August 11, 2021
The Beehive
Issue 2

From The Principal's Desk 
Dear Blossom Hill Families:

The big day is almost here!  The first day of school is tomorrow, August 12th.  Families in grades 1-5 can look for an email this afternoon with their class assignment for the 2021-22 school year.

The staff and I are excited to return to our traditional schedule and the many opportunities it will provide to focus on in-person relationships with students.  We are also eager to partner with you, as we continue our rigorous commitment to social and emotional development, academic excellence, and strong school traditions.

The campus will open daily at 7:55 and school starts at 8:10. Kindergarten students may report to their classrooms ten minutes prior to the 8:10 or 11:00 start time. For opening day, students in grades 1-5 will line-up on the blacktop behind the cone flying their classroom number at 8:10 when the bell rings and their assigned teacher will meet them at the line to escort them to their new classroom. Please note, there will be staff circulating to help students get to where they should be.  On the first day, we will be following the Regular Day Bell Schedule.  

In keeping with the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) guidelines, all students and staff will wear masks when inside the building. When outside, it is okay to be mask-free, if desired. To limit the number of visitors on campus, students only will enter through the gates in the morning. If a parent needs to enter the campus, they must check-in at the office.

At this time, I am delighted to welcome Mrs. Teresa Bonner to the Blossom Hill faculty.  Mrs. Bonner will be joining the 5th grade team and brings a wealth of experience to the position ~ having taught grades 1-5 at Daves Avenue over the past twenty-one years.  We hit the jackpot and are very fortunate to share in her kind heart and professional expertise.

School safety continues to be our number #1 priority at Blossom Hill. Over the past few years, the Safe Routes to School committee has worked hard to encourage the use of “People Power” when traveling to and from school. To support our efforts, I strongly encourage you to model extra safe driving around all the schools in our community. Please fill out the Blossom Hill Safe Routes to School Parent Driver Contract in the Parent Companion Welcome Packet. It shows our children that we care about their safety – Cornerstone Asset #14: Parents and other adults model positive, responsible behavior.   Thank you.

Please join us at the “Welcome Back Coffee” just after the bell rings tomorrow to meet the H & SC Board and make new acquittances and/or greet old friends.  It will be held at the front of the school outside the staff room from 8:15am to 9am.

I wish everyone a good rest tonight as we all prepare for the start of a spectacular school year.

With joy,
Lisa Reynolds
Principal, Blossom Hill School
Phone: 408.335.2100
From Your Home & School Club President's Desk 
The first day of school is here! We look forward to seeing you and your students on campus tomorrow. My family moved to Los Gatos when my son was in first grade and I remember how nervous I felt as a new parent. The campus seemed so big and different. I also remember feeling new anxiety the following year when my daughter started Kindergarten. With the help of welcoming parents and generous staff, my family settled into our school routines quickly. With those memories in mind, and an awareness of a few changes on campus, I would like to share a few tips and tricks for a successful first day. 
1.       Write your student’s teacher and classroom on a piece of paper and pin it to their backpack. Due to current COVID restrictions, parents are not allowed to pass through the gates on to campus. For grades 1-5 on the first day of school, staff and vaccination-checked volunteers will help students find their class line on the blacktop behind the cone flying their classroom number. Unlike last year, grades 1-5 will not have to enter an assigned gate. First grade parents should keep in mind that most first-grade classrooms are located near the gate on Cherry Blossom. TK/Kindergarteners will continue to enter/exit the Kindergarten gate on Cherry Blossom and report directly to their classroom.  
2.       Come early for pictures! The Home & School Club is providing first day photo props around the front of the school, mostly in the grass area at Blossom Hill and Cherry Blossom. Parents are encouraged to take pictures of students with friends, siblings and family members and upload them to the school’s yearbook website. The Home & School Club will be taking a special picture of TK/Kindergarten students with their caring adult at a special photo spot outside the Kindergarten gate on Cherry Blossom between 7:50 – 8:05 am and 10:40 – 10:55 am.  
3.       Plan to stay for the Back-to-School Coffee. This year’s Back to School coffee will be held on the lawn in front of the school at 8:15 am. Greet fellow parents, learn about Home & School Club activities, and hear from Principal Reynolds.
4.       Pack light, but pack extra masks and a water bottle. Thanks to your donations to the One Community campaign, the Home & School Club is able to purchase classroom and other school supplies for every student. Please visit to learn more about what your One Community contribution funds and plan to donate before September 30. Don’t forget to request employer matching through Benevity or other programs. Also, we suggest you send your student with extra masks as well as a reusable water bottle. The water fountains are closed, but there are refilling stations throughout the school.

Again, welcome to Blossom Hill Elementary. I look forward to seeing you around our hive.

Melissa Crow



  • 8/12 - First Day of School
  • AM Kinders: 8:10-11:30am
  • PM Kinders: 11am-2:20pm
  • 1st-5th Graders: 8:10am-2:33pm

  • 8/12 - Welcome Coffee, 8:15-9am (in front of the school)*

  • 8/13 - BH Spirit Day (every Friday)

  • 8/18 - H&SC Board Meeting, 8:15-9:30am

  • 8/19 - Early Release Day (Back to School Night)
  • All Kinders: 8:10-11:30am
  • 1st-5th Graders: 8:10am-12:10pm

  • 8/19 - Back to School Night (Adults Only), 6-7:40pm*

  • 8/22 - Second Grade Playdate in the Park, 3:30-6pm

  • 8/25 - BH School Landscaping Project Design Review, 3-3:30pm (MPR)*
*Scroll down for more details on these events.


Office Hours: 
7:30 am - 4 pm

Fridays are BH Spirit Days!
We invite all students (and staff) to show their Blossom Hill spirit by wearing the favorite BH Spirit Wear each Friday. Don't have any Spirit Wear? Please visit our online store, Rokkitwear, for a great selection. Limited t-shirts and sweatshirts, as well as BH masks, will be on sale at the Welcome Back Coffee tomorrow morning. (We accept credit cards, Apple Pay, and cash.)
Welcome Back Parent Volunteers!
We are excited that parent volunteers will be back on campus for the 2021-2022 school year. Be on the lookout for an email containing a Google form for you sign up for the many available volunteer opportunities, including Room Parents, Library Class Volunteers, Pottery Program Class Volunteers, Fun Fridays Funvisors, and more.
To volunteer at Blossom Hill School in the 2021-22 school year, LGUSD will require you to print out, complete, scan and upload the Volunteer Information Form and upload a Covid-19 Vaccination proof and a physician completed TB risk assessment form. You can do so via this link:
Your Help Needed for Important Funding Initiative for Free/Reduced Lunch Meal Program
Los Gatos Union School District receives funding based on students that qualify for Free/Reduced meal program applications. Since the 2021-2022 school year meal program is serving meals at no cost to Los Gatos Union School District families, it is important that all families, regardless of income, complete the attached Alternative Household Income application form before September 25, 2021.

Based on Free/Reduced eligibility, this funding supports:
● Title II funds – Professional Development for all staff.
● Title III funds – Immigration and English Learner students.
● Title IV funds – Middle School support for English Learners.
● Supplemental Funds – Intervention, Teacher Aides, Counseling Services,
Psychologist Services, Community Liaisons, Software Licenses for students,
Teacher Instructional Support, and Instructional materials.
Online Alternative Household Income applications can be found at:
Thank you for your participation in this important funding initiative!
Los Gatos Union School District
Free Morning Snack and Lunch Program Continues!
Welcome back! We are thrilled to be able to continue serving morning snack and lunch for all K-8 students free of charge for the 21-22 school year. We will be offering grab and go meals and can accommodate special dietary needs by emailing

We look forward to expanding our simple and fresh menu with chef specials.
Back to School Buzz - Check out These Events!
H&SC Welcome Coffee
August 12th, 8:15am- 9am
In Front of the School
All parents are welcome to join us, meet our wonderful Principal, Lisa Reynolds, and learn about all the great events and programs that the Home & School Club is busy planning for this year. Representatives from many of our committees will be on-hand to share what they are working on and how you can get involved. If you are an afternoon TK/Kinder family, H&SC representatives will be available at your drop off time to answer any questions.
Back to School Night
August 19th, 6pm-7:40pm
Back-to-School Night is an important evening for parents to get an overview of what students will be learning, classroom expectations and procedures, as well as important information about Home & School Club activities. An email will be sent home prior to the evening with further details. This event is not for children, so we ask that you sign-up with Clubhouse or make other arrangements for childcare. 
"Hive" Five to the New Family Welcome Committee!
A big thank you goes out to our New Family Welcome Co-Chairs Missy Bottoms and Rebecca Escobar for our successful TK/Kindergarten and First Grade Play Dates on August 10th. Our students, siblings, parents, grandparents and loving adults were treated to snacks, games, coloring activities and more. The Home & School Club leaders had so much fun meeting families - new and old. We are blessed to have such a positive and joyful community! Everyone who attended had a great time thanks to Missy, Rebecca and all the Home & School Club volunteers in attendance. The Blossom Hill Home & School greatly appreciates you. 
BH School Landscaping Project Design Review
Wednesday, August 25th
Blossom Hill MPR

All Blossom Hill parents are invited to join us as Verde Designs, Inc. presents the finalized plans for BH's new landscaping. Once these plans are reviewed at this meeting, they will then go to the LGUSD Board of Trustees for review and approval.
AtoZ Connect Directory Moving to a New Platform
Our online directory, AtoZ Connect is moving platforms and will now be powered by Membership Toolkit. For existing users of last year's directory at AtoZ Connect, you will be able to continue to access your account until we make the transition to the new platform in the next couple of weeks. Information on how to join the new Membership Toolkit will be coming soon!
Los Gatos Union School District Parcel Tax
That Funds 23 Teachers Is Set To Expire

There are many ways California schools receive funding but only two are under local control: donations and parcel taxes.

For over 30 years, Los Gatos has renewed Measure B, our district’s local parcel tax. While the “purchasing power” has declined over time (due to inflation), the measure still funds 23 teachers.

Measure B is set to expire next year.

The LGUSD Board of Trustees has voted to place a renewal measure on a November 2021 ballot. To learn more about this process, visit
LGUSD Social Media Posting Policy
We have many events on campus throughout the year. While you are always welcome to take photos and video of any school performance, event or competition, student safety is our top priority in the Los Gatos Union School District. We respectfully request that you take into consideration the audience and performers when taking video or pictures. If you post an image or video to social media that may contain images of individuals other than your immediate family, please seek consent from the student’s family or guardian prior to posting. 
Blossom Hill Masks for Sale
Need more masks? We've got you covered. Please be sure to write your child's name and classroom number on the label inside the mask, as all masks do look alike. Let's all "bee" safe and "bee" healthy.
Blossom Hill Vision Statement 
(Abilities and skills we expect our students to acquire and take-out into the world) 
All students will have the necessary skills to become enthusiastic, life-long learners and productive, empathetic, respectful members of society. 
Blossom Hill Mission Statement 
(What we need to do as a school community to ensure this happens) 
The Blossom Hill School community takes pride in providing an enriched standards-based curriculum in a safe, nurturing environment. We strive to appreciate an awareness of students’ developmental needs to help them progress towards independence. 
Blossom Hill Elementary School
16400 Blossom Hill Road, Los Gatos, CA 95032
Lisa Reynolds, Principal |
Phone: 408-335-2100 | Fax: 408-356-0887
Attendance Line: 408-335-2145
Blossom Hill Home & School Club
Melissa Crow, President |  
*The Beehive newsletter is approved by Principal Lisa Reynolds and the H&SC Board and is written exclusively to provide the Blossom Hill community with pertinent, weekly school information. Articles, information, calendars, etc. may not be duplicated or re-printed in any manner without the permission of the Home & School Club or the Blossom Hill school administration.

Submissions can be made to The Beehive editor, Jennifer Shapiro,