club President's Desk 
Dear Fellow Blossom Hill Families:

As we move toward the holiday season, I would like to take the opportunity to check in with our community on what we have accomplished this year and where we are heading as a Home & School Club. While the year has presented many challenges, we have been able to enjoy a version of some of our favorite activities including Math Night and the Harvest Festival. We have funded the student supplies everyone received at the beginning of the school year, new Chromebooks, the Upper Grade Chorus “London Calling”, and many online student programs (including Mystery Science, Accelerated Reader, and Reflex Math) to name a few.   

Going forward, my goal as Home & School Club president is to move us into a position to complete this school year as strongly as we can and return in the fall with a united parent volunteer and donor base, ready to dive back into our cherished school activities.  We still need everyone’s help and involvement to continue our children’s educational experiences in the best possible way.  I invite everyone to:
  • Attend the Home & School Club Member meetings.  We will be having two sessions for our December meeting – Tuesday, December 1st at 7pm and Wednesday, December 2nd at 8am.  These meetings give parents an opportunity to reconnect with other parents and to voice any questions or concerns with the Home & School Club Board and Mrs. Reynolds.
  • Consider contributing to the One Community LG Campaign.  We fully understand that times are tough financially for many families.  Donations in any amount are greatly appreciated as we have many expenses even when we are in distance learning. More information can be found at the One Community LG website.
  • Consider volunteering to be on next year’s Home & School Club Board. Please reach out to me or any of the current Board members if you are interested or have questions.
  • Volunteer for other important committees including the Science Fair, Community Outreach, and more.  Open positions can be found on our website.
  • Be kinder than necessary.  Everyone is struggling right now – parents, students, teachers, staff.  Everyone is doing their best.  Let’s be supportive of each other and do what we can to fill each other’s buckets. 

I want to personally thank all of our families for the sacrifices you have made for your children.  Thank you to our teachers and staff for the extraordinary work it has taken to rework the curriculum for our children to be able to continue their education in a virtual environment.  Thank you to our children for their resilience and flexibility in the face of the tremendous changes they have endured during this pandemic.  Thank you to everyone who has supported the Home & School Club with their countless volunteer hours and to our donors who have already contributed to the One Community Campaign.  It really does take a village. Our village is amazing, and I am confident we will emerge from this stronger than ever.

I wish everyone a wonderful, restful Thanksgiving break. 

With deepest respect,
Jennifer Shapiro
Blossom Hill Home & School Club President


  • 11/9 - 11/20 - One Warm Coat Drive*

  • 11/18 - Shannon Road Neighborhood Traffic Calming Meeting, 6-7pm (online)*

  • 11/19 - LGUSD Board Meeting, 6:30-8:30pm (online)*

  • 11/23 - 11/27 - Thanksgiving Break - No School

  • 11/27 - Yearbook Cover Contest Voting Deadline*

  • 11/30 - 12/11 - Hicklebee's Book Fair (online)*

  • 12/1 - Home & School Club December Member Meeting & Principal Chat, 7pm (online)*

  • 12/2 - Home & School Club December Member Meeting & Principal Chat, 8am (online)*

  • 12/2 - "It Takes A Village" Equity Action Team Community Meeting, 5:30-6:30pm (online)*

  • 12/10 - LGSUD Board Meeting, 6-8pm (online)

  • 12/15 - Parenting Continuum Workshop , 6:30-8pm (online)*
*Scroll down for more details on these events.
**See details above "From the Principal's Desk"
If you need a yard sign or want to send a picture of your child with their sign for our bulletin board, please email Jennifer Shapiro at [email protected].


Office Hours: 
7:30 am - 4 pm

Blossom Hill Good News

Need some good news? Each week, check out the Wednesday morning announcements (found in your child's Google Classroom). Enjoy Mrs. Adams' special Blossom Hill song, fifth graders leading the Pledge and telling the "buzz" at Blossom Hill, important messages from Mrs. Reynolds, and funny dad jokes from our custodial staff. The Blossom Hill Good News will put a smile on your face.
From the Principal's Desk 
Dear Blossom Hill Families:

Tomorrow at 6:30 PM the LGUSD Board of Trustees will be meeting to discuss and approve a plan for the Reopening of School.  In addition, Verde Design and ForeFront Power consultants will present draft schematic designs for facilities upgrades for play fields, campus landscaping, and solar improvements.  If your schedule permits, please join the meeting by using the link found in the meeting agenda.

As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday and take time to reflect together on all the blessings in our lives, the staff and I want to thank you for your ongoing kindness, support, and generous contributions.  Our school community is very special due to your efforts and commitment to education.  We send our best wishes to you and your family for a Thanksgiving filled with love, goodwill, and laughter.  

Most sincerely,
Lisa Reynolds
Principal, Blossom Hill School
Phone: 408.335.2100
Picture Day - Take 2!
Mark your calendars! Picture Day has been rescheduled for Wednesday, January 27th. The make up day will be Wednesday, February 24th. Details, including a new time schedule, will be posted in the Beehive in January.
One Warm Coat Drive - November 9th-20th
This year Blossom Hill Elementary will again team up with One Warm Coat to hold a coat drive and we need your help!  

Did you know, because of the Covid-19 pandemic, an estimated 40 million Americans are unemployed? Prior to the pandemic, 1 in 8 American households were already living in poverty. In every corner of the United States, families are struggling – and the need for warmer clothing, combined with increased utility costs, will make the winter months more challenging for those with already-strapped budgets. 

From November 9-20, stop by the office to drop off gently worn coats into the One Warm Coat bin. You can also drop off coats during your grade's materials pick up/drop off day. All coats collected will be donated locally to our neighbors in need.

We hope you will support our coat drive and help us warm our neighbors in need. You can learn more about One Warm Coat by visiting their website at  Thank you for your consideration!
On Your Honor Lending Library is Here!
Thank you to all the families who have donated books to our "On Your Honor Lending Library." The books have been organized and are ready to be borrowed. The Lending Library cart will be in front of the office on school days from 9am-3pm starting Thursday, November 19th. Please stop by to borrow some good reads. When you are done, please return the books to the returns box and borrow some more. There is no checking in or checking out. It is simply "on your honor." Please also remember to wear your mask and practice social distancing while on campus. Happy reading!
Hicklebee's Virtual Book Fair!
Join us in our annual Hicklebee's Book Fair. This year the Book Fair will be virtual and run from November 30th to December 11th. In addition to having a wonderful selection of books, there will be fun events happening throughout the Book Fair, including a Scavenger Hunt, Find the Mascot, Storytime with Mrs. Grespan, and a special surprise with Mrs. Reynolds. Details on all these fun activities, as well as the link for purchasing books, will be sent out on the 30th.
It Takes A Village”
December 2, 2020
@ 5:30pm-6:30pm
Equity Action Team
Community Conversation
LGUSD invites the community to join in the conversation about equity, inclusion and race in our first Community Conversation facilitated by Epoch Education. 

Questions? Contact Karen Briones at [email protected]
Registration is preferred.  The link will be sent to those who register and on the district website the day of the event.
Preparing our Children for Tomorrow’s Headlines
A workshop for parents and guardians of Elementary to Middle School children

Free - Thanks to your One Community LG donations

NEW Date: Thursday, December 15th, 2020
Time: 6:30pm-8:00pm
Where: On-line (See zoom link below)
A global pandemic, wildfires, political elections, and school re-opening are just a few hot topics in the headlines today. Hearing and engaging in the conversations around these things can have us all feeling a little anxious. Are you prepared to effectively talk with your family about these current news events?

Parenting Continuum is hosting a 90-minute workshop with Common Sense Education and Project Cornerstone on tips and techniques to prepare our children for tomorrow's headlines. You will leave this highly interactive session with:

  • Strategies for better communication with your family using the research-based Developmental Assets framework to help children and teens gain skills needed to make good choices, take responsibility and become independent and fulfilled adults
  • For more information on the Developmental Assets framework, go to:

  • Tips and techniques for navigating potentially sensitive topics with elementary and middle school children in a complex media environment

  • Greater confidence as a parent or guardian to acquire healthy mind habits and digital citizenship- how to use technology in a safe, responsible and effective way

Come to this session to ready yourself as a parent/guardian, improve your family relationships & dynamics, and help create a calm and supportive home environment where children can become their best.

Project Cornerstone
Lesson #2 - Giraffes Can't Dance
Theme: Love Who You Are—
Dance to the Beat of Your Own Drum

Social and Emotional Learning Message

The focus of this book is to help students recognize that they have personal power and can choose to take control of their response to challenges. Everyone is unique! By noticing, naming, and celebrating talents and abilities, we tap into the power of positive thinking and learn to treat each other with respect, acceptance, and sensitivity.
The goals for this lesson are:
  • Students will explore how they can use their positive personal power in a way that benefits both themselves and others.
  • Students will learn how positive actions, words, and behaviors can make a big difference in how others feel.

The following questions go along with the Cornerstone video:

Pause 1: 
1. What do you notice Gerald is good at and what is a challenge for him? (He is good at standing still, eating, his neck is long and slim; he can’t run very well, he falls down, he’s clumsy, he has skinny legs)

Pause 2: 
1. Do you think Gerald showed courage as he started to walk toward the dance floor? (thumbs up yes, thumbs down no) 

2. Why do you think it took courage for Gerald to walk onto the dance floor? (he’s clumsy, he knows he can’t dance well but he still wanted to try) 

3. How did Gerald respond to the hurtful words of the other animals? (he agreed, he felt sad, he left the dance, he felt alone)

Pause 3: 
1. Who supports Gerald with positive words? (the cricket) 

2. How does the cricket help Gerald feel better about himself? (gave him support, lets him know it’s okay to be different, tells him he needs a different song, helps Gerald change his thoughts about himself
Blossom Hill Vision Statement 
(Abilities and skills we expect our students to acquire and take-out into the world) 
All students will have the necessary skills to become enthusiastic, life-long learners and productive, empathetic, respectful members of society. 
Blossom Hill Mission Statement 
(What we need to do as a school community to ensure this happens) 
The Blossom Hill School community takes pride in providing an enriched standards-based curriculum in a safe, nurturing environment. We strive to appreciate an awareness of students’ developmental needs to help them progress towards independence. 
Blossom Hill Elementary School
16400 Blossom Hill Road, Los Gatos, CA 95032
Lisa Reynolds, Principal | [email protected]
Phone: 408-335-2100 | Fax: 408-356-0887 | Attendance Line: 408-335-2145
Blossom Hill Home & School Club
Jennifer Shapiro, President | [email protected]  
*The Beehive newsletter is approved by Principal Lisa Reynolds and the H&SC Board and is written exclusively to provide the Blossom Hill community with pertinent, weekly school information. Articles, information, calendars, etc. may not be duplicated or re-printed in any manner without the permission of the Home & School Club or the Blossom Hill school administration.

Submissions can be made to The Beehive editor, Jennifer Shapiro,