The staff and I would like to offer our heartfelt thanks for the beautiful Staff Appreciation Luncheon provided by the Home & School Club earlier today. Chairing the event were the amazing duo of Kristin Hutchinson and Melissa Crow. With their combined talents, they created a celebration that was a wonderful respite during this very busy time of year for staff to revel in the good fortune of being a part of this amazing community. It was truly heartwarming to see how much thought, energy, and effort went into making the staff feel cherished and appreciated. Thank you!
Extended lunch and play on campus continues to be a highlight for our 2nd graders this week. Below are the dates for the remaining extended day lunch periods:
Grade 2
May 6 & 7
Second grade Electives will begin at 1:45 on these dates.
There is not a lunch date on Wednesday, May 5th.
Grade 3
May 10, 11, 13, 14
Third grade Electives will begin at 1:45 on these dates.
There is not a lunch date on Wednesday, May 12th.
Grade 4
May 17, 18, 20, 21
Fourth grade Electives will begin at 1:45 on these dates.
There is a not a lunch date on Wednesday, May 19th.
Grade 5
May 24, 25, 27, 28
Fifth grade Electives will begin at 1:45 on these dates.
There is not a lunch date on Wednesday, May 26th.
An invitation to participate in this special lunchtime opportunity will be emailed to you the Friday prior to the week’s event by Mrs. Sheehan.
For Zoomers who would like to participate, please plan to enter the campus at 12:30 through the main office gate where you can complete the Student Health Check form and have your temperature taken.
At the conclusion of the lunch period, you may pick your student up at their designated grade level gate at 1:15.
As we are in the final stretch of the school year, please remember that attendance matters! If your child is a Roomer (in-person), the expectation is that he/she attends in person. Requests for a Roomer to participate in remote learning requires Principal approval. Accommodations will only be made for students in quarantine and/or are exhibiting Covid Symptoms. Thank you in advance for your understanding and support.