January 12, 2025 | #251

My Friends,

As we begin a new year, it is a good time to review and take stock of our life over this past year to better discern the path we need to pursue in the days and months ahead. These days it is hard to watch the evening news.


Snowfall of Cash Winners

January 1: $200 JaDa Twardzik

January 2: $100 Denise Jaffe

January 3: $100 Laura Seber

January 4: $100 Seth Riley

January 5: $125 Bruce Barden

January 6: $100 Pat Krischer

January 7: $100 Mark Lugas

All winners are notified by phone & will be posted on

the board outside the Weigand Room. Stubs can still be turned in for a chance to win a cash prize for days remaining in January. Additional Calendars are still available in the Parish Office. Thank you to all who sold and/or purchased Snowfall of Cash Calendars!

Get Involved

Tax Preparers Needed

We are seeking dedicated individuals, to assist with tax preparation for members of our community. This is a vital service that helps families and individuals navigate tax season confidently, ensuring they receive the refunds and credits they deserve.

Click HERE for details on how you can help!


Our next Laundry Soap Collection for the Refugee Resource Center is January 18 and 19.

Coming Events

Cana Club

CANA CLUB invites married couples to join us this Wednesday, Jan. 15 at 6:00pm in the Weigand Room. We’ll share dinner & socialize. Please bring a dish to share. Call if you have any questions – Laurie 440-823-8473 or Pat 440-323-8634.


The Knights of Columbus has developed a men's spirituality group that is called COR. The purpose of COR is to transform men in their spirituality. We pray, eat a light meal, watch a video, engage in discussion, pray again and go on our way. We meet monthly at the K of C hall - 118 Kipling St., Elyria. It is open to all men. Our next COR meeting will be Thursday, January 16 at 6:15pm. If there are any questions contact Deacon Pat or John Jurco.

Catholic Renewal Ministries’ Traveling Healing Mass

St. Julie Billiart Parish [5500 Lear Nagle Rd., N. Ridgeville 44039] will host this Mass on Friday, January 17 at 7:00pm. Fr. Bob Franco will be the celebrant. Praise and worship will begin at 7:00 and the liturgy will start at 7:30. Healing prayer teams will be available after the Mass for individual prayer, and there will also be a social after Mass. For more information, please contact CRM at 440-944-9445.

All are Welcome. Come, Sing and Praise God with Joy as we enter into the Jubilee Year 2025.

Book Club

Our January Book Club book is The Lost Bookshop

by Evie Woods. We will meet Thursday, January 23 at 7pm in the Conference Room.

School News

Epiphany Blessing

To celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord, Fr. Charlie visited each classroom to bless it and the children.

Upcoming Dates

Monday, January 13

  • Winter MAP assessments begin
  • Dental Check Up Program for children pre-registered
  • 6:30 pm - 1st Eucharist Parent Meeting - Weigand Room

Tuesday, January 14

  • 6:00 pm - Parent Club Meeting - Cafeteria

Friday, January 17

  • No school - Teacher work day

Monday, January 20

  • No School - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Tuesday, January 21 - Friday, January 24th

  • Riveon’s Healthy Boundaries Presentation for 4th-8th

Friday, January 24 - End of 2nd Quarter

  • 9:00 am - Mass - Grades P-4

St. Mary School


440.323.5539 | office@stmaryelyria.com
320 Middle Avenue, Elyria, Ohio | stmaryelyria.org

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