May 26, 2021
The Beehive
Issue 38

From the Principal's Desk 
Dear Blossom Hill Families,

As we approach the end of this school year, we are busy planning for our return in August 2021! Last week, Superintendent Johnson sent a video message regarding Team LGUSD’s planning for the 2021-2022 school year. Here are the main takeaways: 

We have lots to celebrate as we reflect on the year and plan for a future full of endless possibilities.

In education together, 
Lisa Reynolds
Principal, Blossom Hill School
Phone: 408.335.2100



  • 5/27 & 5/28 - Grades K-2 Chromebook return dates*

  • 5/31 - Memorial Day - No School

  • 6/1 & 6/2 - Grades 3-5 Chromebook return dates*

  • 6/3 - Last Day of School - BH School Spirit Day

  • 6/4 - BH Facility Community Planning Meeting with Verde Landscaping, 10-11am (online)*
*Scroll down for more details on these events.
**See details above "From the Principal's Desk"


Office Hours: 
7:30 am - 4 pm

Chromebook and Hot Spot Returns
If you have borrowed a Chromebook to provide connectivity in the home and/or the school, please plan to return it to the school on the following schedule:
K-2 students return Chromebooks to the MPR on 5/27 and 5/28 
3-5 students return Chromebooks to the MPR on 6/1 and 6/2
Please return the Chromebook in clean, working condition. 
  • Shut down/turn off the computer before cleaning. 
  • Please do not use Windex, Clorox wipes, or harsh chemicals as they can strip away the protective, anti-glare coating on the screen.
  • Instead, use a true screen cleaning solution (similar to this) lightly sprayed on a soft cloth and gently wipe the screen. 
  • The computer case and keyboard can be cleaned with a regular household cleaner taking care to not allow liquid to drip between the keys.

Some families have borrowed Wi-Fi hotspots to acquire internet connectivity in the home. Please return the hotspots to the school office ASAP if you are not using it at this time. If you need to keep the hotspot for now, please be sure to return it to your school office no later than Wednesday, June 2nd, 2021. All hotspots will be remotely disabled on Friday, June 3rd.

We hope the use of a Chromebook and/or hotspot has assisted your family with Internet access over the past year. All devices will be re-provisioned for next year’s student to use on a regular basis.
BH Facility Community Planning Meeting Follow Up
All Blossom Hill parents are invited to join us on Friday, June 4th from 10am-11am for a meeting with Verde Landscaping to give input into the landscaping upgrades planned for Blossom Hill Elementary. This will be a follow up conversation to our November meeting when initial landscaping and solar panel plans were presented.
Lost and Found
As we head to the end of the school year, it is time to clean out the Lost and Found. Please check the rack by the office for any coats, sweatshirts, water bottles, lunch boxes, etc. that your child may have misplaced this year. Thank you!
Yearbook Orders -
It's Not Too Late!
If you have not ordered your yearbook, it is not too late. Please click on the link below to place your order with our yearbook company, TreeRing. Yearbooks will be shipped directly to your home.
Los Gatos Union School District Parcel Tax
That Funds 23 Teachers Is Set To Expire

There are many ways California schools receive funding but only two are under local control: donations and parcel taxes.

For over 30 years, Los Gatos has renewed Measure B, our district’s local parcel tax. While the “purchasing power” has declined over time (due to inflation), the measure still funds 23 teachers.

Measure B is set to expire next year.

The LGUSD Board of Trustees is investigating renewing and increasing Measure B on the November 2021 ballot. To learn more about this process, visit

BH Pride T-Shirts are Coming!
Students in grades K - 4 who ordered BH Pride t-shirts will be receiving their shirts next Tuesday. They will be distributed through their classroom teachers. (5th Graders' shirts will be distributed at their promotion ceremony.) We would love for students to wear their shirts to school on our last day on Thursday to show their school pride. (Students are also welcome to wear any BH Spirit Wear.)
Blossom Hill Masks for Sale
Need more masks for in person instruction? We've got you covered. Please be sure to write your child's name and classroom number on the label inside the mask, as all masks do look alike. Let's all "bee" safe and "bee" healthy.
Blossom Hill Vision Statement 
(Abilities and skills we expect our students to acquire and take-out into the world) 
All students will have the necessary skills to become enthusiastic, life-long learners and productive, empathetic, respectful members of society. 
Blossom Hill Mission Statement 
(What we need to do as a school community to ensure this happens) 
The Blossom Hill School community takes pride in providing an enriched standards-based curriculum in a safe, nurturing environment. We strive to appreciate an awareness of students’ developmental needs to help them progress towards independence. 
Blossom Hill Elementary School
16400 Blossom Hill Road, Los Gatos, CA 95032
Lisa Reynolds, Principal |
Phone: 408-335-2100 | Fax: 408-356-0887 | Attendance Line: 408-335-2145
Blossom Hill Home & School Club
Jennifer Shapiro, President |  
*The Beehive newsletter is approved by Principal Lisa Reynolds and the H&SC Board and is written exclusively to provide the Blossom Hill community with pertinent, weekly school information. Articles, information, calendars, etc. may not be duplicated or re-printed in any manner without the permission of the Home & School Club or the Blossom Hill school administration.

Submissions can be made to The Beehive editor, Jennifer Shapiro,